
Will County Gazette

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

DuPage Township Board of Trustees met April 24.

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DuPage Township Board of Trustees met April 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Supervisor Mayer.

II. Pledge Of Allegiance: Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all, led by Supervisor Mayer.

III. Roll Call For Quorum: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer were all present.

IV. Approval Of Agenda: A motion was made by Trustee Burgess, and seconded by Trustee Benford to approve the Agenda as presented. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes, and the motion passed.

V. Approval Of Minutes:

A motion was made by Trustee Burgess, and seconded by Trustee Benford to approve the minutes from the March 27, 2018 Regular Meeting with a correction to Item a. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes, and the motion passed.

VI. Supervisor’s Report:

a. 2017-2018 Rescind BKD, LLP Audit Acceptance

Supervisor Mayer requested that the Board rescind the offer to accept the BKD, LLP Audit Proposal. A motion was made by Supervisor Mayer and seconded by Trustee Burgess to Rescind the 2017-2018 Audit Proposal from BKD, LLP that was originally accepted at the March 27, 2018, Regular Board Meeting. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. Trustee Benford abstained from the vote. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

b. 2017-2018 DuPage Township Audit RFP

Supervisor Mayer noted that he would like to have an RFP done for the 2017- 2018 DuPage Township Audit. He also advised that he will be seeking the participation of a citizen committee to assist with the RFP and approval process. He would like to have Village of Romeoville Finance Director, Kirk Openchowski and Village of Bolingbrook Finance Director, Rosa Calhoun assist with the process. Following a brief discussion, a motion was made by Supervisor Mayer and seconded by Trustee Burgess to approve doing an RFP for the 2017-2018 DuPage Township Audit. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

c. Bolingbrook Rotary Club - Request To Use The Levy Center At No Cost May 2, 2018

A motion was made by Supervisor Mayer and seconded by Trustee Benford to approve the Bolingbrook Rotary Club use of the Levy Center at no Cost for their Annual Top Ten Dinner to be held on May 2, 2018. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Oliver, and Burgess. Trustee Benford and Supervisor Mayer abstained from the vote. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

d. Bolingbrook Lions Club – Request To Use The Levy Center At No Cost June 18, 2018

A motion was made by Supervisor Mayer and seconded by Trustee Benford to approve the Bolingbrook Lions Club use of the Levy Center at no Cost on June 18, 2018. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Oliver, and Burgess. Trustee Benford and Supervisor Mayer abstained from the vote. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

e. Clerk – Springfield Topics Day And Township Officials Board Of Directors Meeting

Clerk Stach noted that she will be attending the 36th Annual Township Topics Days on April 25, 2018 starting at President Abraham Lincoln Hotel. She will also be attending the Township Officials State Board of Director’s Meeting on April 26, 2018 – at the Township Main Office in Springfield. Clerk Stach’s mileage travel fees will be reimbursed by the TOI State Board, but they request that the local Township reimburse the hotel fee and Topics Day participation fees. A motion was made by Trustee Benford and seconded by Trustee Burgess to pay the costs for Clerk Stach for hotel fees of $129.95 and Topics Day fees of $75. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

f. Employee Vacation Policy

Following a brief discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Burgess and seconded by Trustee Raga to approve granting a one-time carryover extension of 90 days for any unused employee vacation, as outlined in the current vacation policy use. It was noted that this extension was granted as a one-time courtesy, due to the start of the new Employee Manual Policy that was approved in January. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

g. Romeoville High School Athletics Booster Club - $500

A motion was made by Trustee Burgess and seconded by Trustee Oliver to approve a Dinner Donation of $500 to the Romeoville High School Athletic Club in support of their annual fundraiser. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

h. Boy Scouts Of America Rainbow Council - $500

A motion was made by Trustee Benford and seconded by Trustee Burgess to approve a $500 Donation to Boy Scouts of America Rainbow Council, in support of their annual fundraiser. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

i. Alarm Detection System–Proposal Fire Supression Backflow Device Repairs At Levy Center

Following a request by staff, a motion was made by Trustee Burgess and seconded by Trustee Benford to approve tabling Agenda Item i., and hold off on any Board action on this Agenda item, to allow staff to seek additional proposals. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

j. Lily Cache Special Recreation Association – Request To Use The Levy Center

A motion was made by Trustee Burgess and seconded by Trustee Oliver to approve the Lily Cache Special Recreation Association’s request to use The Levy Center for a Musical Theatre Performance – the two dates are the Dress Rehearsal to be held on May 7th, 2018, and the Show Performance on May 15th, 2018. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

k. Quickbooks Conversion Recap

Supervisor Mayer asked that Terri Bethune (Township Accountant) review the status of the QuickBooks Conversion. The payments requested and made to date are as follows – Total $3,811.41, for equipment, software, and vendor entry fees. She noted that the equipment and records are currently at Trustee Benford’s office. Trustee Benford said the project was nearly complete at this time. Supervisor Mayer expressed security concerns that the records were off site. He asked that there be a motion made by the Board that all paperwork, files, records and the laptop be returned as soon as possible to the Township offices. Trustee Benford said that someone would be able to pick-up the computer and records tomorrow from her office – she said the records are all in binders.

