Keith Ogle, Village of Frankfort Mayor | Village of Frankfort
Keith Ogle, Village of Frankfort Mayor | Village of Frankfort
Village of Frankfort Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals met Jan. 9.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Call to Order: Chair Markunas called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM
Commissioners Present: Will Markunas (Chair), Brian James, Johnny Morris, Dan Knieriem, Richard Rappold
Commissioners Absent: David Hogan, Jessica Jakubowski
Staff Present: Community & Economic Development Director Mike Schwarz, Planner Amanda Martinez, Planner Lanie Hannon, Administrative
Assistant Lisa Paulus
Elected Officials Present: None
A. Approval of the Minutes from December 12, 2024
Chair Markunas asked for questions or comments regarding the minutes. There were none. Motion (#1): To approve the minutes from November 14, 2024.
Motion by: Rappold Seconded by: Morris
Approved: (5-0)
Chair Markunas asked members of the audience to raise their hands if they intend to provide testimony during any of the public hearings this evening. A number of people raised their hands. Chair Markunas then swore in those members of the audience wishing to provide testimony.
A. Public Hearing: 890 Glenbarr Lane –Kalata Residence (Ref. 107) Public Hearing kept open and continued from December 12, 2024
Amanda Martinez presented the staff report.
Chair Markunas read letters from the two residents to the Plan Commission.
The applicant, Anna Lukaszczyk, approached the podium. She stated she had raised the basement in order to attempt to meet the Village’s requirements.
Commissioner Rappold asked Ms. Lukaszczyk if they had addressed the flooding and advised that any approval will be conditioned upon engineering. The applicant replied she has not done any engineering but will submit civil drawings upon their permit application.
Commissioner James confirmed this change allows the square footage of the basement to be counted towards the square footage of the home and the footprint has not changed. Staff confirmed.
A resident, Ryan Casler, approached the podium. He stated that he preferred to see a home that properly fit the lot and subdivision. He expressed disappointment that his letter was read at the last meeting and his request to not add height to the home was not taken into consideration. He mentioned that he felt the property at 1003 Prestwick Drive did a nice job of new construction which fits into the existing neighborhood.
A resident, Scott Underwood, stated he has helped maintain the lot and agreed that the lot does flood in the spring. He stated the overarching concern is the flooding issue. He explained he has a French drain, an external sump-pump, and the neighbors have had their basement mitigated due to flooding. A walk out basement would be problematic with flooding issues. He stated he would prefer a home that fits the neighborhood instead of meeting the Village’s minimum square footage requirement.
Motion (# 2): Motion to close the public hearing.
Motion by: James Seconded by: Rappold
Chair Markunas discussed the lot depth, lot width, and lot area variation requests among the Commission. There were no concerns with those three proposed variation requests as it is standard to allow construction on an existing non-conforming lot.
Chair Markunas confirmed with Ms. Lukaszczyk that she was aware the driveway would be crossing an easement. The applicant confirmed yes, and stated the driveway would be asphalt, which is easiest to tear up in the event it needs to be accessed.
Chair Markunas addressed the minimum gross floor requirement. He stated the home will not meet the 5,000 square footage requirement.
Commissioner Knieriem asked if the 5,000 square foot requirement was a Village standard and explained that the revision that made the square footage larger still has them under the 5,000 square foot minimum requirement. He stated the square footage of the home was smaller at the first Public Hearing, but now with the square footage being larger, we are met with issues from the neighbors.
Commissioner Rappold stated the home still is smaller than the Village requirements. He stated the applicant hasn’t increased the burden on the land for the flood issue as well. The flooding will have to be addressed with engineering review.
Commissioner James asked staff how long the 5,000 minimum square footage requirement has been in place because the vast majority of homes in Prestwick are currently non conforming. He explained the current homes are roughly 2,500 to 3,500 square feet, and so he preferred the applicant’s previous 2,909 square foot proposal. Mike Schwarz responded that the Village Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 2001.
Commissioner Morris stated the home meets the regulatory requirements. He expressed concern for the importance of engineering for the flood plan.
Chair Markunas stated all homes in Prestwick are unique and vary in size and height. He agreed with Commissioner James and also preferred the smaller proposal of 2,909 square feet but understood the footprint did not change.
The Commission discussed the tree preservation plan, and the Commission agreed there were no issues.
The Commission agreed that the revised full brick was acceptable. The Commission agreed that the patio was acceptable.
The Commission discussed flooding in the area. Chair Markunas informed the applicant they will be required to do civil engineering to get though the building permit process. Amanda Martinez stated there will be civil engineering plans including the grading plan to make sure the property doesn’t impact surrounding homes. Chair Markunas confirmed they take into account all surrounding properties and engineer accordingly. Mike Schwarz agreed that the Building Services Department would carefully review the proposed grading plan.
Chair Markunas asked if the home would be a spec home or if they will live at the residence. The applicant replied it will be Wojciech Kalata’s primary home.
Motion (# 3): Recommend the Village Board approve the variation request to reduce the required minimum gross floor area of a two-story home from 5,000 sq. ft. to 4,135 sq.ft. on the property located at 890 Glenbarr Ln., in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, findings of fact, and conditioned upon Final Engineering approval.
