
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Will County Board met May 17.

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Will County Board met May 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call To Order

Executive Walsh called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m.

II. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Member Staley-Ferry led the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Invocation

Pastor Herbert Brooks, Jr. from St. John’s Baptist Church in Joliet, IL led the invocation.

IV. Roll Call

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Judy Ogalla District 1 (R - Monee) Present

Laurie Summers District 1 (D - Crete) Present

Jim Moustis Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort) Present

Cory Singer District 2 (R - Frankfort) Present

Donald A. Moran District 3 (D - Romeoville) Present

Beth Rice District 3 (D - Bolingbrook) Late

Kenneth E. Harris District 4 (D - Bolingbrook) Present

Jacqueline Traynere District 4 (D - Bolingbrook) Present

Darren Bennefield District 5 (R - Aurora) Absent

Gretchen Fritz District 5 (R - Plainfield) Present

Donald Gould District 6 (R - Shorewood) Present

Debbie Militello District 6 (R - Channahon) Present

Steve Balich District 7 (R - Homer Glen) Present

Mike Fricilone District 7 (R - Homer Glen) Present

Herbert Brooks Jr. District 8 (D - Joliet) Present

Denise E. Winfrey District 8 (D - Joliet) Present

Annette Parker District 9 (R - Crest Hill) Present

Lauren Staley-Ferry District 9 (D - Joliet) Present

Gloria Dollinger District 10 (R - Joliet) Present

Tyler Marcum District 10 (D - Joliet) Present

Suzanne Hart District 11 (R - Naperville) Present

Charles E. Maher District 11 (R - Naperville) Present

Ray Tuminello District 12 (R - New Lenox) Present

Tom Weigel District 12 (R - New Lenox) Present

Mark Ferry District 13 (D - Plainfield) Present

Tim Kraulidis District 13 (R - Joliet) Present

V. Declaring Quorum Present

VI. Motion To Place On File Certificate Of Publication

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mark Ferry, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

Seconder: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Rice, Bennefield

VII. Approval Of Minutes

1. Will County Board - Recessed Meeting - Apr 19, 2018 9:30 AM

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

Seconder: Laurie Summers, District 1 (D - Crete)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Rice, Bennefield

2. County Board Exec Session Minutes April 19, 2018

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Charles E. Maher, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Seconder: Suzanne Hart, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Rice, Bennefield

VIII. Acknowledgement Of Elected Officials And Media Present

Elected officials present: County Executive, Larry Walsh, County Clerk, Nancy Schultz Voots; Recorder of Deed, Karen Stukel; States Attorney James Glasgow

Media present: Farmers Weekly Review, Nick Reiher; Southtown, Susan Lafferty

IX. Honorary Resolutions / Proclamations

1. Sunny Hill Nursing Home to Present the County Board with Keys for the New Bus

Ms. Becky Halvorson stated good morning everyone. I just want to take a second to acknowledge how this whole day came about to where we’re actually here to present the bus to the County Board. We have an organization with Sunny Hill that started in 1990 that absolutely provides our residents above and beyond what they would normally have. I tried to remember everything which is really hard because throughout all the years they’ve done so much for us. I can tell you since 1990, today, we’re presenting the third bus. That’s a pretty good accomplishment. I’ve you’ve ever been to Sunny Hill and you’ve seen our beautiful patios.Friends of Sunny Hill. They wrote the check for all of that to the tune of about $56,000. We just did an audit on televisions and for another reason but I thought it was very interesting that all the T.V’s in the building have been purchased by Friends of Sunny Hill and that’s 168 televisions and a room full to spare. That’s a lot of T.V.’s to buy. They’re committed to do that as time goes on. We really couldn’t ask for a better organization to help us.to give us those extra things that we need. The bus is one of those things that’s extremely popular. It gets us out to events in the community. It’s really popular for the zoo and entertainment and that sort of thing and we cannot forget the ever popular, coveted trip to Walmart. It’s one of the hottest trips we have going in that bus. Our residents are able to be a part of the community because of that bus. Friends of Sunny Hill, about a year I believe it was, of fundraising, wrote a check not too long ago in April for $76,000 for this bus. That is quite an accomplishment for this group. Ms. Jamie Wesley has a couple of things that she would like to say to you also about that.

