
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Will County Republican Caucus met May 17.

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Will County Republican Caucus met May 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call To Order / Roll Call

Majority Leader Charles E. Maher called the meeting to order at 8:50 am

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Charles E. Maher Majority Leader Present

Mike Fricilone Majority Whip Present

Jim Moustis County Board Speaker Present

Steve Balich Member Present

Darren Bennefield Member Absent

Gloria Dollinger Member Present

Gretchen Fritz Member Absent

Donald Gould Member Absent

Suzanne Hart Member Present

Tim Kraulidis Member Absent

Debbie Militello Member Late

Judy Ogalla Member Present

Annette Parker Member Present

Cory Singer Member Absent

Ray Tuminello Member Present

Tom Weigel Member Present

Also Present: R. Freitag

M. Johannsen

Present from the State's Attorney's office: M. Tatroe

II. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Ms. Ogalla led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

III. Approval Of Minutes

1. WC Republican Caucus - Special Meeting - Mar 14, 2018 5:30 pm

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, Majority Whip

Seconder: Steve Balich, Member

Ayes: Maher, Fricilone, Moustis, Balich, Dollinger, Hart, Militello, Ogalla, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Bennefield, Fritz, Gould, Kraulidis, Singer

2. WC Republican Caucus - Special Meeting - Apr 12, 2018 10:30 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Steve Balich, Member

Seconder: Mike Fricilone, Majority Whip

Ayes: Maher, Fricilone, Moustis, Balich, Dollinger, Hart, Militello, Ogalla, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Bennefield, Fritz, Gould, Kraulidis, Singer

3. WC Republican Caucus - Regular Meeting - Apr 19, 2018 8:45 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Moustis, County Board Speaker

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Member

Ayes: Maher, Fricilone, Moustis, Balich, Dollinger, Hart, Militello, Ogalla, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Bennefield, Fritz, Gould, Kraulidis, Singer

IV. Old Business

V. New Business

1. Discussion of County Board Agenda

Mr. Balich stated he wrote out a resolution and had an attorney check it. He asked for the Caucus to review it (see handout).

Land Use - Mr. Weigel

The committee has recommended approval on the solar farms.

Mr. Fricilone asked if there were any objections from the public.

Mr. Weigel responded there were none that he knew of.

Mr. Mayer asked about the conditions put on them going forward.

Ms. Ogalla responded this will be standard going forward. The Senate just passed last week the Ag Impact Mitigation Agreement A.I.M.A.) and will be going to the House for a vote. Once this is passed in the state, we will not have to put these on as an addendum, it will be a condition to follow the State AIMA.

Mr. Weigel stated he needs to change the third solar farm on the County Board floor because it does not state the power lines need to be underground, the committee recommended this change, but did not come out correctly in the resolution.

Mr. Moustis asked the State’s Attorney in regards to Land Use and these transmission lines, should we have some regulation that says they have to be in some proximity of a transmission line.

State’s Attorney Ms. Tatroe responded that is probably something that should be looked at.

Mr. Weigel stated other items they approved was a truck terminal in Wilmington, special use permit for an accessory drawn unit in Manhattan, eco housing in Elwood and amending our zoning ordinance not requiring a building permit if just replacing a door, repair your roof or replace the gutters, so were updating the current plumbing code.

Mr. Balich stated Land Use has been going over the codes to make some of the repairs and maintance exempt for needing permits for the last 3 months.

Finance - Mr. Fricilone stated they are appropriating grant funds.

Public Works - Mr. Weigel stated we are spending $9 million on Weber Road.

Mr. Maher asked when we are breaking ground on this.

Mr. Ronaldson responded they are looking at a September time frame, the utilities are there now.

Judicial - no report

Public Health - no report

Legislative - no report

Mr. Maher stated we could possibly make this a proclamation.

Capital - Mr. Tuminello stated they have a resolution that will allow the Executive’s office to negotiate with Com Ed for a station at the new court house.

Executive - Mr. Moustis stated there is an error in the lease agreement in the amount but the resolution is correct, this is the first resolution.

State’s Attorney Ms. Tatroe is recommending it is brought to the Board’s attention that there is a scrivener’s error but the amount is correct.

Mr. Moustis stated they have a new name for the Metra appointment. We will also be reappointing the RTA appointment.

Handout from Mr. Balich at Committee


VI. Other New Business

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Chairman's Report / Announcements

IX. Executive Session

X. Adjournment
