Sam Greco, Trustee - Finance/Human Resources; Community & Legislative Affairs | Village of Channahon
Sam Greco, Trustee - Finance/Human Resources; Community & Legislative Affairs | Village of Channahon
Village of Channahon Committee of the Whole met Oct. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
VP Moorman Schumacher called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with Trustees Greco, Host, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum present.
Also present were Village Administrator Thomas Durkin, Assistant Village Administrator Mike Petrick, Director of Community Development Scott McMaster, Director of Public Works Ed Dolezal, Chief of Police Adam Bogart, Village Attorney Jim Murphy and Village Clerk Kristin Hall.
VP Moorman Schumacher informed everyone present that anyone who speaks at the meeting shall be deemed to have given his/her consent to the recording of their likeness and speech. This meeting is being recorded.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that a longtime resident, Mickey Feeney, passed away this morning. She observed a moment of silence for Mickey and the Feeney family. A celebrity is in the room this evening. In 1961, Channahon was incorporated and our very first Mayor, Bill Cook, is here this evening.
Presentation - Kluber Architects + Engineers for Design Services for the New Public Works Building
Durkin stated Kluber Architects + Engineers presented their firm profile and project approach highlighting their abilities and project team qualifications for the Villages proposed Public Works Facility. The Village design team feels Kluber Architects provides the design abilities and capability to provide the necessary design and construction documents for a project of this scope. Reference checks with other municipalities including South Elgin, Yorkville, Hampshire and Aurora have provided a favorable opinion of Kluber Architects on their projects similar in nature to ours. The Village design team feels Kluber Architects has a proven track record of success on Public Works projects and will be a valuable partner in our project from design through construction and recommends the board authorize staff to negotiate a contract for design services with Kluber Architects for the Village of Channahon Public Works Facility
Kluber Architects + Engineers representatives, Chris Hansen, Clayton Haldeman, Jeff Bruns and Jon Green gave a detailed presentation on the proposed Design Services for the New Public Works facility.
Trustee Slocum asked how they get started in working on public works facilities, building as many as you have.
Mr. Hansen stated that he started that his team has always done government sector projects. We work on Village Halls, Police Stations, Fire Stations and we were asked to do a Public Works facility. When they started the South Elgin project, they came to us with an idea and asked us if we would entertain doing a Public Works facility. That is where it started. Right now, they have four current Public works projects, all in various stages. They enjoy doing them. The fact that they have everyone in house is a real benefit to a project like this because Public Works facilities are not just all about aesthetics and the structure but also about the building systems that support the structure with what work is performed in Public Works departments. They have all been doing this together for a really long time and they've worked on a number of facilities like this. It has become second nature. They are happy to do any project type and in terms of the government sector, it is one of the building types and projects they always pursue, especially when they are right in our backyard.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that she knows they focused on Public Works facilities for this presentation but they also worked on the Will County Health Department.
Mr. Hansen stated yes, he was the lead design and project manager for the Will County Health Department. The entire team that is here tonight was on that project, as well. They've also done the Kendall County Courthouse, the Kendall County Health Department and they took down the old Will County Courthouse. They have been involved in a number of different projects in the area.
Trustee Host stated it was mentioned that there is the potential to do the multi-stormwater facility in the back. Is that in addition to the water facility that we were going to do.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that it for stormwater not water treatment.
Trustee Host stated that when she hears facility she thinks buildings.
Dolezal stated that we have the ability to expand the Creekside Estates naturalized detention.
Discussion took place on the layout of the site and how the site could be best utilized.
Discussion - Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Channahon and the County of Grundy, Village of Diamond, Village of Minooka, the City of Morris and the Village of Shorewood related to the Creation of a Regional Collaboration Plan for Northeast Grundy County and Surrounding Area
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that you may notice that some of the entities are not listed. For example, Grundy County Economic Development, is not listed because they are not a governmental entity and therefore not required to sign an IGA.