A motion was made by Trustee Burgess and seconded by Supervisor Mayer to approve returning all Township files and the QuickBooks computer to the Township offices. Upon roll call vote, the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. Trustee Benford abstained from the vote. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

l. Ateki Updates

Supervisor Mayer reviewed recent items that the Township IT Contractor, Ateki Corporation has performed over the recent weeks. Due to security concerns, Supervisor Mayer expressed that he would like that no Board members in the future have access to the website, or directly request any IT changes. These changes should be processed through the appropriate Township employees, and be reviewed by Supervisor Mayer. Trustee Benford raised concerns about projects being initiated by an employee prior to Board approval – this was regarding upgrades and modifications to the Township website, as well as an Enabling Garden speaker project (this project was later approved by the Board). A brief discussion then ensued by the Supervisor and members of the Board.

Termination Of Township Attorney-

Supervisor Mayer noted that he has felt there have been some recent issues in dealing with the Township Attorney, and stated that he has been trying to get some answers, that he is not currently at liberty to discuss (as advised by the Attorney). Supervisor Mayer then informed the Board and the Township Attorney (Matt Campbell) that as of this evening, he would be terminating the services of his law firm (Kavanagh Grumley & Gorbold LLC). Supervisor Mayer noted that the Supervisor is charged with appointing the Township Attorney as cited in Illinois Township Code 170-37. Trustee Benford inquired if the termination of the Attorney required a vote by the Board. Supervisor Mayer stated that a Board vote is not required, since he is charged with that duty due to Township Code. Supervisor Mayer then noted that Attorney Campbell was free to leave – since his services with the Township were now terminated.

m. Policy Regarding Placement Of Items On The Agenda

Supervisor Mayer reviewed with the Board and Clerk the policy to be followed for placement of items on the agenda. He outlined that as Supervisor, he is able to request and have items placed on the agenda. He also noted that when a request comes from at least two Township Board Trustees, those items will also be placed on the agenda.

n. Forensic Audit Request And Issuance Of RFP For Same

Supervisor Mayer requested that the Board authorize that an RFP for a forensic audit of the DuPage Township Financial records be performed. A motion was made by Trustee Benford and seconded by Trustee Raga to approve an RFP for a Forensic Audit to be performed. Supervisor Mayer noted that there will be a regular Audit as well as the Forensic Audit. Trustee Benford noted that the Forensic Audit will now be performed first, and then the Regular Audit will then be able to be completed. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

o. Policy Regarding Attendance At Meetings Of The DuPage Township Supervisor And Board Of Trustees By Means Other Than Physical Presence

Supervisor Mayer Stated that once a new Attorney is appointed, an Ordinance will need to be prepared and approved by the Board that would authorize attendance at Board meetings by means other than physical presence. He also advised the Board members that there are several rules governing this type of attendance that are very clear. First, it must be for a reason such as work or illness, and that vacations do not constitute an acceptable reason for remote attendance. Also, prior to consent to allow a member to attend a meeting remotely – there must first be a physical quorum present at the actual meeting site to consent to the remote attendance.

p. Policy Regarding Distribution Of Banquet Profits

Supervisor Mayer outlined some profit items that have been previously able to be paid from The Levy Center profits – such as the leased senior buses, Levy utilities, and senior trip buses. He noted that once a new Attorney is appointed, we will be able to work with them to prepare a policy that will specify guidelines and thresholds for distribution of Banquet profits.

q. Policy Regarding Trustees Attendance At Community Events

Supervisor Mayer stated that when the new Attorney is appointed, the Board will be able to work with the Attorney to establish set guidelines for Board member attendance at community events. The policy should also set forth if tickets to events will be extended to Board members or staff, or if just donations will be made, with no tickets included.

r. Review Of Recommended Revisions To The Employee Handbook

Following review of Agenda Item r., it was determined that this item was a duplicate of Item f. – no further discussion or action was needed.

s. Bolingbrook Buccaneers – Donation $1,000

Trustee Benford addressed the Board regarding a donation to the Bolingbrook Buccaneers. Concerns were raised as to the parameters previously outlined for the Buccaneers to seek a donation, and she wanted to make sure that tonight they would be able to secure a donation. Following additional discussion with the Board and members of the Buccaneers, a motion was made by Trustee Benford and seconded by Supervisor Mayer to give a donation of $1,000 to the Bolingbrook Buccaneers. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes and the motion was approved.

t. Items For Discussion: No discussion items presented.

