
Will County Gazette

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met May 2.


The Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees, Village of Elwood, May 2, 2018, at 7:00 pm, was called to order by Village President Doug Jenco.

Present: Village Board President Doug Jenco, Village Board Trustees: Don LaPaglia, Jasen Melahn, Mary Matichak, Dean Lowrance, Darryl P. Lab, and Joe Berscheid

Also, Present: Village Clerk Julie Friebele, Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson, Police Chief Fred Hayes, Public Works Superintendent Larry Lohmar, Engineer Steve Amann, and Attorney Jordan Kielian

The meeting opened with the Pledge to the Flag.

Student Achievement and Recognition - STAR Awards:

Band students received recognition for First Division Superior Ratings at the IESA Solo and Ensemble Competition: Isabelle Olszewski/flute solo, Kaela Calderon/flute solo, Micah Gabriel/clarinet solo, Dylan Macek/clarinet solo, Osvaldo Carvajal/alto saxophone solo, Brandon Duering/cornet solo, Clint Olsen/cornet solo, Cale Bosonetta/cornet solo, Juan Jnobaptiste/tuba solo, Garrett Berscheid/snare drum solo, Myles Wedic/snare drum solo, Isabelle Olszewski and Kaela Calderon/flute duet, Cale Bosonetta and Jack Trawczynski/cornet duet.

Band students received recognition for Second Division Excellent Ratings at the IESA Solo and Ensemble Competition: Osvaldo Carvajal, Micah Gabriel and Dylan Macke for woodwind trio

Recognition was also given to the Scholastic Bowl Team Winning Regionals: Liam Walsh, Brody Walsh, Joshua Walsh, Brayden Walsh, Kaela Calderon, Max Campagnolo, Amy Vollmer, Garrett Berscheid, Karis Trejo, Micah Gabriel, Braden Freeman, and Robert Churchill.

National Public Works Week 2018 Proclamation:

Village President Doug Jenco and the Village Board of Trustees, on behalf of all the residents of Elwood, proclaimed the week of May 21 - 27, 2018 as National Public Works Week; and urged all people to join with representatives of the American Public Works Association and government agencies in activities, events and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our public works professionals, engineers, managers and employees and to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our national health, safety, and quality of life.

Public Comments – Pertaining to Agenda Items:

Members of the audience discussed the following topics:

• Central States Tower

• Resolution to Support Village of Elwood Grant Application for Illinois Competitive Freight Grant Program in regards to truck traffic

Consent Agenda:

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

Presentation of Minutes – April 4, 2018 and April 18, 2014

Presentation of Closed Session Minutes – April 4, 2018 & April 18, 2018 – Not For Release

Presentation of Bills – Paid Invoice Report April 5, 2018 through May 2, 2018 in the amount of $82,985.50.

Presentation of Bills – Unpaid Invoice Report in the amount of $168,631.28.

Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Reports & Communications From Village Officials:

Administration – Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson-

Monthly Administration Report – Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson

The Administration Report listed several significant projects completed from April 1, 2018, through April 30, 2018.

March 2018 Financial Report-

The March 2018 Financial Report prepared by Finance Director Robbie Day was presented and reviewed. The report represents the Village of Elwood’s year to date revenues, expenses, and end of the month fund cash balances.

An Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Option and Lease Agreement By and Between the Village of Elwood and Central States Tower III, LLC-

The Village has been working with Central States Tower for the construction of a cell tower located on Village property since 2015. Their initial site was to construct a tower at the wastewater/water treatment site. Once the Village was able to acquire the triangular site from CenterPoint on the west side of Elwood International Port Drive at the intersection with Walter Strawn, we modified their site location to this parcel.

A motion was made by Trustee Matichak to adopt an Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Option and Lease Agreement By and Between the Village of Elwood and Central States Tower III, LLC. Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Amending Ordinances 152 and 162 Eliminating Conflict in the Fence Regulations Which are in Both Sections of the Village of Elwood Zoning Code-

A public hearing was conducted by the Planning & Zoning Commission on April 24, 2018. The applicant, Village Staff, was present and members of the public provided testimony at the meeting. As a result of the presentation, hearing testimony, and reviewing the required Findings of Fact, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the text amendments by a vote of 5 to 0 as follows:

Approval of the deletion of Ordinance 763 as an online reference for codes. Approval of the deletion of Code of Ordinances Section 162.092. After additional review, the Village Staff recommends adding the deletion of 162.093 and adding that section as 152.14 - The location of buildings, structures, and landscaping on corner lots shall be regulated as follows so as not to obstruct the vision of drivers of motor vehicles. No buildings or structures shall be erected or maintained within a triangular area determined by a diagonal line connecting two points measured along the property lines of abutting streets 30 feet equidistant from the intersection of those property lines, so as to not obstruct or obscure the vision of drivers of motor vehicles on either or both streets.