Durkin stated in the early 2024, the Village of Channahon received a $400,000 State Planning and Research Grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation to develop a regional collaboration plan for the northeast Grundy County and surrounding area. The grant is an 80/20 match, requiring the Village to contribute $80,000 of the $400,000 grant. The Village assembled Grundy County along with the Villages of, Minooka, Diamond, Shorewood, and the City of Morris along with the Will County Governmental League, the Will County Center for Economic Development, the Grundy Economic Development Council and the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce to development this plan and sharing the expense of funding the 20% local match requirement. The attached Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) sets forth the respective obligations of the parties relative to the development of the collaboration plan and the promotion of their mutual interests and cooperation on all matters that pertain to the government and affairs of the parties. In addition, the IGA provides the funding breakdown of the 20% match, including expenses related to the selected consultant who will develop the plan. The breakdown is as follows:
Channahon - $15,000
Grundy County - $20,000
Morris - $15,000
Minooka - $15,000
Shorewood - $10,000
Diamond - $250
Other entities contributing funds that are not required to pass the IGA since they are not subject to the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act are as follows:
Will County Governmental League - $15,000
Will County Center for Economic Development - $1,000
Grundy Economic Development Council - $1,000
Grundy Chamber of Commerce - $1,000
Total $93,250
The agreement provides for the payment of the payments within 45 days of full execution of the agreement. The amounts to be paid by the various entities exceeds the eighty thousand ($80,000) dollars required match amount. The Additional Funds shall be utilized to pay any additional costs resulting from scope of service overruns or other factors requiring the payment of additional matching funds to complete the Project. If any Additional Funds are unspent at the conclusion of the Project, the Village shall return those funds to the parties in the same percentage as the contribution made. Additionally, the agreement specifically stipulates that fees related to any work requested by an individual municipality above and beyond this agreement will be the sole responsibility of said municipality under a separate agreement which shall be filed as addendum to the primary agreement. The additional funds will not be utilized for additional work requested by an individual entity. The Village will oversee and manage the completion of this project.
Trustee Slocum asked if this was for traffic only or land use or planning.
Durkin stated it is not specifically for planning efforts but we will assemble land use plans that are associated with each of the entities in that area. We will start to identify the areas that we need to look regarding the transportation improvements that are going to need to be done.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that that we will focus on primarily on traffic control with the least impact to the residents.
Trustee Scaggs asked if this would be something that we could use to help implement the widening Route 6 out west.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that she met with Mayor Brown in Morris last Monday and that was one of the things that we specifically talked about. We don't know yet what roads will look like once everything is done but it's a given that Route 6 will need to be widened. It will be one of those things that we can take to State and Federal Legislators, for political and monetary support.
Durkin stated that one of the benefits that we've had with this regional partner group is that representatives from IDOT District 3 have been in the meetings to discuss the traffic needs in the future. They are well aware of what is going on in the area and that includes Route 6.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that at the 55 & 59 interchange ribbon cutting she took the opportunity to talk to the IDOT Secretary Osman about Route 6 because it can never be stressed enough.
Discussion -- An Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory to the Corporate Limits of the Village of Channahon 04-10-04-400-018-0000 and 04-10-400-023-0000 (QuikTrip) – 1st Read
Petrick stated QuikTrip Corporation has applied for annexation to the Village of Channahon for the property generally located at the southwest corner of W. Eames St. (U.S. Route 6) and S. Frontage Rd. W. In the future, the owner intents to apply for the approval to construct a fueling center and convenience store at the location, as was seen in conceptual plans that were presented in 2023. Plans for these items have been submitted and are under review. While public hearings, review, and approval processes for development are yet to occur, there is nothing preventing moving forward with the annexation process now. The annexation would comprise of approximately 9.07 acres, per Will County Supervisor of Assessment Records. It would include the right-of-way of S. Frontage Rd. W.
Discussion - An Ordinance Rezoning from C-1 Local Shopping District to R-2 Single Family Residence for 25207 W. Bluff Street - 1st Read
McMaster stated Bill Cook is requesting approval of a rezoning to R-2 Single Family Residence District for the property located at 25207 W Bluff Street. The property is currently zoned C-1 Local Shopping District. Approval of the request would allow for the conversion of the structure to a residential dwelling. The request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation of Single-Family Neighborhood. At this time, the owner has no plans to alter the improvements on the property other than to comply with the requirements of a residential Certificate of Occupancy.