Ms. Jamie Wesley stated good morning. It is indeed an honor and pleasure for me to be here on behalf of the friends of Sunny Hill. I am also a board member and I am very, very honored to be among these distinguished ladies. They work so hard and so diligently for us, in many ways we don’t even realize. Believe me ladies, we truly appreciate it. I am also resident council president of 156 members. We also call that Sunny Hill of Will County our home and it brings me great joy to come before you today to present these keys. Member Ogalla, on behalf of the Friends of Sunny Hill board member, I would like to give you those keys. Cherish them, but give them back to us. I just want to say a very special thanks to Ms. Karen Sobero for all the hard work she did and getting us all together to make that bus a reality. It is so much better than our last one and we are so thankful for that. You can actually see out and see things. So we really, really are proud of our bus. Thank you very much.

X. Old Business

Status of Unsigned or Returned Resolutions/Ordinances by the County Executive

All Resolutions approved at the April 19, 2018 County Board Meeting have been signed by the County Executive

XI. New Business

XII. Land Use & Development Committee - T. Weigel, Chair

Member Weigel stated good morning everyone.

Open Public Hearing for all Land Use Cases

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

Please Be Advised: Absolutely No New Evidence Or Information Will Be Allowed Once This Land Use Public Hearing Is Closed.

Executive Walsh stated we have six cases to be heard today. Case ZC-17-071, ZC- 17-072, ZC-18-002, ZC-18-013, ZC-18-021, ZC-18-022. I have two people that are signed up for zoning hearings.

Mr. Justin Hardt stated thank you Executive Walsh. I am from Borrego Solar. I represent both cases ZC-17-071 and ZC-17-072 and ZC-18-002. I just wanted to offer the Board a friendly amendment to all three of those cases to add prevailing wage in the decommissioning estimate to address recent concerns that were brought up by committee and other Board members. It’s just a friendly amendment but applicable to all three cases.

Ms. Theresa Dollinger stated good morning. I represent the (inaudible) contract purchaser (inaudible). I’m just here to answer any questions that you may have this morning. Thank you.

Close Public Hearing for all Land Use Cases

Result: Approved [24 To 0]

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, District 10 (R - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

Away: Hart

Motion to Amend ZC-17-071

Member Ogalla stated good morning. I just want to say thank you everyone who worked so hard on this. I want to thank my caucus who was supportive of me while I was in Springfield at the Will County (inaudible) conference when I took a session on farming with transmission lines, pipe lines, solar wind farms. I realize that we, as a County, did not have everything in place that we needed. Therefore we tabled it and the following month we had the support of the Land Use department who also tabled it so we could get everything in place regarding Agricultural Impact Mitigation Agreement which is called an AIMA for short, otherwise it’s a lot of words, and decommissioning statement. In that, we also put three special conditions on. One was amending the AIMA and the other two was to ask for an agricultural specialist to be hired so that we have somebody on staff that can be with the development and the development construction phase and also preconstruction meeting which I think is most important too because it makes sense to have everyone who’s going to be on that property, driving through the area together to know what’s going on and that would involve Land Use staff, Will County elected officials, and anyone who else, either the solar company or Land Use staff might feel it’s important. That way we have a good start to every project. I also want to thank Borrego who had listened in on endless conversations between myself and (inaudible) Will County Farm Bureau. Hours and hours of work went in to this new type of development on farm property and on any property here in Will County. I just want to thank everyone for all the work they did and support that they gave us during this time.

Member Moran stated is this the time to make a motion to amend the pages to include the amendment that was brought by Borrego?

Executive Walsh stated yes it is.

Member Moran stated the change and the decommissioning plan of the $35.60 labor rate to the Illinois certified prevailing wage rate as suggested by the developer.

