
Will County Gazette

Monday, March 3, 2025

Village of Crete President and Board of Trustees met Jan. 27

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Michael E. Smith, Village Administrator | Village of Crete

Michael E. Smith, Village Administrator | Village of Crete

Village of Crete President and Board of Trustees met Jan. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Clerk Deborah Bachert opened the meeting on January 27, 2025 with the Roll Call at 7:00 p.m.

The following were present in the municipal building: Trustees Steve Bruns, Stephen Johnson, Holly Milburn, Katrina Seifert and Mark Wiater. President Michael Einhorn and Trustee John Phelan were absent. A quorum was present.

Also in attendance: Administrator Michael Smith, Public Works Superintendent Justin Pancrazio and Planning and Zoning Chairperson Karen Tellef, and Media Consultant Nick Borrell.

A motion was made to appoint Mark Wiater as President Pro Tem for the board meeting. Motion: Trustee Holly Milburn

Second: Trustee Steve Bruns

Ayes (5) Trustees Bruns, Milburn, Johnson, Seifert and Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (2) President Einhorn and Trustee John Phelan

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.


President Pro Tem Mark Wiater called to order the regular board meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Crete on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 7:01 p.m. and led those assembled in the Village of Crete Municipal Building, 524 W. Exchange St, Crete, Illinois in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Visitors are always welcome to all public meetings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Crete. Interested parties wishing to speak should identify their intent to speak, they then may give their name and where they reside if they so choose and then make their comment. Persons may also provide their address privately to the Village Clerk if they so choose; persons are advised that addresses are considered private information under the Freedom of Information Act and thus are exempt from disclosure pursuant to any Freedom of Information Act request. However, to give proper consideration to all items on the agenda, the President has the authority to limit participants in debates and will close repetitive or abusive remarks. In addition, public comment rules are posted in the board room.

• Jamie Healy, Crete Chamber of Commerce, announced Monday, March 3rd as "Candidate Forum" night to be held at the library. Also, Bella Medical ribbon cutting is this coming Saturday, February 1st at 1 pm.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Special orders


All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

• Approval of Minutes: Regular Board Meeting - January 13, 2025

• Approval of Bills January 13, 2025 thru January 24, 2025

• Ratification of Payroll - Bi-weekly payrolls ending January 22, 2025.

In accordance with an opinion from the Illinois Attorney General's Office, President Pro Tem Mark Wiater read aloud the items as listed for approval prior to action being taken on the Consent Agenda with brief explanations.

A motion was made to approve the Unanimous Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion: Trustee Stephen Johnson


Second: Trustee Katrina Seifert

Ayes (5) Trustees Bruns, Milburn, Johnson, Seifert and Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (2) President Einhorn and Trustee John Phelan

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.


Public Health - Trustee Katrina Seifert

Reported interviews are ongoing for the open Front Office Clerk position. All applicants reside within "60417”.

Water Department - Trustee Stephen Johnson - no report

Road and Bridge - Trustee Steve Bruns - no report

Building and Grounds - Trustee John Phelan - absent; no report


Finance, License and Ordinance - Trustee Mark Wiater - no report Public Safety - Trustee Holly Milburn

• upcoming Special Olympic events include:

o The police/fire Unified Basketball Game will be held on February 25th at 6:30pm at the high school

o The annual Polar Plunge will be on March 1st at Lake Manteno Sportsman's Club, Manteno Illinois

President Michael Einhorn - absent; no report


Village Administrator - Michael Smith

• Has been working on the 2025 project list with President Einhorn.

• Work has begun again on the corner gas station. Progress should be visible this week.

• The MFT audit is almost completed.

Police Department - Chief Scott Pieritz - absent; no report

Fire Department - Administrator Neal Haemker - absent; no report

Superintendent of Public Works - Justin Pancrazio - report submitted

Building Department - Building Inspector Mike Smith - no report

Code Enforcement - Code Enforcement Supervisor Ryan Allison - absent; no report

Fire & Police Commission - Jim McPhee - absent; no report

EMA - Ryan Allison - absent; no report

Animal Control/Code Enforcement Officer - Katelyn Tieri – absent; no report

Planning Commission - Karen Tellef

• Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Thursday, January 30th at 7 pm. Heritage & Architecture Commission - Phyllis Monks - absent; no report Media Consultant - Nick Borrell - no report

• A Thank You note was received from Crete Country Christmas Committee President Carol Millsap to the Village of Crete for the monetary donation made towards the event held on the first weekend of December.

• Clerk announced the Liquor Commission met with the soon to be new owner of Jemma's Slots. The application for a liquor license was approved. Scheduled opening will be February 2025.

OLD BUSINESS: none discussed

NEW BUSINESS: none discussed

EXECUTIVE SESSION: none was held


As there was no further business to come before the board, a motion was made to declare the meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.

Motion: Trustee Holly Milburn

Second: Trustee Katrina Seifert

Ayes (5) Trustees Bruns, Milburn, Johnson, Seifert and Wiater

Nays (0) none

Absent (2) President Einhorn, Trustee Phelan

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.