The PZC considered the request during a public hearing at their regular meeting held on October 14, 2024. During the public hearing 1 member of the public provided support for the rezoning stating there is a lack of essential housing in the area and this provides a needed residential unit. The Commission provided no further discussion or direction. A motion was made to recommend the Village Board approve the Rezoning. The motion was approved by a 5-0 vote.
Discussion -- An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit for Cartage Facility/Truck Terminal in the I-1 Limited Manufacturing District at 23937 S. Northern Illinois Drive – 1st Read
Discussion - Site Plan Amendment for TVA Logistics, Inc. Located at 23937 S. Northern Illinois Drive
McMaster stated TVA Logistics, Inc. is requesting approval of a special use permit for cartage/truck terminal and a site plan amendment for the property located at 23937 S. Northern Illinois Drive. Approval of the requests would allow for the construction of an asphalt paving lot and detention pond. The business has been operating from the property since 2021. Engineering is currently under review. It is the applicant's intent to move forward to construction following the engineering and village approvals.
The PZC considered the request during a public hearing at their regular meeting held on October 14, 2024. During the public hearing I member of the public provided comments regarding the concern for the lack of maintenance of the property especially the shared property line with Romar Cabinets and drainage concerns along Northern Illinois Drive, but stated that she was not opposed to the building being occupied.
Commission discussion focused on the following:
Update on the drainage review and solutions further downstream in the industrial park near M&I Steel.
The importance of cleaning up the site and appreciation that the property will be brought into compliance with village codes.
Clarification of the anticipated staffing at this building;
TVA does not plan to staff the property 24/7, but they plan to have staff during normal office hours who will help to keep an eye on maintenance of the property. They would also explore future improvements to the building that would allow drivers to access a limited area of the building when the office is closed. They are in constant communication with their drivers so they would be able to inform them of any changes in the future.
Suggestion of adding a second dumpster at the far end of the rear parking lot for driver convenience.
• Appreciation that the property would be owner-occupied.
A motion was made to enter the findings of fact that the standards set forth in the appropriate sections of the Village Code had been met and to recommend the Village Board approve the Special Use Permit subject to the village's standard SUP conditions for cartage facilities/truck terminal as listed in Exhibit B. The motion was approved by a 5-0 vote. A motion was made to recommend the Village Board approve the Site Plan Amendment subject staff review and approval of engineering. The motion was approved by a 5-0 vote.
VP Moorman Schumacher asked if the previous occupant had boat storage in the ComEd/pipeline easement, at some point.
Petrick stated yes, he wasn't sure if that was in the era of Cardinal Transport or DNJ. It was Cardinal Transport, then DNJ, then another company, then it was purchased by another owner and leased to this company. Now the current owner would like to bring it under their control. They did state at PZC that some of the garbage accumulation and other issues happened when they were renting it out and not when they were using it themselves. Some of the areas that are overgrown are intended to be cut down, curb will be installed and proper grass put in when the site is refurbished. As McMaster stated, this has been a nonconforming use that has been permitted to continue as it has been in continuous use for so long. We couldn't find any history on how Cardinal Transport didn't require a SUP as SUP rules may have been different at the time, were just not necessary at the time or if over time the nature of the business changed. Since it has been the same use with nonstop operation, it is allowed to continue until the point it stops being used for a period of time. Our code does not allow for expansion of a nonconforming use, so they are trying to bring it into conformity so that the property can be paved, stormwater provided and the property cleaned up.
VP Moorman Schumacher asked if they were doing something in regard to stormwater detention.
Petrick stated that they do have detention in the front of the property, as proposed. Our engineer is reviewing and we would request that any approval on this would be contingent on staff review and final engineering.
Trustee Slocum stated that he had a couple of concerns. He and Dolezal went there and walked around and it needs an upgrade. If they are going to continue to operate, we might as well have a nice looking piece of property in town. It is in bad shape.
McMaster stated that we will address that with the building and property owners. Some of the issues are on the building departments radar, as far as trash and weeds.
Trustee Perinar stated it was mentioned that PZC gave full approval. Was there anyone there that commented on it?
Petrick stated that a representative from Romar Cabinet commented at PZC and brought up the issues of the trash and the untidiness of the property. They are the business directly to the south.