Executive Walsh stated we have to do them one at a time Member Moran.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Seconder: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

1. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended for Zoning Case ZC-17-071 Chanemcoco LLC; Owner of Property; Charlotte Alyce Andres, 100% Beneficiary, Matt Walsh, GreenbergFarrow, Justin Hardt, Borrego Solar System Inc.; Agents, Requesting a (S-17-015) Special Use Permit for a Major Public Utility, a Solar Farm Facility, for Part of Pin #22-22-14-300-003-0000, in Washington Township, Commonly Known as Vacant Property on East Indiana Avenue, Beecher, IL

Result: Approved As Amended [Unanimous]

To: Will County Land Use & Development Committee

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

PZC: 5-0 Appr SUP for Solar Farm Facility w/14 Conditions

LUD: 6-0 Appr SUP for Solar Farm Facility w/16 Conditions (Added Conditions

#15 & #16 and Amended Condition #9)

Motion to Amend ZC-17-072

Member Moran stated I’d offer up the same amendment that we did in the last case where we replace the $35.60 labor wage rate and the decommissioning plan with the Illinois Certified Prevailing Wage.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Seconder: Laurie Summers, District 1 (D - Crete)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

2. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended for Zoning Case ZC-17-072, Chanemcoco LLC; Owner of Property; Charlotte Alyce Andres, 100% Beneficiary, Matt Walsh, GreenbergFarrow, Justin Hardt, Borrego Solar System Inc.; Agents, Requesting a (S-17-016) Special Use Permit for a Major Public Utility, a Solar Farm Facility, for Part of Pin #22-22-23-100-001-0000, in Washington Township, Commonly Known as Vacant Property on East Indiana Avenue, Beecher, IL

Result: Approved As Amended [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Annette Parker, District 9 (R - Crest Hill)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

PZC 5-0 Appr SUP for Solar Farm Facility w/15 Conditions

LUD: 6-0 Appr SUP for Solar Farm Facility w/17 Conditions (Added Conditions #16 & #17 and Amended Condition #10)

Motion to Amend ZC-18-002

Member Moran stated I move the same amendment to the decommissioning plan to replace the $35.60 labor rate with the Illinois Certified Prevailing Wage rate.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, District 8 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

Motion to Amend Language

Member Weigel stated I would also like to make an amendment to replace condition number eight. I don’t think it’s clear that all the utility lines have to be underground. I’d like to change the language as follows: Onsight powerlines shall be underground except for crossing the BP pipeline and connecting to the overhead utility lines. This was approved by our committee previously but it didn’t get carried down into our resolution, so I’ll make that amendment.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Laurie Summers, District 1 (D - Crete)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

3. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended, for Zoning Case ZC-18-002, Manhattan Farm, LLC; Joyal Akkawi, 100% Interest, Matt Walsh, GreenbergFarrow, Agent, Justin Hardt, Borrego Solar System Inc., Requesting (S- 18-001) Special Use Permit for a Major Public Utility, a Solar Farm Facility, for PIN #14-12-32-300-009-0000, in Manhattan Township, Commonly Known as 27555 S. Gougar Road, Manhattan, IL

Result: Approved As Amended [24 To 1]

To: Will County Land Use & Development Committee

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Suzanne Hart, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Nays: Tuminello

Absent: Bennefield

PZC: 5-0 Appr SUP for Solar Farm Facility w/14 Conditions

LUD: 6-0 Appr SUP for Solar Farm Facility w/16 Conditions (added Conditions #15 & #16 and Amended Conditions #8 and #9)

4. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended, for Zoning Case ZC-18-013, Dan Sitar, Owner of Record, Samuel Anyan, Agent, Teresa Dollinger, Attorney, Requesting a Special Use Permit (S-18-006) for Operation of a Trucking Terminal, for Pin #03- 17-17-200-012-0000, in Wilmington Township, Commonly Known as Vacant Property on West Lorenzo Road, Wilmington, IL

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Debbie Militello, District 6 (R - Channahon)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

PZC: 6-0 Appr SUP for Trucking Terminal w/4 Conditions

LUD: 6-0 Appr SUP for Trucking Terminal w/4 Conditions

5. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended for Zoning Case ZC-18-021, Mark Chellios, Owner of Record, Requesting Special Use Permit (S-18-009) for an Attached Accessory Dwelling Unit and Variance for Maximum Accessory Dwelling Unit Area from 650 square feet to 1,395 square feet, for Pin #14-12-07- 202-006-0000, in Manhattan Township, Commonly Known as Vacant Property on West Creek Drive, Manhattan, IL

