City of Joliet Mayor Terry D'Arcy | City of Joliet
City of Joliet Mayor Terry D'Arcy | City of Joliet
City of Joliet Historic Preservation Commission met Jan. 22.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Present Absent
Candace Johnson, Kailee Lowry, Sharon Merwin, Sara Stovall, Steven Wright and Ken Spiegel
Quinn Adamowski, Brian Bessler, Mary Beth Gannon, Kevin Heinemann and Aaron Mikottis
Aaron Mikottis arrived at approximately 6:02 p.m.
Joliet Historic Preservation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes 12-18-24
A motion was made by Ken Spiegel, seconded by Steven Wright, to approve Joliet Historic Preservation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes 12-18-24. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Johnson, Lowry, Merwin, Stovall, Wright and Spiegel
Absent: Adamowski, Gannon and Heinemann
Randall Bailey, area resident, spoke regarding the request to rescind Local Historic District designation from the Whitney Terrace Local Historic District.
Preliminary Review: LHD-1-2025 - Rescind Local Historic District designation from the Whitney Terrace Local Historic District (412, 414, 416, 418, 420, and 422 Whitney Avenue and its associated common area)
Planner Jayne Bernhard read the Overview section of the staff report into the record. Ms. Merwin asked Ms. Bernhard to display photos on the screen. Ms. Bernhard read the remainder of the staff report into the record. In response to Mr. Wright’s questions, Ms. Bernhard explained the homes in the Whitney Terrace Local Historic District would remain a part of the Upper Bluff National Register Historic District and discussed the difference between the National Register Historic District and Local Historic District. Ms. Merwin responded to Mr. Wright’s question about past façade improvement grants. In response to questions from Mr. Wright, Ms. Johnson, and Mr. Mikottis, Ms. Bernhard explained the State of Illinois Property Tax Assessment Freeze Program. Ms. Merwin discussed the difference between building permits and certificates of appropriateness and commented on window replacement cost and materials.
After the motion to move LHD-1-2025 to a public hearing was approved, Ms. Merwin inquired about surveys that were missing garage and parking information. Ms. Bernhard explained each property had garage information tied to the website portal, but the software was unable to transfer that information on to the survey forms.
A motion was made by Steven Wright, seconded by Sharon Merwin, to approve Preliminary Review: LHD-1-2025 - Rescind Local Historic District designation from the Whitney Terrace Local Historic District (412, 414, 416, 418, 420, and 422 Whitney Avenue and its associated common area). The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Johnson, Lowry, Merwin, Stovall, Wright and Spiegel
Absent: Adamowski, Gannon and Heinemann
2025 Annual Historic Preservation Plan Framework
There was a discussion regarding the Joliet Historic Preservation Commission 2024 Year in Review. A discussion was held regarding the Joliet Historic Preservation Commission 2025 Action Plan.
A motion was made by Sharon Merwin, seconded by Kailee Lowry, to approve 2025 Annual Historic Preservation Plan Framework. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Johnson, Lowry, Merwin, Stovall, Wright and Spiegel
Absent: Adamowski, Gannon and Heinemann
Election of Chair Position
Election of Vice Chair Position
Ms. Bernhard explained staff was recommending the Chair and Vice Chair elections be tabled to the February meeting due to changes in the voting and nonvoting Commission members.
A motion was made by Sharon Merwin, seconded by Ken Spiegel, to table the elections of Chair and Vice Chair positions. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Johnson, Lowry, Merwin, Stovall, Wright and Spiegel
Absent: Adamowski, Gannon and Heinemann
Ms. Bernhard provided an update on the Joliet Area African American Historic Context Study promotional materials. Mr. Wright gave an overview of an upcoming community collection of scanned photographs and artifacts. There was a discussion about project promotion and flyer distribution.
Ms. Bernhard explained the Downtown Joliet National Register Historic District was complete and the library and museum would receive printed copies.
Ms. Bernhard discussed the Comprehensive Plan.
Ms. Bernhard explained the applicants of St. Joe’s Church Landmark application were meeting with City administration the following week.
In response to Mr. Mikottis’s comment, there was a discussion about voting member requirements relating to Joliet residency.
A motion was made by Sharon Merwin, seconded by Kailee Lowry, to approve adjournment. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Johnson, Lowry, Merwin, Stovall, Wright and Spiegel
Absent: Adamowski, Gannon and Heinemann