
Will County Gazette

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Village of Channahon Committee of the Whole met April 3.

The Village of Channahon Committee of the Whole met April 3.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Committee:

Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with

Trustees Host, McMillin, Greco, Slocum, Scaggs and Militello present.

Also present were Village Administrator Thomas Durkin, Director of Community Development

and Information Systems Mike Petrick, Finance Director Heather Wagonblott, Director of Public

Works Ed Dolezal, Chief of Police Jeff Wold, Village Attorney Dave Silverman and Village

Clerk Patricia Perinar.

VP Moorman Schumacher informed everyone present that anyone who speaks at the

meeting shall be deemed to have given his/her consent to the recording of their likeness and

speech. This meeting is being recorded.


Presentation – Mike Rittof, Update on CEDC Activities and Status

Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher informed the Board Mike Rittof was here to

give the Board an update on the CEDC activities and status. Mr. Rittof thanked the Board for

allowing him to speak. A few months back, staff had a discussion with CEDC about the

structure of the CEDC and the future. The Village has provided a lot of support financially and

with staffing. Different structure options were discussed. The CEDC decided that since they are

a non for profit organization they would opt to become an independent organization which would

support the Village but not necessarily under the jurisdiction of the Village. This would be done

with the understanding that staff would not be able to continue to provide staff support to

service. They would like to work with the Village on the Beautification efforts that have been


Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher asked if the CEDC has other activities going on

besides the Beautification project. He stated that is in the initial project hey would like to

participate in. She thanked him for their support and the efforts they could provide wit the

Beautification project.

Trustee Militello asked if they would not be asking for funding. Mr. Rittof stated that that was

the intention. They should be able to continue in manner in which they can fund themselves.

Trustee McMillin asked if all the information that was gathered by the CEDC would stay with

the Village. Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher stated that Nicole Norris has all the

information because she was organizing it all.

Mr. Rittof stated that this is a happy separation.

Village Administrator Thomas Durkin stated that there is a great group of people doing

wonderful things. The goal is to continue moving that forward. He feels the cohesiveness of the

groups has the best interest of Channahon in mind.

Trustee Slocum stated that he is going to step down as the Village Board liaison and would like

another trustee to step in to fill that role. He will to continue to stay on the CEDC Board. Mr.

Rittof stated he would hope that going forward that if the Village has items which effect

businesses that they are kept in the loop.

Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher stated that Youngs Road is going to be closed

starting April 4th through April 17th. There may be an increase of truck traffic into Channahon

because those trucks will have to come West on Amoco Road to the Frontage Road.


Village Administrator Thomas Durkin reminded the Board that this Thursday at 12:00 there will

be a meeting between the residents of Remington Woods and representatives from DOKA

regarding modifications to their site. Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher will be in

attendance so only one other Board member may attend to avoid any violation with the open

meetings act.


Woods of Aux Sable Subdivision

· An Ordinance Amending the Annexation Agreement for the Woods of Aux

Sable 1st Read

· An Ordinance Amending the Zoning for Woods of Aux Sable – 1st Read

· Approval of Final Plat, Lots 15-31, Woods of Aux Sable Unit 2

CD&IS Director Mike Petrick stated the Woods of Aux Sable subdivision is an area of

Channahon where home building has been occurring steadily over the past two years. Demand

for single family homes is high. However, the one duplex building constructed did not fare well

on the market, and the anticipated further construction of duplexes did not occur. Available land

sites in subdivision are becoming limited, and the desire to construct single family homes on the

sites originally intended for duplexes has been presented to the Village.

The southern row of homes, located south of Deer Hollow Dr., in the Woods of Aux Sable

Subdivision are currently zoned R-3 Multifamily District. These homes are also governed by the

annexation agreement and final plat as to “only be duplex units.” In normal situations, a single

family home is permissible to be built in an R-3 Multifamily District. However, the annexation

agreement currently prevents this from happening, as does a clause on the final plat.

The Village does not wish to have a potential result of a mixture of multifamily and single family

structures intermingled. If the duplex language is struck, any multifamily housing allowed in the

R-3 district would be permissible to be built. Therefore, along with changing the annexation

agreement to remove the duplex restriction, a proposed change to the zoning to R-1 Single

Family will allow for only single family homes, and remove the two above potential situations.

Under the proposed change, the lots that are west of the final duplex standing today will convert

to single family. Those lots that already constructed as a duplex and those lots that are located

east/in-between those duplexes will retain the R-3 Multifamily District zoning and keep the

duplex-only restriction. All of the lots proposed for change are in a single ownership, with the

exception of one. That single lot owner purchased the lot with the desire to construct a single family home, unaware that it was restricted to duplex-only and is ready to construct a single

family home as soon as zoning allows.