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Gretchen Fritz, District 5 (R - Plainfield)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

PZC: 6-0 Appr SUP for Attached Accessory Dwelling Unit

PZC: 6-0 Appr Var for Max Accessory Dwelling Unit area from 650 sq ft to 1,395 sq ft

LUD: 6-0 Appr SUP for Attached Accessory Dwelling Unit

6. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended, for Zoning Case ZC-18-022, Walter J. Arnhold Declaration of Trust and Cynthia B. Arnhold Declaration of Trust; Walter J. and Cynthia B. Arnhold, Undivided 50% Interest, Cynthia Arnhold, Agent, Requesting Special Use Permit (S-18-022) for Elderly Cottage Housing Authority (ECHO), for Pin #10-11-10-200-008-0000, in Jackson Township, Commonly Known as 24300 South Rowell Avenue, Elwood, IL

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

PZC: 6-0 Appr SUP for Elderly Cottage Housing Authority (ECHO) w/1 Condition

LUD: 6-0 Appr SUP for Elderly Cottage Housing Authority (ECHO) w/1 Condition

XIII. Land Use & Development Committee Resolutions

1. 18-115 Amending Certain Provisions of the Will County Building Ordinance and Codes

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Steve Balich, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

2. 18-116 Adopting the Illinois Plumbing Code

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tom Weigel, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, District 8 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

Member Balich stated by adopting the Illinois pluming code is an upgrade but it doesn't stop us from excluding repair and maintenance items from certain pluming things that we have right now for building permits. We will be discussing them at committee, like shut-off valves, hot water tanks, that type of thing that people do anyway. Hopefully we'll exclude those from building permits the same as we did with the other items. You'll see this coming forward probably in drips because this started in August last year and right now it's at 10 months. They're starting now, it's finally moving and we're hopefully be eliminating a lot of those things that upset the general public because they have to get a building permit with something that they didn't even know they had to in the first place. The other side of it is it's just an added cost they don't need.

Next Land Use & Development Committee Meeting is Scheduled for June 12, 2018 @ 10:30 a.m.

XIV. Finance Committee - M. Fricilone, Chair

Member Fricilone stated good morning Will County.

1. Monthly Financial Reports to be Placed on File

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, District 10 (R - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

2. 18-117 Appropriation of Additional Funds for a Tobacco Control & Prevention Media Campaign

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Debbie Militello, District 6 (R - Channahon)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

3. 18-118 Appropriating Grant Funds in the Sheriff's Budget from Department of Homeland Security Port Security Grant Program

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, District 8 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

4. 18-119 Authorizing the Will County Executive to Execute an Agreement between the County of Will and the Illinois Housing Development Authority for the Purpose of Funding the Abandoned Residential Property Municipal Relief Program

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, District 10 (R - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

5. 18-120 Authorizing County Executive to Execute Necessary Documents for Delinquent Tax Program

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Suzanne Hart, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

Next Finance Committee Meeting is Scheduled for June 5, 2018 @ 10:00 a.m.

XV. Public Works & Transportation Committee - D. Gould, Chair

Member Gould stated good morning Executive Walsh and fellow Board members.

1. 18-121 Confirming Award of Contract to Gallagher Asphalt Corporation ($777,596.82), let on April 18, 2018, Old Monee Road (CH 48) from Will-Cook County limit to Crete-Monee Road & Western Avenue (CH 53) from Steger Road to Norfolk Avenue, County Board District #1

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Laurie Summers, District 1 (D - Crete)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

2. 18-122 Improvement by County under the IL Highway Code for Old Monee Road (CH 48) & Western Avenue (CH 53), County Board District #1, using MFT Funds ($800,000.00)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Laurie Summers, District 1 (D - Crete)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

3. 18-123 Confirming Award of Contract to "D" Construction Inc. ($66,441.43) let on April 18, 2018, Caton Farm Maintenance Parking Lot overlay, County Board District #9

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, District 10 (R - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

4. 18-124 Improvement by County under the IL Highway Code for Caton Farm Maintenance Parking Lot, County Board District #9, using MFT Funds ($75,000.00)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

5. 18-125 Confirming Award of Contract to "D" Construction Inc. ($152,736.23), let on April 18, 2018, Plainfield Road District Overlay, County Board District #5

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Suzanne Hart, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

6. 18-126 Authorizing Approval of the Expenditure of County Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($9,200,000.00) for the Improvements on Weber Road (CH 88) from 119th Street to Normantown Road, County Board Districts #3 and #4

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

7. 18-127 Authorizing Approval of Supplemental Professional Services Agreement for Design Engineering Services (Phase II) with WSP-USA Inc., for Roadway and Appurtenant Work on Bell Road (CH 16) from 159th Street to 151st Street, County Board District #7

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Steve Balich, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

8. 18-128 Authorizing am Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Naperville and the County of Will for the Engineering Services and Construction of Traffic Signals at the Intersection of 95th Street and Knoch Knolls Road in the County of Will, County Board District # 11

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Suzanne Hart, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

9. 18-129 Granting Ingress and Egress and a Variance to Allow Full Access Spacing for the Proposed Highview Estates Subdivision on Laraway Road (CH 74), County Board District #12

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

10. 18-130 Authorizing the Will County State's Attorney's Office to Proceed with Condemnation Cases Regarding the County's Improvements on ManhattanArsenal Road (CH 17) from Baseline Road to Magnolia Lane, County Board District #6

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Debbie Militello, District 6 (R - Channahon)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

11. 18-131 Authorizing an Agreement between the County of Will and Northern Illinois Gas Company D/B/A Nicor Gas Company for Reimbursement for Relocating Facilities along Weber Road (CH 88) from Normantown Road to 135th Street, County Board Districts #3, #4, and #13

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Gould, District 6 (R - Shorewood)

Seconder: Jacqueline Traynere, District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

Next Public Works & Transportation Committee Meeting is Scheduled for June 5, 2018 @ 9:00 a.m.

XVI. Judicial Committee - D. Bennefield, Chair

Member Fritz stated thank you Executive Walsh.

1. Report to be Placed on File - May (Judicial Committee)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Gretchen Fritz, District 5 (R - Plainfield)

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

Next Judicial Committee Meeting is Scheduled for June 5, 2018 @ 9:00 a.m.

XVII. Public Health & Safety Committee - J. Ogalla, Chair

Member Ogalla stated good morning Executive Walsh and others. I don't have anything on my report today to have any votes on but I do want to have a discussion regarding our Hero Helps forum that we held on May 11th. It was held at the Edwards Athletic Center in Romeoville. It was a wonderful forum and we had a lot of really inspiring speeches from various people. I'd like to give them recognition. Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti who's been charged with this effort throughout the state of Illinois. We had Executive Walsh, State's Attorney, James Glasgow, Dr. Nirav Shah from the Illinois Department of Public Health, Dr. Bruni who's the assistant secretary for the Illinois Department of Human Services and Dr. Kathleen Burke, our Director of substance abuse initiatives here in Will County and a lot of volunteers and a lot of volunteers here in the room today. I was wondering if they might stand up and give a little wave so we can recognize them because there were hours and hours of work put into this and so my volunteers who were there, Member Ferry, Member Summers, Ms. Anastasia Tuskey.the hours that they put in to making this effortless and so productive to those who attend was truly amazing. Also I want to thank our County Board members, Member Parker, Member Dollinger, and Member Brooks for coming and attending this very important issue. They had a very special speaker, Ms. Laura Porter, from the state of Washington. She spoke on epigenetics which is a new study on how the adverse childhood experiences impact the child and can lead to substance abuse. This is where the child experiences (inaudible) trauma of heightened danger which causes them to stay on high alert. They have found that we have developed way to pass from the history of our family onto our children by genetics. It's our fight, flight or freeze response. The new study will be very beneficial to our children, and I've learned from Dr. Porter that the Illinois Teacher's Union is interested in learning more about this and possibly adding this to the teacher's curriculum study. That is really important because if anyone has dealt with children who have come from adverse backgrounds, no matter what you do with this child, that stays with them and it takes a long time for a child to overcome that. An experience that you or I might have because we didn't have that trauma in our lives, it isn't a big deal to us, but it is a big deal to that child because they experienced it at such a young age for such an extended period of time that the impact is so overwhelming for them that they still go back and respond. So things like behavior therapy helps them to learn that just because this happened in the past it isn't necessarily going to happen again and how to handle it and how to move forward with their lives. I want to just thank everyone for that. Another very important thing that the State of Illinois has put on, is a hotline. It's Illinois helpline for opioids and other substances. The helpline is 1 (833) 2findhelp. This is something that's really important. People with any kind of questions or whatever can call and ask them for support of what to do because sometimes you just aren't sure what to do. I think we should be proud of Will County of this great effort and the work that we do everyday to make sure everyone's aware of this crisis and continue working on that. Thank you.

