
Will County Gazette

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Village of Peotone Village Board met July 11

Webp 4

Peter March, Peotone Village President | Village of Peotone

Peter March, