
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Channahon Arts and Culture Commission met Aug. 14

Webp 4

Patricia Perinar, Trustee - Finance/Human Resources; Public Safety/Emergency Support | Village of Channahon

Patricia Perinar, Trustee - Finance/Human Resources; Public Safety/Emergency Support | Village of Channahon

Village of Channahon Arts and Culture Commission met Aug. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Arts and Culture Commission Meeting Minutes

Pat Clower called the meeting to order at 4pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll call was taken with Monica Sweeney, Hayden Minor, Megan Verbic, and Pat Clower. Greg Peerbolte was absent. Greg Peerbolte was present at 4:05pm.

Verbal Roll Call: ALL AYES

Also present were the Village Staff Liaisons, Thomas Durkin, Georgia Sweeney, and Melissa Mazintas.

Approval of Minutes:

Minor made a motion to approve. Verbic seconded. The meeting minutes were approved from the last meeting, July 10, 2024.

Public Comment:

No Comment.

New Business:

A) Social Media/Marketing/Advertising/Branding Discussion - Sydney Thompson, Marketing and Communications Manager

Sydney Thompson introduced herself as the Marketing and Advertising Manager for Village of Channahon. She passed out the color guidelines that the Village follows. She showcased the quarterly newsletter and how the typography is consistent with the guidelines she handed out. Thompson segued into the new branding project the Village is pursuing. She described the complexities of rebranding the village and why the Village is in need of rebranding. Thompson described the unexpected budget jump for the partnership with the desired branding company. She defined how important it is that the branding company explores all aspects and perspectives of Channahon allowing for an all encompassing branding for the Village. Thompson mentioned she would like the commission to be involved whether it be on a committee or creating graphics. Thompson described the differences between the top branding contenders and why the number one choice is preferred.

Durkin mentioned the previous board meeting and past comments and experiences with the board and branding company.

Peerboolte expressed his positive experience with the preferred branding company.

Durkin asked Thompson to reiterate the role of the commission in the branding process.

Thompson stated that if the board approves the branding project she will be the internal brand steward for the Village. She described the creative liberties the committee can take on social media and graphics.

Durkin said the commission must run everything through Thompson before anything is shared with the public.

Thompson said she is happy to make graphics and assist in any advertising and marketing the commission may need.

Durkin asked the commission members if they had questions for Thompson.

Clower pointed out Peerbolte had not met the commission and the commision introduced themselves. Mazintas was introduced and is taking minutes/notes.

Durkin mentioned Thompson is also invited to all meetings.

M Sweeney asked how often the Village posts on social media. She said she rarely sees posts from the Village and wished to see the social media analytics.

Thompson stated because of the algorithm the more a person engages with the Village the more often we will show up on your feed. Thompson stated she can provide the analytics at the next meeting.

Minor explained his experience with advertising and pushing his media by purchasing views. He asked if the Village had TikTok.

Thompson said she is aware of the power TikTok has but the recent controversy has steered the Village clear of the platform.

Durkin described the 2020 census and the median age of the Village and how that impacts the advertising.

Thompson clarified that once a budget is established for the Commision that the Commission may choose to use money from the budget for social media advertising.

Thompson left the meeting. The discussion ended.

B) Discussion - Art in the Park

G Sweeney handed out the graphic she created for the Art in the Park event. She mentioned the graphic will go live the following day on all social media platforms. G Sweeney stated that we would like the commissioners to be the panel of judges. She said the commissioners will need to create criteria to judge so it is fair and easy. G Sweeney pointed out the example criteria she had found online and remarked that the commission can use it as a baseline.

Clower asked if the flier was being sent to the schools in the area.

Durkin inquired about the "call for projects".

G Sweeney stated that she used a website called ArtCall.org to set up the submissions and that when she leaves the submissions will go to Thompson.

Clower questioned the submittal process.

G Sweeney described the submittal process and discussion followed. G Sweeney contacted previous artists that submitted to the event last year in hopes of more submissions.

Minor mentioned his art show next week and the potential to advertise Art in the Park to his fellow artists.

Durkin asked if there was a place in the submittal process for the artist to ask for an easel. Discussion followed on the need to find or purchase easels and/or display grates.

The commission decided what criteria they want to follow when judging and asked G Sweeney to create it based on suggestions.

C) Bylaws Overview

Clower asked about the annual appointments to Chair and Vice Chair.

M Sweeney asked about consecutive terms and the two term limit.

Durkin and Sweeney answered according to the Ordinance 2149.

Durkin highlighted that the bylaws were created by him and G Sweeney. Durkin stated the Village Attorney would look over them and approve for official use.

D) New Proposals for Future Events/Projects

Clower expressed her excitement for the future projects and events. Clower asked the commision members to brainstorm ideas. To bring small ideas that we may be able to accomplish in the first year, that may help establish a budget, along with larger projects that may take multiple years to complete.

G Sweeney mentioned that a previous contact advised to present three options varying in completion times and budgets for the board to approve or disapprove.

Durkin mentioned the Gateway parcel and the space set aside for an art feature.

G Sweeney left the meeting.

Clower continued the discussion by mentioning that art can be temporary or permanent.

Durkin describes the future opportunities the commission can get involved in including the anniversary of Route 66.

Peerbolte followed with his knowledge of the anniversary.

Minor talked about how the commission can make an impact on the residents of the town and how to make everyone feel involved.

Clower described a bike art installation she is interested in. Ideas continued from all commissioners and conversation followed. The commission conversed about community and the identity and how that plays a role in the goals and future of the commission. The commissioners planned to each bring ideas for the town at the September meeting.

Old Business:

None reported.

Next Meeting Date:

Next meeting is Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 4pm.

M Sweeney made a motion to adjourn. All ayes approve the adjournment.