Next Public Health & Safety Committee Meeting is Scheduled for June 7, 2018 @ 9:00 a.m.

Member Brooks stated I do agree what you're saying that (inaudible) Member Ogalla said (inaudible). Want to remind you Member Ogalla that Ms. Becky Halvorson had asked before all the County Board members leave today if they can have a group picture in front of the van outside. So if anybody can stick around for the photo, she wants to know if we can take it with the entire County Board.

XVIII. Legislative & Policy Committee - S. Hart, Chair

Member Hart stated good morning. There are several bills that we are following down in Springfield. As we were speaking, I just got an email that there was another resolution. I'm not going to go over all of these, I do recommend, I was thinking that when I received our report.it's all in our packet but legislative I do recommend for anyone to go through these bills to recognize. We had talked about in Executive that it is a blanket agreement that anything that's going down in Springfield that's going to go do additional dollars or take away dollars or take away control of the County, that our consultants do know to be (inaudible) against. I would hope to think that we all know that in this room.

Next Legislative & Policy Committee Meeting is Scheduled for June 12, 2018 @ 9:00 a.m.

XIX. Capital Improvements Committee - R. Tuminello, Chair

Member Tuminello stated thank you Executive Walsh.

1. Update on Capital Improvements Projects

A couple of things today. First of all, we have an update on the capital improvement projects in your packet. As of May 17th, the last couple of months I read it out loud because it did not make the packet. It is in there. I would suggest everyone take a look. It’s a detailed report on where we are with the progress on all of the capital improvements that are going on. Another thing that I did want to mention that we had an update on Chicago Street in Joliet. I know there’s a lot of questions on how it’s going to be laid out because it’s going to be a little different than what some had envisioned. They came to Capital Committee earlier this month and they made a full presentation, so if you go back to the previous meeting and click on Capital Committee for the 15th, you’ll be able to see the full layout of Chicago Street and how it’s going to affect our town Joliet.

Will County Capital Improvements Project Summary May 17, 2018

2. 18-132 Authorizing the County Executive to Convey Permanent Utility Easement on County Owned Property Located at 20 W. Washington Street, Joliet, Illinois to Commonwealth Edison Company for Placement of Electrical Equipment

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Ray Tuminello, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Seconder: Charles E. Maher, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

Next Capital Improvements Committee Meeting is Scheduled for June 5, 2018 @ 11:00 a.m.

XX. Executive Committee - J. Moustis, Chair

Member Moustis stated good morning Executive Walsh, County Board.

1. 18-133 Renewing a Lease Agreement for Emergency Management Response Vehicle Storage Facility

Member Moustis stated I do need to mention there's a clerical error in the lease agreement. It will be corrected but the resolution shows the correct amounts.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Charles E. Maher, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

2. 18-134 Awarding Bid for Fairmont School Drainage Improvements Project

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, District 8 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

3. 18-135 Authorizing County Executive to Negotiate and Execute a Contract for an ERP System with HSO North America, LLC - Resolution and Attachment Added

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Judy Ogalla, District 1 (R - Monee)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

4. 18-136 Authorizing the Purchase of Microsoft Licenses from CDW-G to Implement the ERP System - Resolution Added

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Mark Ferry, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