In order to accommodate the rezoning and amendment of an annexation agreement to change

duplex multifamily home sites to single family home sites, and amendment of the final plat is

necessary. The previously recorded final plat declared a duplex-only restriction on these lots,

thus a modified final plat is required. There are no changes to lot dimensions with this plat, only

the removal of the duplex clause and elimination of the 2nd lot address from the address table.

On March 13, 2017, the Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing regarding this

change. Proper notice was issued for the hearing by signage, certified mailings, and publication

in the newspaper. The only ones in attendance for the hearing were the land owners proposing

the change. Following the hearing, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended the

change to zoning, and approval of the final plat. Additional Documentation included: 1st

Amendment to the Annexation Agreement, Ordinance Amending Annexation Agreement,

Exhibit showing current zoning of the area, Ordinance Amending Zoning, and Final Plat, Lots

15-31, The Woods of Aux Sable Unit 2.

There is a Public Hearing tonight for the Annexation Agreement as required by process.


An Ordinance Adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 (May 1, 2017

– April 30, 2018) – 1st Read

Finance Director Heather Wagonblott presented the Board with a summary of the Annual Budget

for Fiscal Year 2017-2018. She is requesting a waive of second read.

Governmental Funds

Total Revenues: $18,869,279.00.

Total Expenses: $23,555,437.00

Enterprise Funds:

Total Revenues: $3,977.450.00

Total Expenses: $4,175,309.00

Police Pension Fiduciary

Total Revenues: $1,041,036.00

Total Expenses: $341,328.00

Grand Total for All Funds:

Total Revenue: $23,887,765.00

Total Expenses: $28,072,074.00

There have been no changes since two weeks ago when the budget books were distributed.

Trustee Slocum asked for Finance Director to explain why the revenue and expenses are off to

give people an understanding as to why that is occurring. She explained it is a culmination of

various things. In the General Fund it is due to one particular bond payment. Capital Projects is

due to the bonds being issued in fiscal 2017 and the bond revenue being received in fiscal 2017

but the Village did not expend all of the bond money. We received the revenue in one year but are expending it in another or over a number of years. Utility Capital has a deficit due to timing

issues as to when revenue is received and when it is expended for the particular capital project.


Police Chief Wold stated that there are several members of the Citizen Police Academy Alumni

Group present to give a brief presentation. There are currently 20 active alumni in the group.

Connie Sychowski stated that on Saturday they had a fundraiser where the children and their

dogs were able to get their picture taken with the Easter Bunny. It was lot of fun and successful.

The Citizen Police Academy Alumni group presented the Board with a $500.00 check to go

towards the canine unit. All the Board members expressed their thanks. The members present

were Connie Sychowski, Marge, Tony, Tina Lentz and Bill. Trustee Militello stated she brought

her grandsons who enjoyed it immensely.

Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher stated that Officer Hutch has been a wonderful

addition to the Police Department. The Village is very thankful to all who have donated services

and the states Attorney’s Office who made this all possible. He is busy working. This past

weekend he assisted in locating drugs and getting them off the street.


Thorntons Phase 1 – Acceptance of Public Improvements and Release of

Improvement Completion Guarantee

Director of Public Works Ed Dolezal stated the current ICG status for this site is:

Step Original Amount 20% of Original Current Amount

All Steps $5,169,600 $1,033,920 $1,033,920

This guarantee was previously reduced to its 20% minimum on March 21, 2016 and is held as a

single bond.

In accordance with Subdivision and Development Regulations, the developer has requested the

Village accept public improvements consisting of watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and all

N.W. Frontage Road roadway improvements, and to release the currently held ICG.

Per Village Ordinance, acceptance of public improvements and release of the ICG must include

provision of a 2 year Maintenance Guarantee for accepted improvements. The developer has

provided a maintenance guarantee bond in the amount of $1,033,920.00.

Thorntons Phase 2 – Acceptance of Public Improvements and Release of

Improvement Completion Guarantee

Director of Public Works Ed Dolezal stated the current ICG status for this site is:

Step Original ICG 20% of ICG Current ICG Proposed MG

1 $267,992.00 $ 33,598.00 $267,992.00 $ 33,598.00

2 $ 6,600.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 6,600.00 $ 1,320.00

3 $ 6,600.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 6,600.00 $ 1,320.00

4 $ 40,392.00 $ 8,078.00 $ 40,392.00 $ 8,078.00

All Steps $221,584.00 $ 44,316.00 $221,584.00 $ 44,316.00

No steps have been previously reduced. This guarantee is held as a single bond.

In accordance with Subdivision and Development Regulations, the developer has requested the

Village accept public improvements consisting of watermain, sanitary sewer, and ROW

improvements, and to release the currently held ICG.

Per Village Ordinance acceptance of public improvements and release of the ICG must include

provision of a 2 year Maintenance Guarantee for accepted improvements.

