
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Homer Township Open Space Planning and Operations Committee met May 10.

Webp meeting 07

Homer Township Open Space Planning and Operations Committee met May 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call to order at 5:03 pm

2. Pledge

3. Roll call: Present-Pam Meyers, Tom Fijan, Linsey Sowa, and Margaret Sabo (arrived at 5:10 pm) Kathy Pecora attended as a guest.

4. Public comment: none.

5. Approval of minutes

a. April 12, 2018 Minutes and April 26 2018 Motion to approve by Sowa, Second by Meyers. All-yes, Motion Carries.

6. Reports:

A. Trantina Farm Generally:

a. Supervisor Meyers stated that maintenance is working to catch up on seasonal work at the farm like mowing and weeding.

B. Event Center- Fijan discussed our site visits to Bengtsons and Trantina. The committee needs to begin deciding how large the building is going to be, and what the footprint will be. There are grant requirements including year round usage and energy efficiency. 5% of the building needs to be used for education (signage counts) 60% of the cost for the building or 1 million dollars- whichever is less. A certified architect will have to design the building- that architect must meet certain energy efficient standards. The grant program wants to see the architect’s drawing. Kathy- not sure the building would be large enough to generate the needed power at 9000 square feet. Committee members discussed different types of renewable energy and funding for those sources.

C. Event Parking- a discussion of where parking would be and parking surfaces took place. Permeable surfaces were discussed.

D. Grants- Kathy mentioned some additional grant agencies and resources that could be contacted for additional information and potential funding sources.

E. Grainery- Meyers reminded that at the previous meeting the committee made a recommendation to the board to get proposals for roofing on the grain building the board will make a decision at Monday’s meeting.

F. Welter Barn- no report

G. Dog Park- Fijan states that we should hopefully have some information regarding cost for some shade structures at the dog park in the next week.

7. New Business: none

8. Old Business:

a. none

9. Adjournment:

a. Motion to adjourn by Sabo at 7:30 pm, second by Fijan. All-Yes, Motion Carries.