Motion by: James Seconded by: Morris
Approved: (5-0)
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Motion (# 4): Recommend the Village Board approve a variation request to reduce the minimum lot width from 150’ to 121.15’ for the property located at 890 Glenbarr Ln., in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony and findings of fact.
Motion by: James Seconded by: Rappold
Approved: (5-0)
Motion (# 5): Recommend the Village Board approve a variation request to reduce the minimum lot depth from 267’ to 146.125’ for the property located at 890 Glenbarr Ln., in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony and findings of fact.
Motion by: Knieriem Seconded by: Rappold
Approved: (5-0)
Motion (# 6): Recommend the Village Board approve a variation request to reduce the minimum lot area from 40,000 sq. ft. to 20,819.30 sq. ft. for the property located at 890 Glenbarr Ln., in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony and findings of fact.
Motion by: Morris Seconded by: James
Approved: (5-0)
Chair Markunas informed the applicant this will go on to the Village Board and staff will be in contact.
B. Non-Public Hearing: 9423 W. Lincoln Highway - Currie Subdivision Amanda Martinez presented the staff report.
The applicant, Henry Hill, approached the podium. He stated he was working with staff to revise the Final Plat from 2011 which he understands was not recorded.
Commissioner Knieriem asked Mr. Hill if there were any major changes to the site’s development plan. Mr. Hill stated besides the previously approved building addition, no. Chair Markunas confirmed there are no open items.
Ms. Martinez stated Commissioner Rappold did mention to staff that the easement provision that mentions Ameritech should be updated to state AT&T. Ms. Martinez stated that this technical revision will be taken care of prior to recording as she would like to confer with the Village Engineer.
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Motion (# 7): Recommend the Village Board approve the Final Plat of Subdivision for the Currie Subdivision, in accordance with the reviewed plans, subject to any necessary technical revisions prior to recording, conditioned upon Final Engineering approval.
Motion by: Knieriem Seconded by: James
Approved: (5-0)
C. Non-Public Hearing: Abby Woods North Final Plat of Subdivision
Mike Schwarz presented the staff report. During the presentation, Mr. O’Malley remarked from the audience that he would his request stated in the staff report to make two changes to the recently approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the subdivision.
The applicant, Shawn O’Malley, approached the podium. He thanked Mr. Schwarz for the report.
Commissioner Knieriem asked Mr. O’Malley if they were still moving dirt on site. Mr. O’Malley replied that he is within the allowable maximum 5 acres of dirt stock piling, and thinks he is within 500 to 1,000 yards of material of being balanced. He estimates that there were approximately 2,000 yards brought in.
Mike Schwarz stated the site development permit was issued through Will County for the initial grading that started in 2022.
Commissioner Rappold asked the applicant if the road would not be built until the property to the west is built. Mike Schwarz explained that because of the grade change between the properties, the development to the west likely would trigger the start of the road being built. He stated the Village has a letter of credit for the improvement. They wanted to plan for the road, but also for the water and sewer. Commissioner Rappold thought it was important that people see the road now. In doing so, the residents would not later state they prefer not to have a road.
Chair Markunas questioned staff if there were any large changes. Mike Schwarz stated this Final Plat matches the lot sizes on the Plat from last month. Chair Markunas confirmed the technical revisions, and Mike Schwarz stated any necessary technical revisions to the Plat will be addressed prior to recording.
Motion (# 8): Recommend the Village Board approve the Final Plat of Subdivision for Abbey Woods North, in accordance with the reviewed plans, subject to any necessary technical revisions prior to recording, conditioned upon Final Engineering and Final
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Landscape Plan approval, and the developer shall record the approved Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions concurrent with the recording of the Final Plat of Subdivision.
Motion by: Knieriem Seconded by: Rappold
Approved: (5-0)
D. Public Comments
There were no public comments.
E. Village Board & Committee Updates
At the Village Board meeting on December 14th, all of the following Abby Woods North items were approved:
A. Execution of Annexation Agreement - Ordinance
B. Annexation Ordinance
C. Rezone from E-R Estate Residential to R-2 Single Family Residential - Ordinance
D. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision - Approval
E. Plat of Easement – Approval
Also, the Rhumbar property located at 10211 W. Lincoln Highway was on the Village Board agenda for consideration for the following items:
A. Major Change to Brookside Commons Office Centre Planned Unit Development - Ordinance
B. Special Use Permit for Full-Service Restaurant with Liquor Sales - Ordinance
C. Special Use Permit for Outdoor Seating - Ordinance
D. Special Use Permit for Drive-Up Service Window - Ordinance
The motions failed for lack of a second and has been denied. They would have a one-year waiting period to file a new application, except on the grounds of new evidence or proof of change of condition found to be valid by the Plan Commission and Village Board.
Commissioner Knieriem asked staff if the applicant of Rhumbar could make any changes to make the building more presentable for residents. He was concerned with the building not getting updated and no forward moving progress being made. Mike Schwarz responded that the applicant can maintain the building without Plan Commission approval, however any changes to the exterior building materials will need to come before the Plan Commission because the property is located in a Planned Unit Development.
The Commission discussed the Rhumbar next steps approval of a Major Change to the Planned Unit Development and the requested Special Use Permits.