
Will County Gazette

Friday, January 31, 2025

Will County County Executive Committee met April 12.

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Will County County Executive Committee met April 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call To Order / Roll Call

Chair Jim Moustis called the meeting to order at 10:20 am

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Jim Moustis Chair Present

Charles E. Maher Vice Chair Present

Darren Bennefield Member Absent

Herbert Brooks Jr. Member Present

Mike Fricilone Member Present

Donald Gould Member Present

Suzanne Hart Member Absent

Judy Ogalla Member Absent

Annette Parker Member Present

Lauren Staley-Ferry Member Present

Ray Tuminello Member Present

Tom Weigel Member Present

Denise E. Winfrey Member Present

Also Present: R. Freitag and M. Johannsen.

Present from State's Attorney's Office: M. Tatroe and K. Meyers.

II. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Mr. Brooks led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

III. Approval Of Minutes

1. WC Executive Committee - Board Agenda Setting Meeting - Mar 8, 2018 10:00 AM

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Charles E. Maher, Vice Chair

Seconder: Donald Gould, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

2. Executive Session Minutes - Executive Committee March 8, 2018


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Charles E. Maher, Vice Chair

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

IV. Old Business

1. Update on Will County Community Friendly Freight Mobility Study

(Ann Schneider)

Ms. Ann Schneider reviewed the PowerPoint in the packet.

Mr. Moustis asked if railroads can apply for either of the grade crossing grants?

Ms. Schneider replied they can apply at the federal level. The state grants are for communities and governmental entities. If the railroad wants to participate they would need a public sector sponsor.

Ms. Schneider stated CMAP did a program around O’Hare airport for truck routing. They have money and are developing a program to do that in three separate areas in the region. We are in active talks with them about coming to Will County and doing a section. We will be asking for your input as to how we proceed. That is a huge opportunity. They will be self-funded, with no local match required. The CMAP region includes, Cook County, the collar counties with a little into DeKalb and Grundy Counties.

Mr. Moustis stated the CED is putting together a group focused on I-80 initiatives. They met last month to talk about their goals for I-80, basically what they would include. I suggested going further east on I-80 and talking to those communities since they have a vested interest in the entire corridor. In Indiana I-80 is four lanes, when you get to Illinois it goes from three to two. The traffic is not getting off, it is being funneled down from four to two lanes.

Ms. Schneider added more traffic gets on at I-57, I-355 and I-294.

Mr. Tuminello stated regarding the Route 30 and I-80 interchange project; if they make a decision on the 23rd to move forward with that project, could that start by the end of the year? The project engineering is done and the project is shovel ready.

Ms. Schneider replied my guess is a letting later this year or early next year with an early spring 2019 start. The official award of the grant is June 1st. On the 23rd they are presenting the list of projects and how they scored.

Mr. Tuminello asked will that be on and off ramps or a full interchange rebuild?

Ms. Schneider answered it is a full interchange reconstruction. It is ready to go, but funding was not available.

Mr. Tuminello added that interchange is where I-80 goes from three lanes to two. Hopefully, the project will widen the exchange.

Ms. Schneider stated IDOT’s plan is as they do improvements, the shoulders will be constructed to full depth and at some point converted to a traffic lane.

Mr. Moustis stated I believe CMAP’s view of I-80 has changed over the past few years.

Ms. Schneider stated earlier this week they released their OnTo 2050 plan. They included in the fiscally constrained portion a plan for I-80 improvements. They have also included looking at and studying alternatives in terms of generating revenue to do a full rebuild on I-80 and address the critical issues that could take time if we piecemeal it as we are doing currently. It is very significant to be in the fiscally constrained plan. In terms of moving projects forward on I-80 a lot of steps are being removed. As a region they are more focused on what is happening on I- 80 than what they were in the past.

A discussion took place regarding the timelines for the INFRA and TIGER grants and need to begin prioritizing projects.

2. Discussion Re: Compensation for Elected Officials


Mr. Moustis stated this was discussed at the last Executive Committee meeting. Since there seems to be different viewpoints on the compensation; I am going to suggest we bring this to the full County Board for debate, with no recommendation from the Executive Committee. Ultimately, it is the Board's decision.