152.07 Requirements for Fences in Residential Districts

(A) (1) Open fences up to three (3) feet in height may be constructed and maintained in the front setback. Open fences up to six (6) feet in height may be constructed and maintained in the side yard setback provided on corner lots, that the fence is no closer than ten (10) feet to the side lot line

152.08 Requirements for Fences in Commercial Districts Only

(1) Open fences up to three (3) feet in height may be constructed and maintained in the front setback.

(2) On corner lots, fences up to six (6) feet in height shall be permitted.

(3) Fences up to eight (8) feet in height shall be permitted

152.09 Maximum Fence Height in Residential and Commercial Districts Only

Front yard setbacks Residential and Commercial Districts: Change from four feet to three feet.

152.13 Exhibit Change title to Residential Fences.

Change the front yard from 4’ fence to 3’ fence height in two locations. Add Minimum 10-foot setback to the corner side yard. Change the side yard, corner side yard and the corner side rear yard from 4’ fence to 6’ fence height. For the interior lot add height after 4’ fence and after 6’ fence.

A motion was made by Trustee Berscheid to forego the final reading and adopt an Ordinance Amending “The Official Code of Ordinances” Title XV: Land Use, Regulating Fences for the Village of Elwood. Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

A Resolution to Support Village of Elwood Grant Application for Illinois Competitive Freight Grant Program-

The State of Illinois announced the Illinois Competitive Freight Grant Program in February 2018, with an application deadline of April 6, 2018. The program is intended to fund improvements to rural freight corridors. If approved the grant in the amount of $13,000,000 would be an 80/20 split, the State funding 80% and BNSF Railroad and CenterPoint Properties would possibly commit to support the 20% local contribution required by this program. If the Village did not get the commitment of the 20% from CenterPoint and BNSF the Village would decline the grant.

A motion was made by Trustee Matichak to adopt a Resolution to Support Village of Elwood Grant Application for Illinois Competitive Freight Grant Program. Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – no, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Police Department – Chief Fred Hayes-

During the month of March 2018, the Elwood Police Department responded to 581 calls for service.

To see additional details about the types of calls residents can visit the Village of Elwood website.

Police officers issued a total of 529 citations for the month of March 2018:

• Local Citations (O.V.) 9

• State Citations 520

• Overweight Violations (11)

Arrest Report Summary for the month of March 2018:

• Traffic Arrests 14

• Warrant Arrests 2

• Criminal 1

Training Hours in the month of March 2018 in the following category:

Officer; Class; Date; Hours:

Randy Lightfoot Social Network & Cell Phone Investigations 3/6/18 8

Jim Hartley Social Network & Cell Phone Investigations 3/6/18 8

Jennifer Kickert Child Seat Safety Certification 3/14,15/18 16

Randy Lightfoot Cold Case Homicides 3/19/18 8

Jim Hartley Cold Case Homicides 3/19/18 8

Nick Adams Tavern Inspection & Liquor License Enforcement 3/22/18 8

Nick Adams Illinois Truck Enforcement Training (ITEA) 3/29/18 8

Total Training Hours: 64

Public Works – Superintendent Larry Lohmar-

• Replaced 28 MTU’s on residences.

• Street Sweeper maintenance.

• Installed benches in the Children’s Garden.

• Pockey Way Lift Station clean up.

• Removed fire pit from Lloyd Erickson Park.

• Well 10 back in service.

• Park restrooms ready for the season.

Village Clerk-

Upcoming Events

• May 5th Red Carpet Corridor Tour sponsored by 13 communities.

• All Town Garage Sales first weekend in June.

• Gardening season May 15th through October 15, 2018.

Village President-

Village President, Doug Jenco appointed Joe Meyers to the Office of Planning & Zoning Commissioner for a two (2) year term.

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn for approval and confirmation of Joe Meyers to serve as a Planning & Zoning Commissioner on the Village of Elwood Planning and Zoning Board for a two (2) year term. Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Village Clerk:

Joe Meyers took an Oath of Office as Planning & Zoning Commissioner.

Other Business:

Public Works Superintendent Larry Lohmar said applications were being taken by the Village for public works part-time seasonal employment.

There was a water main break on Walter Strawn/Parsec area.

Village President Doug Jenco discussed the press release that commended our staff at the Village. He wanted to set the record straight on legal matters and the non-termination of employee(s). He also addressed Ehlers Financial update, appointments, document disposal, and the public comments forum.

Public Comments:

Members of the audience discussed the following items:

• Communication

• Ehlers Financial

• Annexation

• Trustee Position

• NorthPoint

• Planning Process

Closed Session:

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to go into Closed Session to consider the probable or imminent and pending litigation. Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Berscheid – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Matichak to reconvene Open Session to consider the probable or imminent and pending litigation. Trustee Berscheid seconded the motion. All Trustees present voted in favor of the motion. The motion carried.

Actions to be Taken Following The Closed Session Meeting:

No actions were taken.


A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Berscheid seconded the motion. All the Village Board Trustees present voted in favor of the motion. The motion carried.