Director of Public Works Ed Dolezal stated that at the last Board meeting the Board authorized a

contract for tree removal due to the bat migration. IDOT accepted some of the Village’s

proposals to change some of what we were doing there so the Village did not need to do that




Jennifer Parshall, Channahon Resident

Ms. Parshall addressed the Board regarding a proposal to allow chickens within the Village. She

is signed up for the April 17th Agenda. She provided the Board members with a hand out which

included: a petition with 207 signatures she has collected so far in favor of allowing chickens in

the Village of Channahon; Ordinances for Downers Grove, St. Charles, and Naperville; Several

news stories about where chickens are allowed right now; and 100 of the top cities in the United

States who allow chickens right now. The point of the hand out is to provide information to the

Board to read and do research prior to the April 17th Board meeting. The packet included her

contact information in case any of the Board members would like to contact her with questions or concerns.

Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher thanked Ms. Parshall for coming to the Board

meeting. VP Moorman Schumacher stated what she previously said about this issue. She is not

opposed to chickens but there is a whole big picture that goes along with it. She said there are

13,000 residents in Channahon and there has to be a balance between those who wants chickens

and those who do not. She wants to know how to solve all the other issues that come along with

the chickens. She stated a number of concerns emphasizing the need to have a plan to address all

the concerns and issues which go along with chickens. Ms. Parshall said that her packet

addresses a lot of the issues brought forth. She plans on coming more prepared with more

information at the next meeting.

Trustee Militello stated that she is not anti animal but as a Trustee is here to represent the entire


With a population of 13,000 and only 207 signatures in favor of chickens, that is less than 1% of

the Village. She would need a much wider range to show that the majority of the Village is in

favor of chickens.

Trustee Host mentioned that that she recently was made aware that she was not included in a

meeting in which other candidates met with her regarding her concern regarding allowing

chickens in the Village. Trustee Host took it upon herself to do some research on the issue and

stated that she gives Ms. Parshall a lot of credit for being organized in trying to make, what she

feels, is a very important issue brought forward. I looked at her documentation on line and

noticed that the City of Elgin did a pilot program, which she found rather interesting. She

printed out the documents for Ms. Parshall and suggested that prior to the next Board meeting

she take a look at it and possibly bring it forward. She stated that in a pilot program capacity she

may be able to bring forward a lot more justification. This may allow the chance to see what

works and doesn’t work, if it were to go forward. She stated the key is to meet all the goals you

are trying to achieve along with all its complications. Trustee Host stated she would be willing

to talk to her after the meeting if she would like.

Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher stated that the issue of where to draw the line

will need to be addressed on which animals will be allowed.

Trustee Greco stated he had the opportunity to meet with Ms. Parshall last week and talked for

about an hour and learned a lot regarding the pros and cons of chickens. He said there is no

comparison to the eggs and if you get the chance, to try a fresh egg. He encouraged her to come

to the meeting tonight so the entire Board could hear her proposal and what it is all about.

Steve Czyz, Channahon Resident

Mr. Czyz thanked the Board for giving him the opportunity to speak. He thanked all the

Trustees for their service to the Village. He also thanked the Mayor for her commitment and

dedication. He stated that at the previous meeting he spoke about openness, honesty, and

transparency. He brought up a couple of concerns in which, he felt, the Village was lacking in

those. He cited not receiving a few emails before and after signing up for the email blast the

Village offers. He also provided copies of emails that he did receive. He felt that since the

Village had his cell number, a phone call could have been made to inform him of the error and

make the correction. He was irritated at the fact that he was the one who had to make the phone

call and talk to individuals to get the problem corrected.

Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher asked CD&IS Director Mike Petrick to check

the Village’s emails to see what was sent and any error that may have occurred to correct the

matter. He stated he can look back to see if it was or was not sent. Mr. Cycz stated that after

speaking to Nicole Norris she was able to manually send it to him and corrected the error.

Village President Missey Moorman Schumacher stated that she has no idea what the glitch was

but obviously it has been corrected. Mr. Durkin stated that in looking at the original email and it

looks like there was an error in the spelling of his email address which is the reason as to why he

did not receive the email. Mr. Cycz reiterated his belief that a phone call should have been made

by the Village to rectify the error rather than him having to make the phone call. Village

President Missey Moorman Schumacher stated that there are 13,000 residents in the Village and

there is not enough staff to contact all the residents personally. She apologized for the glitch in

the email and that she can have Mr. Petrick see what went where and when. That’s all in the

internet service. He can check on it and get back to him if needed. It all has been corrected

though. Mr. Cycz stated he still would have liked a phone call when the issue first occurred.


Salary Schedules for Classes of Employees

Trustee Slocum made a motion to go into Executive Session at 6:39 p.m. for Salary Schedules

for Classes of Employees. Seconded by Trustee Greco.

Trustee Slocum made a motion to close Executive Session at 7:15 p.m. for Salary Schedules for

Classes of Employees. Seconded by Trustee Host.

The Committee of the Whole was adjourned at 7:17 p.m.


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