
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crete Park District Board of Commissioners met June 20.

Webp meeting 04

Crete Park District Board of Commissioners met June 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commissioners:

Meeting was called to order by President J Smith at 7:00 PM.

Roll Call: J Smith, M Smith, C Sharma

Pledge of Allegiance

Others Present: Director Patricia Polzin, Secretary/Treasurer/Finance & Marketing Supt. Therese Hale, M Smith moved and Sharma seconded a motion to approve the Special Meeting Minutes and regular Minutes from May 16, 2018. All Commissioners present voted aye.

M. Smith moved and Sharma seconded a motion to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll and Additional Bills. The questions were answered and on a roll call vote, all Commissioners present voted aye.

Secretary’s Report: Financial Statements were presented. Hale reminded everyone the next meeting is July 18 at 7 PM.

M Smith moved and Sharma seconded a motion to approve Ordinance 18-19-1, An Ordinance Determining the Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Mechanics and other Workmen Employed in Performing Construction of Public Works for Crete Park District. All Commissioners present voted aye.

Recreation Report: As presented

Maintenance Report: As presented

Long Range Report: Sharma would like to meet with the bank President, their Attorney and our Attorney.

Personnel/Finance: The audit is almost complete. We should have a copy by the July meeting. Stawicki met with Hale and reviewed bonding and long-range costs.

Attorney Report: Attorney Lulich is reviewing the contract from HTS. He is also reviewing our personnel policy with regards to changes in sick, vacation and comp time.

Directors Report: The farm property contract has been signed, but not submitted at this time. The Jaycees playground is almost complete on the north end of Crete Park. The Country Christmas meetings will move back to Aurelio’s.

Sharma moved and M Smith seconded a motion to make Eric Schad’s Recreation Assistant a full time position. On a roll call vote, all Commissioners present voted yes.

Presidents Report: Palooza and the Concert in the Park went great. President Smith would like to see us have a lunch for the staff.

M Smith moved and Sharma seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 PM. All Commissioners present voted aye.