5. 18-137 Declaring Vehicles as Surplus & Authorizing Disposal

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Mark Ferry, District 13 (D - Plainfield)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

6. 18-138 Declaring Sheriff's Seized Vehicles Surplus & Authorizing Disposal via State Contract through Clinton Auto

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Laurie Summers, District 1 (D - Crete)

Seconder: Charles E. Maher, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

7. 18-139 Authorizing the Will County Executive to Amend Contract with Wight and Company to Include Professional Design Services Required for the EMA Project

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Charles E. Maher, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

8. 18-140 Authorizing the Will County Executive to Negotiate a Contract Amendment with Leopardo Companies Inc. for Professional Construction Management Services Required for the New Will County Health Department Building

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

9. 18-141 Designating Capital Improvements Committee as Owner's Agent for Health Department Project

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

10. 18-142 Authorizing County Executive to Execute Workforce Investment Opportunity Act Contract with Employment and Employer Services for an Onthe-Job Training (OJT) Program for PY18

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, District 10 (R - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

11. 18-143 Authorizing County Executive to Execute Workforce Investment Opportunity Act Contract with Joliet Junior College Workforce Development Department for Work Readiness Training for PY18

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, District 10 (R - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

12. 18-144 Authorizing County Executive to Execute Workforce Investment Opportunity Act Contract with Joliet Junior College Workforce Development Department for GED Preparation and Occupational Skill Training for Youth for PY18

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, District 10 (R - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

13. 18-145 Authorizing the Will County Executive to Execute the Will County One Stop Operator Agreement for PY18

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Cory Singer, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

14. 18-146 Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Aurora and the County of Will, Illinois for Electronics Recycling

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Charles E. Maher, District 11 (R - Naperville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

15. 18-147 Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Kankakee and the County of Will for the Continued Use of the River Valley Juvenile Justice Center - Resolution and Attachment Added

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, District 8 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

16. 18-148 Replacement Hire for Supervisor of Assessments Office - Real Estate Transfer Declaration Processor

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, District 8 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

17. 18-149 Replacement Hires for LCC 9-1-1 Dispatch

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Herbert Brooks Jr., District 8 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

18. 18-150 Replacement Hire for the Human Resources (County Executive)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, District 8 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

Next Executive Committee Meeting is Scheduled for June 7, 2018 @ 10:00 a.m.

XXI. Appointments By The County Executive

1. Appointment to METRA Board

Result: Approved [24 To 1]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, District 12 (R - New Lenox)

Ayes: Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Nays: Ogalla

Absent: Bennefield

2. Appointment to RTA Board

Result: Approved [24 To 1]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Tyler Marcum, District 10 (D - Joliet)

Ayes: Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Nays: Ogalla

Absent: Bennefield

3. May 2018 Appointments to Boards and Commissions

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, Speaker, District 2 (R - Frankfort)

Seconder: Debbie Militello, District 6 (R - Channahon)

Ayes: Ogalla, Summers, Moustis, Singer, Moran, Rice, Harris, Traynere, Fritz, Gould, Militello, Balich, Fricilone, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Dollinger, Marcum, Hart, Maher, Tuminello, Weigel, Ferry, Kraulidis

Absent: Bennefield

XXII. Public Comment

Ms. Violet (inaudible) stated her situation with her purchased sheriff's sale property in Lockport, IL and her inability to acquire a Will County driver's license.

Executive Walsh stated why don't you stick around, the meeting is going to be over shortly and we'll have some people meet with you and see what we can do to get you steered in the right direction and get some help for you. We'll get some people to help you get out of this dilemma. Just hang around until the meeting is over and we'll get people to talk to you.

XXIII. Comments By County Board Members

Member Balich stated I just want to just publicly thank my State Representative and Senator Mr. John Curran, Ms. Margo McDermot and Mr. Jim Durkin for helping me go through this stuff that I'm trying to do on Land Use. I call them up quite a bit and they actually answer the phone. They actually went way out of their way to help me get in front of the right departments of the state and get the right information. Mr. John Curran (inaudible) letter that helped out considerably (inaudible). I just think they need to be recognized for stepping up and dealing with a person that is probably considered a pain. This morning I heard something on the radio and it made me feel really good. It isn't that often that I give out compliments to people. This morning I heard that State's Attorney Glasgow, standing up for the citizens for this country from Will County, was pretty aggravated that a gentleman named (inaudible) was arrested. He's an illegal alien and there were three rape charges on him. The way it was worded on the report, it made me feel good that State's Attorney Glasgow is our State's Attorney. I just want to compliment him publicly, because believe me, I don't do that too often.