Dave Ferro, resident of Channahon, asked what are they going to do there. Are they going to repair trucks or are they going to haul full trucks in there and have a drop zone. Also, what will these trucks have on them.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that for the sake of argument, the owner is already doing all of what they are intending to do,
Vasilii Tipa, owner of TVA Logistics, stated that the company has been in business for 14 years, they have a nice office and yard in Plainfield and it was a similar situation there. They bought an existing business and fixed and cleaned it. They've operated there for five years and have never had a problem. Their company got bigger and they needed to expand so they bought this property from DNJ and want to make it a nice property. They are not going to repair as their facility in Plainfield is the repair shop. This property will be a driver property. He and his 250 drivers can park the trucks and the building will be used for a small office for operations and the second level will be where the drivers can enjoy coffee on their break.
Petrick stated that the description of the business from the PZC memo is TVA operates over the road trucks. They are typically dispatched from here and moved all across the country for weeks at a time. It's not similar to DNJ where they would leave and come back in the same day.
VP Moorman Schumacher asked if the trucks are empty when they are parked here.
Mr. Tipa stated that they transport refrigerated product. Some of the trucks will be empty, some of the trucks will be loaded.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that part of Mr. Ferro's question was is there going to be any harzardous materials stored on site.
Mr. Tipa stated there is not going to be any hazardous material. Their website and YouTube channel has a lot of information about their company. They have 14 years in business and have a pretty good reputation.
Presentation -- Annual Comprehensive Finance Report for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2023 by Betsy Allen, Audit Partner/Principal from Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd.
Betsy Allen gave a short presentation on the Annual Comprehensive Finance Report for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2024.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that the highlight of her phone call with Betsy was that there was no letter included regarding any management deficiencies. Truly, Wagonblott and her team have done a phenomenal job. In a small organization, to segregate duties and make sure that we have all of those internal controls, is quite a feat.
Wagonblott thanked Betsy Allen for presenting and all of their hard work.
Discussion – Channahon Police Pension Fund Tax Levy Demand Letter Wagonblott stated Section 3-125 of the Illinois Pension Code requires that the Village of Channahon levy a tax to meet the annual actuarial requirements of the police pension fund (40 ILCS 5/3-125). The Board of Trustees of the Channahon Police Pension Fund reviewed the actuarial valuation and GASB 67/68 reporting prepared by Foster & Foster. As a result of this review and discussion, the Police Pension Board voted to request that the Village Board levy $1,071,785 for the Fund in December 2024. Please note the following:
The recommended tax levy requirement is $99,511 more than the prior year;
According to the actuarial report, the Fund's investments returned 8.952% net of investment fees for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2024, on an actuarial basis;
The funded ratio reported in the actuarial report is 68.8% which remained consistent with the prior year; and In fiscal year 2024 the Fund paid approximately $775,466 in pension benefits which is 16.86% more than the prior fiscal year. It is estimated that in approximately three years, the Police Pension Fund's pension benefit payments will double,
The Channahon Police Pension Board is grateful that the Village Board continues to have a proactive approach in seeking to grow its pension funds through investment now, as it is a fiscally responsible decision for the fund and the taxpayers of the Village of Channahon. The Police Pension Board looks forward to continuing the partnership with the Village to ensure the Pension Fund is appropriately funded. Enclosed is the actuarial valuation report prepared by Foster & Foster as referenced above. If you have any questions regarding the Police Pension Board's request, please feel free to contact the pension board.
Discussion -- Annual Municipal Compliance Report for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2024
Wagonblott stated that this is a requirement for the Police Pension Fund to report back to the Village. It indicates what revenues were taken in and what expenses were taken out; it's a general overview of the fund itself. It was presented to the Pension Board last Friday. The Pension President and Secretary signed the report and now it is presented to the Board, as required.
Bogart stated he had no formal items for discussion.
Dolezal stated he had no formal items for discussion.
Appointment, Employment, Dismissal, Compensation, Discipline and Performance of an Employee of the Village of Channahon
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that we do have Executive Session but there is no action coming out of it, so we will move that to the end of the Board Meeting.
The Committee of the Whole was adjourned at 7:13 p.m.