
Will County Gazette

Friday, March 14, 2025

Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 Board of Education met November 6.

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Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 Board of Education met Nov. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:


President Nichols called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and the following Board members answered roll call: Mrs. Drake, Mr. Kirberg, Mr. Koch, Mr. Robey, Mr. Smith, Mr. Westfall and Mr. Nichols.

Also present were Lane Abrell, Mina Griffith, Anthony Manville, Rick Engstrom, Glenn Wood, Tom Hernandez and Charlotte Ward.


A motion was made by Mrs. Drake and seconded by Mr. Westfall to adjourn to closed session at 6:31 p.m. for the purpose of discussing Personnel: the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the school district to determine its validity; Collective Negotiations: Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. Pending Litigation: an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the school district has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or the school district finds that an action is probable or imminent; and consider a matter pertaining to an individual student. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mrs. Drake, Mr. Kirberg, Mr. Koch, Mr. Robey, Mr. Smith, Mr. Westfall and Mr. Nichols. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Mr. Kirberg and seconded by Mrs. Drake to return to regular session at 7:34 p.m. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mrs. Drake, Mr. Kirberg, Mr. Koch, Mr. Robey, Mr. Smith, Mr. Westfall and Mr. Nichols. Motion carried.


President Nichols reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. and the following Board members answered roll call: Mrs. Drake, Mr. Kirberg, Mr. Koch, Mr. Robey, Mr. Smith, Mr. Westfall and Mr. Nichols.

Also present were Lane Abrell, Mina Griffith, Anthony Manville, Rick Engstrom, Glenn Wood, Tom Hernandez, Charlotte Ward, Jennifer Orlos, John Evans, Jennifer Archer, Mason Luebbing, Laura Burns, Meghan Klepp, Alex Ortiz, Marianne Martinez, Holly Toohey, Miki Bollinger, Janet Grimes, Ryane Barton, Jen McManaman, Paige Thrasher, Randy Thrasher, Lauren Hansen, Natalie Discher, Kristi Hillmer, Dawn Bullock, Ann Bachman-McIntosh, Jared Zilic, David Zilic, Chris LeBron, Alyssa LeBron, Amber Simonic, Dawn Roake, Tara Smith, Rich Beintum, Lynn Bond, Thomas Bond, Marty Paczkowski, Carly Schroeder, Susan Barefield and Terry Jones.




President Nichols congratulated all of our fall student athlete who have gone to state. He also encouraged the community to support this year’s slate of fall plays, band and choir concerts and madrigal dinners.

President Nichols recognized students, staff and schools for their academic success as reported on the 2017 state report card.


Mr. Koch saluted Ira Jones Middle School for the breakfast provided for Veterans on Saturday. They raised $400. Also for the pumpkin recycle program.

Mrs. Drake saluted Lincoln Elementary School for the fabulous event they held for Trunk or Treat.




Dr. Abrell reviewed the Consent Agenda items. Following due consideration, a motion was made by Mrs. Drake to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

Field Trips

As recommended by Administration, the following field trips were approved:

• Plainfield East High School for the Illinois High School Theatre Festival at Illinois State University in Normal, IL on January 11, 2018 - January 13, 2018

• Plainfield East High School for the Midwest Wrestling Tournament at Bettendorf, IA on January 12, 2018 - January 13, 2018

• Plainfield East High School for DECA IL State Career Development Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Rosemont, IL on February 22, 2018 - February 24, 2018.


The Board of Education's ratification of employment or approval to employ certified and non-certified personnel, as well as the salary and wage placements, are contingent upon the results of all pre and post employment verifications required by law, regulations, policies and the Negotiated Agreements with the Association of Plainfield Teachers and the Plainfield Association of Support Staff as amended.

Certified Personnel 2017-2018 School Year

Recommendation to Hire: 


Burk, Carrie – Title I Intervention Reading Teacher (One Year Only) (.5) – CS 

Carco, Nicole – Title I Intervention Reading Teacher (One Year Only) – CR 

Velazquez, Dina – Title I Intervention Reading Teacher (One Year Only) – RI

Extra Curricular: 

Suraji, Akim – Assistant Soccer (Boys) (.5) - PNHS

Recommendation to Appoint: 


Bicker, William – Community Service Club (.5) – PSHS 

Chesna, Jennifer – Community Service Club (.5) – PSHS 

Cunningham, Patrick – Girls Basketball 8th – JK 

Girod, Ashley – Assistant Basketball (Girls) (.5) - PSHS 

Leibforth, Meghan – Winter Assistant Competition Cheer - PEHS 

Mayer, Rachel – Assistant Basketball (Girls) (.5) – PSHS 

Moderhack, Michael – Assistant Bowling (Boys) – PHSCC 

Peterson, Jeffrey – Assistant Track (Boys) – PEHS 

Ruettiger, Kayla – Assistant Wrestling – PEHS 

Scaramelli, Ashley – Assistant Bowling (Boys) - PEHS 

Uchima, Heather – Track Head - JK

Volunteer: Extra Curricular: Schuneman, William – Assistant Volleyball (Boys) - PHSCC