3. Motion to Move Resolutions with the Current Salaries of County Board Members, County Clerk, Sheriff and Treasurer to the Full County Board with No Recommendation from the Executive Committee

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, Member

Seconder: Charles E. Maher, Vice Chair

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

V. Other Old Business

VI. New Business

1. Update on Election Results from City of Aurora

(Nancy Schultz Voots)

County Clerk Voots stated we met yesterday with Kane, Kendall and the City of Aurora. The Judge is hearing the case on April 24th. They have to finish the March election and have to pay their bills in the event of a discovery or recount. Each county has different election equipment and systems. The Judge has to decide who will be getting what. I believe the number of precincts you have should determine the amount of equipment you get.

Mr. Moustis stated hopefully we will get the money to purchase the equipment for the precincts we acquire.

Mrs. Voots stated I am working with my vendor to get the voter registration information into our database. That will allow us to determine how many precincts we will need. I don’t feel we will need all seven; I hope to consolidate them into three. This is happening at a good time, as this is the summer we send out voter cards. The election judges in that area have been reaching out to my office; I hope to use them and their polling places.

Mr. Moustis asked when to you anticipate a decision being made?

Mrs. Voots replied they are going to court on April 24th. As soon as the Judge makes the ruling we own it. Once that happens, we will have to move quickly to make sure we are ready for the November election. We will update our website and do press releases.

Mr. Maher asked could the judge could rule the other way? What is exactly before him?

Mrs. Voots responded the voters voted to eliminate the Aurora Election Commission; it is in the Court’s hands to follow the statutes on how it happens.

Mrs. Tatroe stated the court is going to certify the results of the election.

Mr. Maher asked will the courts make the decision on division of the money?

Mrs. Voots stated we don’t want Kane County to take the lead, but we want to make sure the Judge is getting all the information and will distribute it fairly. It should be based on the number of voters being moved into each county.

A discussion took place regarding the financial impact and personnel time required to make the changes.

Mr. Tuminello asked will moving the voters to Will County make it easier to certify the election?

Mrs. Voots responded yes; it has always been difficult to get the results from the City of Aurora. This will be a very good thing for our county.

2. Transferring Appropriations between Funds and Budgeting Funds on Hand in the County Clerk's Budget

(Nancy Schultz Voots)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Finance Committee

Mover: Ray Tuminello, Member

Seconder: Donald Gould, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

3. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Agreement with Constellation Energy to Provide Electricity to County Government Facilities

(Samantha Bluemer/Mike English, Tradition Energy)

Ms. Samantha Bluemer gave a brief overview and introduced Mr. Mike English of Tradition Energy.

Mr. Mike English reviewed the attached PowerPoint presentation.

Mr. Moustis asked what percentage of renewable energy does the State of Illinois mandate?

Mr. English replied currently it is 12.5% with a 1% escalator annually.

Mr. Moustis asked can we say we want 50% of our energy to come from renewable? Can we contract that and they set aside renewable energy for Will County on the grid?

Mr. English responded if Will County elected to procure more than the state minimum, your supplier would go to the marketplace and source that percentage of your load from renewable, including wind and solar or other renewal assets.

Mr. Moustis stated you thought it would not be a problem since there is enough renewable on the grid we could raise our percentage at no additional cost to Will County.

Mr. English indicated there is a small different between the standard offers and the different percentages of renewable energy.

Mr. Maher asked how much energy do we put onto the grid with our gas to energy program?

Mr. Moustis stated we don't generate energy, we sell the gas. Waste Management could provide that information. We have green, renewable energy, nuclear energy, which is clean, natural gas plants and coal burning plants. Can we break it down to say we don't want any of our energy to come from coal, we only want energy from nuclear or natural gas plants?

Mr. English responded it would be very difficult to do. The suppliers offer different generation mixes. The easiest thing to do is to buy 100% renewable.

Mr. Tuminello stated if the goal is to eliminate coal, we would purchase the 100% renewable contract.

Discussion of nuclear energy took place.

Mr. English stated we expect natural gas to remain in a relatively bullish price environment over the next 18 to 24 months. We are currently 20% below the national five year average for natural gas inventory levels. There is a demand to refill natural gas inventories for next winter. Announcements have been made of more coal and nuclear plants going off line this year, which will be replaced by new natural gas generation. The economy is doing well and industrial demand will continue to grow. As we export natural gas, the demand will continue to grow. There is plenty of gas to pull from the ground. It will be a very tight environment and we expect to see a steady, firm and bullish environment.

