Village Clerk Dr. Bernice E. Holloway | Village of Romeoville Website
Village Clerk Dr. Bernice E. Holloway | Village of Romeoville Website
Village of Romeoville Village Board met Jan. 15.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Roll Call
Present 5 - Trustee Dave Richards, Trustee Brian A. Clancy Sr., Mayor John Noak, Trustee Lourdes Aguirre, and Trustee Ken Griffin
Absent 2 - Trustee Jose Chavez, and Trustee Linda Palmiter
ORD25-1963 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 150.13 of the Village of Romeoville Code of Ordinances (Adoption of Appendix G: Flood-Resistant Construction)
Village Attorney, Rich Vogel, highlighted the minor update to Chapter 150 which adopts Appendix G to the 2021 International Building Code as required by recent updates to Illinois State law. Mr. Vogel explained that adopting this will allow for future new construction to be more flood resistant and it has the added benefit of keeping the Village up to date and fully compliant with National Flood Insurance Program regulations and eligibility.
Mayor Noak asked the board if they had any questions, hearing none, presentations to the board proceeded.
RES25-3954 A Resolution Approving a Professional Service Task Order from Strand Engineering for Additional Services on the Phase 2 Optimal Corrosion Control Study
Chris Drey, Public Works Director, reminded the board of a previous approval back in 2022 regarding the Village's Corrosion Control Plan. To date, areas throughout the community have been evaluated by harvesting pipes in homes to distinguish a baseline to ensure that once new water is introduced it can be done so without the need for added chemicals and to evaluate chemistry. Engineers evaluated the inner lining of over a dozen resident's pipes,samples are being gathered, and finally they will be shipped to the office of Cornwell in Virginia.
Mayor Noak commented that this is a very complex process and allows for a better understanding of how the different chemical make-ups of the different water sources effect the pipes which will ensure safety and that it's done properly.
Approval of the Consent Agenda
Mayor Noak asked if there were any requests for removal for any items on the Consent Agenda. Hearing none, a motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Richards, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 4 - Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, Trustee Aguirre, and Trustee Griffin
Absent: 2 - Trustee Chavez, and Trustee Palmiter
Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak
MIN25-0994 Approval of Minutes- Regular Meeting December 18, 2024
This Minutes Regular was Approved.
25-3407 Approval of Bills- Schedule A
This Approval Of Bills was Approved.
25-3408 Approval of Bills- Schedule B
This Approval Of Bills was Approved.
25-3409 Approval of Bills- Schedule C
This Approval Of Bills was Approved.
25-3410 Approval of Bills- Schedule D
This Approval Of Bills was Approved.
25-3411 Approval of Bills- Schedule E
This Approval Of Bills was Approved.
25-3412 Approval of Bills- Schedule F
This Approval Of Bills was Approved.
ORD25-1962 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 112 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Village of Romeoville Code of Ordinances
This Ordinance was Approved.
RES25-3955 A Resolution Reducing the Development Security for Mercedes Benz Phase 1 Romeoville, Illinois This Resolution was Approved.
RES25-3956 A Resolution Reducing the Development Security for Mercedes Benz Phase 2 Romeoville, Illinois
This Resolution was Approved.
RES25-3957 A Resolution Declaring Surplus Property and Authorizing the Disposition of the Surplus Property
This Resolution was Approved.
Mayor Noak expressed condolences to the family of Pamela Bowden and wished everyone a Happy New Year. Mayor Noak discussed passed events such as the Golden Age Club Holiday Lunch, the Romeo Garden's meal delivery, and the NWCSRA basketball game. There will be a ribbon cutting for the new Kiddie Academy tomorrow.
25-3413 A Motion to Appoint a New Member to the Joliet Regional Port District
This Appointment was Withdrawn.
Dr. Bernice Holloway shared that the Valley View Educational Enrichment Foundation will meet tomorrow at Bolingbrook's Village Hall.
Mrs. Caldwell reminded the board that our office's will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day. She thanked everyone who participated in the NWCSRA basketball game last night. The survey for the strategic plan is begin finalized and should be going out in the next few weeks.
ORD25-1963 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 150.13 of the Village of Romeoville Code of Ordinances (Adoption of Appendix G: Flood-Resistant Construction)
A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, that this Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 4 - Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, Trustee Aguirre, and Trustee Griffin
Absent: 2 - Trustee Chavez, and Trustee Palmiter
Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak
RES25-3954 A Resolution Approving a Professional Service Task Order from Strand Engineering for Additional Services on the Phase 2 Optimal Corrosion Control Study
A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Richards, that this Resolution be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 4 - Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, Trustee Aguirre, and Trustee Griffin
Absent: 2 - Trustee Chavez, and Trustee Palmiter
Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak
10. BOARD COMMENTS (including Commission, Committee, Liaison Reports)
Trustee Griffin- Happy New Year. The Veteran's Commission will meet on January 21st at 4 PM at Village Hall. After 18 successful years, the
Disabled Veterans Golf Outing is no more. More than a half a million dollars was raised for Veterans charities.
Mayor Noak commented that he is very said to see that go and that everyone has done an amazing job over the years.
Trustee Clancy- A brief overview of upcoming Recreation events was shared. Happy New Year. The Golden Age lunch was great and the basketball game last night was tremendous.
Trustee Richards- Happy New Year. Congratulations to NWCSRA on their win last night. Stay warm, stay safe, and check in on your neighbors.
Planning and Zoning held a meeting last night and the January 28th meeting is canceled.
Trustee Aguirre- Happy New Year. Condolences to the family of Rich Ford.
Congratulations to the NWCSRA. The Police & Fire Commission moved their meeting to January 21st at 6:30 PM. The Conservation & Sustainability Committee will have their next meeting on February 12th. Stay warm!
11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Personnel- 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1); Pending or Threatened Litigation- 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)
No executive session was held at this meeting.
A motion was made by Trustee Clancy, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, that this Meeting be Adjourned at 6:18 PM. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.