
Will County Gazette

Thursday, December 19, 2024

New Lenox Public Library District Board appoints interim director

Meeting 02

New Lenox Public Library District Board Personnel Committee met Monday, June 6.

The committee deals with all personnel issues at the library district.

Here are the minutes as provided by New Lenox Public Library District: 




JUNE 06, 2016

The meeting of the New Lenox Public Library District Board of Trustees Personnel Committee was called to order at 2:32 p.m., by Trustee Evans on Monday, June 06, 2016, at the New Lenox Library, 120 Veterans Parkway, New Lenox, Illinois

Present were Trustees: Edward A. Tatro, Linda Evans, Colette Loecke, and Michelle Monbrod

Staff present: Pilar Shaker, Director

Audience to Visitors


New Business

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss personnel matters including, review of the applicants for the Director’s position and to determine the compensation amount that will be offered to the Interim candidate.


To review applications received for the Director position and to determine compensation for the Interim. Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2: the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

President Tatro moved and Trustee Monbrod seconded to enter executive session at 2:33 pm – all were in favor

Trustee Loecke moved and Trustee Monbrod seconded to exit executive session at 3:05 pm


ACTION – Trustee Monbrod made a motion to offer Dana Russell, Youth Services Manager the Interim Directorship at $750 net per paycheck during the term. The motion was seconded by President Tatro and passed on a unanimous rollcall vote.

Trustee Monbrod asked Director Shaker to share with the committee how the Adult Services staffing changes came about. Director Shaker shared that after the departure of the most recent Adult Services Manager she decided to revisit the two other finalists for the position, both were internal candidates. After speaking with both candidates Director Shaker offered the position to Amy Ingalls. Hayley Schommer was promoted to Assistant Manager. Ashley Middleton will be promoted to a full-time position and Amy will begin searching for a part-time Associate.


Trustee Loecke moved and Trustee Monbrod seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 3:08 p.m. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


Colette Loecke, Secretary

Respectfully Submitted,

Colette Loecke

Board Secretary