Member Ogalla stated thank you. I forgot to mention earlier during Land Use regarding the state (inaudible) legsislation.last week, the Illinois Senate passed legislation for a commercial solar protection. It's out of the senate and into the house. By them doing that, it will help us here at Land Use be able to refer to that rather than come up with a (inaudible) document for every solar farm that might come before us. Hopefully the house will pass that soon and then we will be able to position our ordinances to those documents and there will be less paperwork for us to do here. I think that was very important for that to happen and I just want everyone to be aware of that, thank you.

Member Parker stated once again I just wanted to thank everyone for their support on the Fairmont School drainage improvement project. It's a much needed project for that community. I know the residents are eager to get that project going and I look forward to (inaudible), thank you.

Member Winfrey stated just a reminder to everyone that the nature foundation plant sale is this weekend. A VIP reception is tomorrow night starting at 5:00 p.m. at the Sugar Creek facility and then all day on Saturday. I encourage you to come out.

Member Dollinger stated Member Marcum and I would like to thank our County Board member and the County staff for supporting Relay for Life by wearing purple today so I appreciate everybody's efforts on that. June 2nd is the Joliet area Relay for Life event at Joliet Memorial Stadium. We will be walking and continuing to raise funds to assist the American Cancer Society's efforts in research and in care, so I want to thank those Board members who have already participated. At this point we have already raised $1,800 so thank you.

XXIV. Announcements By The Majority Leader, Minority Leader And County Board Speaker

Announcements by County Board Majority Leader, Chuck Maher

Member Maher stated thank you Executive Walsh and I appreciate everyone wearing their purple today to support our Relay for Life supporting the cure for cancer, which we all know shows no discrimination. Please help us and help our researchers by coming out and supporting our Relay for Life on Saturday, June 2nd. Also, our parents provided us a great start to life. They never asked anything from any of us in my house except to follow their rules. In my house the rule was to treat others as you want to be treated. But today we saw something as simple as good transportation for a trip to Walmart that impacts our mothers and fathers and our senior citizens. I really think as we all enter our next phase of life, whatever that is for us here, it's really a simple thing that brings so much joy to our senior citizens. I want you all to please remember during your busy lives, that they've already experienced, just take time to say thank you and thank them for showing us the way. To all of our committeeman and women that are out there working hard everyday and our committee as we really appreciate it. As you can see Member Weigel, your committee has been beating up everybody with Member Balich leading the way with all of our building codes and with Member Ogalla on the solar farms and getting everything done. So we appreciate all the hard work that you guys do. I hope everybody enjoys the rest of the month of May. Thank you very much.

Announcements by County Board Minority Leader, Herbert Brooks, Jr.

Member Brooks stated thank you Executive Walsh, thank you ladies and gentleman. Will County government works so well together. I don't know what is left to say except thank you for (inaudible) all the resolutions that we pass today. I think Will County government is a fine example of how government should work in the state of Illinois. I'll even go as far as working in D.C. because Member Hart was just there. Memorial day is coming up, always remember (inaudible) the hot dogs, barbecue, always remember what that holiday is all about. Remembering our veterans, those that labor, and those that work hard to help build this country. Gold bless you all and thank you very much.

Announcements by County Board Speaker, James Moustis

Member Moustis stated good morning everyone. I just want to thank everyone for their continued commitment to this county and all their hard work. Just a reminder to everyone that in July we will be rescheduling meetings from July 3rd and 5th probably over to the Executive Committee. I'll let you know ahead of time so you can any plans. It's not very often that we get an extended period where we may not have meetings. Everyone have a wonderful day and I'll see you next month.

XXV. Executive Session

XXVI. Adjourn To June 21, 2018