VII. Clerk’s Report: No report.

VIII. Assessor’s Report: A written report was provided to the Board by Assessor Kelly, and briefly discussed and reviewed by Supervisor Mayer.

IX. Assistant To The Supervisor’s Report: No report.

X. Youth Department Report: No report.

XI. Senior Department Report: No report.

XII. Banquet Coordinator Report: No report.

XIII. GA/EA Report: A Spring Fling Event is being hosted on Thursday, April 26th, 2018, for the Township families.

XIV. Attorney Report: No report.

XV. Approval Of Township Bills - $173,597.73

Approval Of Open Payables - $47,095.23

Paid Payables (4/3/18 through 4/18/18) - $43,337.55

Paid Payables (3/22/18 through 4/3/18) - $83,164.95

A motion was made by Trustee Benford and seconded by Trustee Burgess to approve the bills as presented for payment. Upon roll call vote the following voted yes: Trustees Raga, Benford, Oliver, Burgess, and Supervisor Mayer. There were no nay votes, and the motion passed.

XVI. Old Business/New Business: None.

XVII. Comments Or Questions:

Shirley Grzenia asked if a 501c3 request is a new policy, and if it is required by all organizations. Supervisor Mayer advised that he will review the initial request from the Buccaneers.

Lurine Hild presented 75 petition signatures from the DuPage Township seniors, requesting that Linda Youngs, former Assistant to the Supervisor be reinstated to her position. She noted that they felt she was wrongly terminated.

Russell Hild stated that he was very concerned about the violation of the Open Meetings Act during the last meeting. He noted that he doesn’t feel that there was any intentional discrimination to the sporting organization, and proceeded to cite many organizations that he has seen benefit from Township donations.

Randy King – Patriot Youth Football – He stated that the Township has always done what’s best for the community – the Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas and other events. He said that he is very sad about what is now going on.

Teresa Grzenia asked why is Trojans given money each year, and other organizations are not. Supervisor Mayer cited various youth organizations (Football, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer) that consistently receive funding. He also noted that many of the organizations also partner and help the Township as well – and used the Football and Cheer Camp as an example. She then also asked if any sports organization has ever received a $15,000 donation or more. Supervisor Mayer stated that no sports organization has ever received a donation of $15,000 in any given year.

Karen Thacker expressed that she is so disappointed in how everyone is acting, and asked that maybe everyone should take a timeout. She felt this has just been ridiculous. She voiced her unhappiness with how the Linda Youngs termination was handled, and stated various other concerns regarding Trustee Raga.

Shirley Grzenia noted that she was concerned about past employees that were terminated, and that maybe they should each be talked with.

Christine Mayer – asked why there was not an RFP done or Board approval for the QuickBooks Conversion. She expressed concerns regarding the cost expended, and the hiring of outside staff that was not Board approved. Trustee Benford answered the various questions raised.

Clay questioned why there was not a CPU or a small server or a miniserver purchased for use at the Township office. He expressed that wouldn’t it be a great idea if we could possibly get all the organizations and kids to work together in the summer programs, like the Trojans already work with the Township?

Duane Bell (Buccaneers) thanked the Township for allowing them to be here and speak tonight. He definitely hopes that this will now help to build a relationship for moving forward. He noted that he would like to see the Buccaneers possibly be able to join forces and work together with the Township Football/Cheer Camp.

Russ Hild – He stated that he was really happy about the really good conversation this evening and all the things that came up.

XVIII. Trustee’s Reports

Alyssia Benford: Trustee Benford wanted to make sure everyone knows that the tensions have built due to a question raised about a check, and that this has created a lot of the division and confusion. She noted she has addressed several concerns throughout past weeks, in speaking with various members of the Township Board and the Attorney. She again expressed her concerns about the Buccaneers Organization donation process, and will work to help to ensure in the future that proper assistance is given to any other organizations that may be seeking assistance through the Township.

Kenneth Burgess: No report.

Maripat Oliver: Trustee Oliver stated that it was so nice to see a packed room. She also stated that everyone doesn’t always have to agree – but that we need to be able to take the time hear everyone’s voice.

Dennis Raga: No report.

XIX. Executive Session For Personnel: None held.

XX. Adjournment:

A motion was made by Trustee Burgess and seconded by Trustee Oliver to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.




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