Village of Manhattan Officials | Facebook
Village of Manhattan Officials | Facebook
Village of Manhattan Board of Trustees met Jan. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
A Regular Meeting of the Village of Manhattan President and Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Mayor Adrieansen calls the Village of Manhattan Board meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.
Neighbors aye, Young aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski absent, Doyle aye, Adrieansen aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent). Also present are Lewis, Wold, Nelson, Braddy, Gulli, Tyk, Pintar, and Attorney Taylor.
Resident, Paula Gibbs, comments on the discussion that took place at the December 17th Village Board meeting concerning St. Joseph's School. Gibbs states that she has been a Local 130 Plumber for 30 years. She feels that the cost discussion around sprinkler systems had too much of a gap. St. Joe's was quoted over $100,000 and the Village stated that a system could be installed around $30,000. Gibbs states $30,000 is too low and they need a more accurate estimate.
Gibbs states that the minutes from the December 17th Board meeting did not capture the entire conversation around the safety issues of the children. Gibbs opinion is that the minutes should have specifically captured verbatim quotes from Community Development Director, Marc Nelson.
Gibbs asks the Village Board for an explanation of invoices: 1) $43,000 for de-watering bio-solids on page 15 of the bills list; and 2) 8 sets of solar panels from B&F Construction. Gibbs asks why the Village is purchasing Solar panels.
Mayor Mike Adrieansen informs Gibbs that the Public Comment section of the agenda is not used as a question-and-answer segment but will be happy to answer her questions after the meeting is over.
Community Development Director informs Gibbs that the fees for solar panels on the bills lists are inspection fees charged to the Village but paid for by the residents when they apply for permits to install solar panels.
Village Clerk Lewis informed the Village Board, Village Staff, and audience that the reason some of the discussion was not captured in the minutes was due to no one using the microphones during the meeting. When Lewis played the recording back there were parts with no sound. Village Clerk Lewis encouraged the Village Board, Staff, and audience members to use the microphones when they speak.
Doyle Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda which consists of the December 17, 2024, Village Board Meeting Minutes; and Approval of January 7, 2025, Bills List. Neighbors Second. Roll Call: Neighbors aye, Young aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski absent, Doyle aye (4 ayes, O nays, 2 absent, O abstain) Motion Carried.
Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the first item on the agenda is a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of the Pace Paratransit Local Share Agreement Between Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and the Village of Manhattan. This is for the Dial-A-Ride service and the fee to the Village is $3,143.00 and the cost is split with Manhattan Township.
Beemsterboer Motion to Approve is a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of the Pace Paratransit Local Share Agreement Between Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and the Village of Manhattan. Doyle Second. Roll Call: Young aye, Dilling absent, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski absent, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye (4 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.
Mayor Adrieansen informs the Village Board that the next item on the agenda is the Design Guidelines Workshop for the downtown redevelopment plan. The Farnsworth Group is here to facilitate the discussion.
Ken Chastain and John Striker from the Farnsworth Group lead the Design Guidelines Workshop.
The Village Board has discussion about things to consider:
➤ General look and feel.
➤ Architectural styles
➤ Scale/building height.
➤ Materiality
➤ Windows/fenestration
➤ Canopies/awnings
➤ Building lighting
➤ Signage
➤ Murals
Next Steps:
➤ Farnsworth Group asks Community Development Director, Nelson to send out the list of things to consider along with the deck of pictures provided as examples.
➤The Board will in turn provide their likes and dislikes to Nelson by January 23, 2025.
➤ There will be a public meeting at the Manhattan Township building on January 30, 2025, for stakeholders. Invites will go out. Public Works will distribute the invites to the houses that live in the downtown redevelopment area. This meeting is open to the public.
➤ In February, the Farnsworth Group will come back to the Village Board with an outline.
➤ In March, there will be a review of preliminary recommendations.
➤ The final Guideline Plan will be approved in April.
Mayor Adrieansen informs the Village Board that some residents have been in contact with Public Works Superintendent Tyk about adding 6 streetlights on Kankakee Street to match the ones on Eastern Ave. The cost is about $10,000 for 6 streetlights, a transformer, and wiring. Mayor Adrieansen states that Public Works Superintendent Tyk has reached out to each board member individually but wants to make it officially known. The Village Board agrees with the lighting project.
Village Clerk Lewis Announcements:
➤ NuVision Flooring will begin the installation of the new vinyl floor in the meeting room on Tuesday, January 14th and it should be complete by January 16th.
➤ The Community Blood Drive is scheduled for Thursday, January 30th from 2:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. in the meeting room.
Village Administrator Wold would like to remind the Village Board that the Strategic Planning Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, January 25th from 8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
Village Administrator Wold announces the Certificate of Insurance for the Dog Park has finally been approved.
Community Development Director Nelson informs the Village Board that they are close to bringing a new Comprehensive Plan Map to the Board based on the last workshop and a traffic assessment.
Public Works Superintendent Tyk updates the Village Board on Baker Road. Lighting is being installed.
EMA Director Terry Doyle informs the Village Board that Brian Zarnowski's Father-In-Law passed away.
Young Motion to Adjourn. Neighbors Second. All are in Favor. Motion Carried.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:30 P.M.