Mr. Fricilone stated with the number of solar farms coming on line, it will be off the charts over the next four years.

Mr. Moustis stated because of the investment, solar may not be less expensive. There are two decision; to concur with the recommendation and the percentage of renewable.

Mr. Gould stated Will County is a major producer of nuclear power. It is important we keep on nuclear. Remember the largest taxpayer in this County, who pays our bills, is Exelon Nuclear. I am for including nuclear on the electric side. Nuclear is a big commitment in Will County.

Mr. Moustis stated we have Midwest Generation; the old coal burning plant converting to gas.

Mr. English stated Consultation Energy is a subsidiary of Exelon.

Mr. Gould stated I don’t want to the County to exclude nuclear as it has been important to the County since last 1970’s.

Mr. Moustis stated they are phasing out nuclear plants. I think the 50/50 is a step in the right direction.

Mr. Fricilone stated reducing budgets and our tax rate, will benefit the plant more than what we are buying from them.

Mr. Moustis asked how much energy from the nuclear and the gas to energy plant is on the grid?

Mr. English stated natural gas accounts for 38% of total power generation; nuclear is 17%, coal is 30%; the remaining is all renewable.

Mr. Moustis stated if we were at 50% % we would be eliminating coal plants. The nuclear plants vary their production because of the costs. They fire up when there is high demand and keep low when there is less demand. The Resolution moving forward will be for 50% renewable energy. If the full Board wants to change it, they can make a motion to amend. It is not final until the Board decides.

Mr. Brooks asked the delivery costs are not included, why is that excluded?

Mr. English replied those costs are regulated and there is nothing we could do change what they are charging.

Discussion took place regarding whether there is enough renewable energy on the grid for every entity to use 100%.

Mr. Fricilone asked Mrs. Johannsen to include the energy reductions in the budget for next year.

Mrs. Johannsen replied it is consolidated into one item and we will budget accordingly.

Motion to go to 50% Renewable on Energy that is Used by the County

Result: Moved Forward [8 To 2]

Mover: Charles E. Maher, Vice Chair

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Gould, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Nays: Brooks Jr., Fricilone

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

4. Update of ERP Demos

(Judy Ogalla/Mike Shay) Mr. Mike Shay recapped the ERP demonstrations and recommendation from the selection committee. Three companies were selected for demos, HSO, Superion and Qunitell. The bids ranged from $671,000 to $13.3 million; most in the $3 million range. The scoring system was in the bid. We moved forward with HSO and a cloud based finance system. There will be a follow up demo. This could require adjustments to our Microsoft licensing agreements. Key features of the system were reviewed and explained. We anticipate coming to the Board in May with a selection. They were the low bidder as well.

Mrs. Staley-Ferry left at this juncture.

5. Authorizing Renewal of "Wrap Around" Professional Liability Insurance for the Will County Community Health Center

(Bruce Tidwell)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Donald Gould, Member

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

6. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Champaign and the County of Will, Illinois for Electronics Recycling

(Marta Keane)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Tom Weigel, Member

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

7. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Lemont to Provide Access to the Countywide Radio System

(Thomas Murray)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Annette Parker, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

8. Supplemental Resolution for the Payment of the County Engineer's Salary, MFT Salary Section 17-00000-00-CS

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Tom Weigel, Member

Seconder: Annette Parker, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

9. Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) ONTO 2050 Presentation

(Joe Szabo - Executive Director of CMAP)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Annette Parker, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

10. Replacement Hire Pre-posting for EMA

(Harold Damron)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Annette Parker, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

11. Replacement Hire Pre-posting for ICT Department for Telecommunications Assistant

(Mike Shay)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

12. Replacement Hires for the LCC-911 Department

(Bruce Tidwell)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Donald Gould, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

13. Replacement Hire for the Land Use Department

(Bruce Tidwell)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Seconder: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

14. Replacement Hire for Sunny Hill Nursing Home - Dietitian - Attachment Added

(Becky Haldorson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Donald Gould, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

15. Establishing Sub-committee for the Construction Management Interviews for the Health Department Facility - Added - To Be Distributed

(Jim Moustis)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Mike Fricilone, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

16. Proclamation(s)

Mr. Maher stated the Proclamation, Recognizing April as Fair Housing Month will be read by Mrs. Staley-Ferry from her desk.