Recommendation for Change in Appointment: 


Chlebek, Chris FROM Assistant Principal – PEHS TO Associate Principal - PEHS


Adelmann, Julie FROM Dean of Students – PNHS TO Social Worker - PEHS 

Brodko, Emily FROM LBS I Special Education Teacher (RES-CC) (.8) – PHSCC TO LBS I Special Education Teacher (RES-CC) (1.0) – PHSCC 

Carlson, Sean FROM Math Teacher – PNHS TO Dean of Students (Interim) - PNHS

Leave of Absence: 

Certified: Suma, Kristin – Spanish Teacher - PHSCC

Resignations: Administrator: Sperling, Jill – Associate Principal - PEHS

Certified: Scholtes, Kristy – Social Worker - PEHS

Non-Certified Personnel for 2017-2018 School Year

Recommendation to Hire: 

Non-Certified: B

eeks, Kenyatta – SE Paraprofessional – EE 

Dyke, Samantha – Lunch Supervisor – RV 

Gockman, Shauna – Lunch Supervisor – IJ 

Guzman, Genaro – Custodian (PT) – RI 

Hale, Janet – Custodian (PT) – CE 

Hummrich, Cynthia – Regular 

Ed Paraprofessional (AM) – CS 

McGaughy, Jasmine – SE Paraprofessional – IT 

Olmedo Ortega, Luz – Lunch Supervisor – TJ 

Reveles, Mackenzie – Custodian (PT) - JK 

Rodriguez, Karyn – Regular 

Ed Paraprofessional (AM/PM) – LF 

Urbancic, Melissa – Technology Support Specialist - TECH

Recommendation for Change in Appointment: 


Carr, Brooke FROM Lunch Supervisor – MV TO Media Clerk - LF 

Martin, Sheri FROM Secretary to the Assistant Principal – WG TO Secretary to the Assistant Principal - IT 

Rodighiero, Caitlyn FROM SE Paraprofessional (PT) – BM TO SE Paraprofessional (FT) - BM

Leave of Absence: Non-Certified: Henning, Heather – Office Clerk - JK



Armstrong, Angela – Lunch Supervisor – RV 

Bennett, Robert – Custodian – PNHS 

Bissing, Brigitte – Lunch Supervisor – CE 

Brodko, Emily – SE 

Paraprofessional (PT) – PHSCC 

Brophy, Robert – Custodian – PHSCC 

Coleck, Rachael – Lunch Supervisor – LB 

Couglin, Pamela – Lunch Supervisor – GP 

Grimes, Janet – Secretary to the Assistant Principal – IT 

Melichar, George – Groundskeeper – OMT

Piechur, Elizabeth – Custodian (6hr) - PA 

Tharp, James – Custodian (PT) - CR

Declinations: Non-Certified: 

Alcaraz, Julio – Permanent Substitute Custodian – PNHS 

Mamudi, Kadrisha – Custodian (PT) - GP

Rescinds: Non-Certified: Hudson, Darryl – SE 

Paraprofessional - PNHS

Following a second by Mr. Smith, the following members voted aye: Mrs. Drake, Mr. Kirberg, Mr. Koch, Mr. Robey, Mr. Smith Mr. Westfall and Mr. Nichols. Motion carried.


Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Education of Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202, Will and Kendall Counties, and Plainfield Association of Support Staff for 6.3 Prior Work Experience Credit

As recommended by Administration, a motion was made by Mr. Westfall and seconded by Mrs. Drake for approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Education of Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202, Will and Kendall Counties, and Plainfield Association of Support Staff for 6.3 Prior Work Experience Credit. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mrs. Drake, Mr. Kirberg, Mr. Koch, Mr. Robey, Mr. Smith Mr. Westfall and Mr. Nichols. Motion carried.

Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Board of Education of Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202, Will and Kendall Counties, and the Association of Plainfield Teachers. (July 1, 2017-June 30, 2022)

As recommended by Administration, a motion was made by Mr. Kirberg and seconded by Mr. Smith for approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Board of Education of Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202, Will and Kendall Counties, and the Association of Plainfield Teachers. (July 1, 2017- June 30, 2022). Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mrs. Drake, Mr. Kirberg, Mr. Koch, Mr. Robey, Mr. Smith Mr. Westfall and Mr. Nichols. Motion carried.


Indian Trail Middle School staff and students shared information about the school’s achievements, culture and climate.

Dr. Glenn Wood, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, reviewed information from the 2017 state report card, the District’s academic achievement and other key performance data.


There was one (1) Freedom of Information request since the last Board of Education meeting. This request has been completed.


At 8:08 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Drake and seconded by Mr. Smith to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mrs. Drake, Mr. Kirberg, Mr. Koch, Mr. Robey, Mr. Smith, Mr. Westfall and Mr. Nichols. Motion carried.
