
Will County Gazette

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Village of Plainfield Board of Trustees met March 5.

Webp meetingroom05

Village of Plainfield Board of Trustees met March 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order, Roll Call, Pledge:

Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. Roll call was taken, all Trustees were present. Mayor Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance. There were approximately 12 persons in the audience.

Presidential Comments:

Mayor Collins:

•Congratulated Allen Persons on his 30th year anniversary with the Village.

•Wished Trustee Larson a Happy Birthday.

Trustees Comments:

Trustee Lamb commented on the campaign against distracted driving that will be held April 23- 27, 2018 and encouraged everyone not to drive while distracted.

Trustee O' Rourke inquired about the mailbox replacement policy. Administrator Murphy stated that the Village' s policy is to replace the mailbox with a standard aluminum mailbox or give $35. 00 replacement check.

Public Comments (3- 5 minutes):

No Comments.

Business Meeting:

1) Approval Of Agenda

Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Trustee Newon. Vote by roll call. O' Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

2) Consent Agenda

Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Consent Agenda to include:

a) Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting and Executive Session held on February 5, 2018.

b) Bills Paid and Bills Payable Reports for March 5, 2018.

c) Cash & Investment, Revenue, and Expenditure Reports for January, 2018.

Second by Trustee Bonuchi. Vote by roll call. O' Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

3) Motor Fuel Tax

Trustee Lamb moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3348, amending Chapter 7, Section 7.7- 62 ofArticle V ofthe Code of Ordinances increasing the motor fuel tax to $0.06 per U.S. gallon. Second by Trustee Newton.

Trustee O' Rourke expressed concern with the funding for the roadway work. Trustee Wojowski agreed with Trustee O' Rourke. Trustee Larson stated that we are at the point where we can no longer kick the can down the road. Without the necessary funding for the Village' s roadways now, the worse they will get in the future and that will increase the costs. Trustee Bonuchi stated that she is not in favor ofthe increase at this time. Trustee Lamb stated that the increase will have minimal impact on residents and is needed to fund the roadway improvements.

ote by roll call. O' Rourke, no; Wojowski, no; Bonuchi, no; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes; Collins, yes. 4 yes, 3 no. Motion carried.

4) R.R. Tire & Auto Repair( PC Case #1751- 011717. SU)

Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3349, granting approval of a special use for auto repair for R.R. Tire & Auto at 15924 S. Lincoln Highway, subject to the stipulations noted in the staff report. Second by Trustee Larson. Vote by roll call. O' Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

5) Stewart Ridge Lots 75 & 76 Consolidation (PC Case #1781- 020818.FP)

Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Final Plat of Consolidation for Lots 75 and 76 of Stewart Ridge, subject to the stipulations noted in the staff report. Second by Trustee Newton. Vote by roll call. O' Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried

Administrator' S Report:

No Report.

Management Services Report:

No Report.

Engineer' S Report:

No Report.

Planning Department Report:

Trustee Newton moved to approve the temporary outdoor sales request of Buchanan Energy ( d/ b/ a Bucky's), to permit an outdoor mulch sales display at 14808 S. Route 59, from March 15, 2018 to October 15, 2018, subject to the stipulations noted in the staff report. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. O' Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Building Department Report:

Mr. Ken Goska presented the Building and Code Enforcement Report for January, 2018.

Public Works Report:

No Report.

Police Chief's Report:

Trustee Larson moved to authorize the expenditure of$ 5, 831. 90 to Fulton Technologies to renew the annual maintenance contract for the Outdoor Warning Siren System. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. O' Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3350, authorizing the disposal of surplus property. Second by Trustee O' Rourke. Vote by roll call. O' Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Commander Novak presented the Operations Report for January, 2018.

Commander Novak commented on driving while distracted.

Attorney's Report:

No Report.

Mayor Collins read the reminders.

Trustee Lamb moved to adjourn. Second by Larson. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