Mr. Moustis stated it is also National Autism Month. I think we should recognize other events during the month. It does not have to be a Proclamation.

1. Motion to Approve Proclamations

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Charles E. Maher, Vice Chair

Seconder: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

17. Appointment(s) by the County Executive

1. 2018 April Appointments to Boards and Commissions

(County Executive)

Result: Approved [8 To 0]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Tom Weigel, Member

Seconder: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Abstain: Gould

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

VII. Other New Business

Mr. Moustis asked to save space on the County Board agenda for several items. The first is the appropriation of funds for the new Animal Control facility. Mrs. Tatroe has informed us we cannot move the money from cash. We could take this from the bond funds as a loan to Animal Control to be paid back at the beginning of the fiscal year.

Mrs. Tatroe indicated there are things that need to be verified and she would work with Ms. Freitag.

Mrs. Johannsen stated if we use the bond proceeds there is nothing we need to do.

Mr. Moustis indicated he wanted to indicate it is a loan from the Animal Control budget and a payback system.

Mr. Tuminello stated the fund was created specifically for capital improvements. Now we want to spend the money on a capital improvement, but we cannot take it out until we have a line item budget item.

Mrs. Tatroe stated I will work with Ms. Hennessy to see how it is reflected in the budget. My understanding is the money was not appropriated during the budget process. If it was not, you cannot increase your overall appropriations. You can move from one line item to another, but you cannot increase the overall County budget.

Mr. Moustis continued I believe it was assigned cash and was not restricted.

Mrs. Tatroe stated if it is in the budget and we can move it from one line item to another, we will do that. My understanding is it is not reflected in the budget.

Mr. Moustis stated I would prefer if we could just move the funds. If not we will do it as a loan. We will leave a space.

Mrs. Tatroe indicated she would report back at County Board.

Mr. Moustis stated we are going to leave a space to move Animal Control facility to the Capital Committee and the Capital Committee will act as owners’ agent. One space will be moving the project to the Capital Improvements Committee and the second will be having the Capital Improvements Committee act as owners’ agent for the project. If we are premature, let us know. Finally, we need to save space for the RTA agreement. They put the wrong date on the previously approved agreement for funding of the Will County Mobility Program. We need to approve the amended agreement with the correct date.

1. Motion to Add Items to the County Board Agenda

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Charles E. Maher, Vice Chair

Seconder: Mike Fricilone, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Staley-Ferry

Left Meeting: Ogalla

VIII. Request For State's Attorney's Opinion

Mrs. Tatroe indicated Mr. Weigel received an opinion on the home occupation parking. An error was noted, and a revised opinion will be provided.

IX. Committee Reports

1. Land Use & Development

Mr. Weigel reviewed the zoning cases and Resolution.

2. Finance

Mr. Fricilone reviewed the Resolutions.

3. Public Works & Transportation

Mr. Gould reviewed the Resolutions.

4. Judicial

5. Public Health & Safety

6. Legislative & Policy

Mr. Moustis stated we will be going to Washington next week to talk with legislators and agencies about our Federal Agenda.

7. Capital Improvements

Mr. Tuminello reviewed the Resolution.

8. Executive

X. Public Comment

Mr. Maher announced the Bartending for a Cure is tonight at Traditions from 5:00 to 9:00.

Mr. Fricilone congratulated Ms. Olenek and the Health Department on a report that Will County is one of the 10 healthiest counties in Illinois. We moved up from number 11 to 9.

XI. Chairman's Report / Announcements

XII. Executive Session

XIII. Approval Of The County Board Agenda

1. Approval of County Board Agenda


Result: Approved As Amended [Unanimous]

Mover: Charles E. Maher, Vice Chair

Seconder: Mike Fricilone, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

XIV. Adjournment

1. Motion to Adjourn at 11:48 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Charles E. Maher, Vice Chair

Seconder: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member

Ayes: Moustis, Maher, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey

Absent: Bennefield, Hart, Ogalla

Left Meeting: Staley-Ferry

Next Meeting - May 3, 2018
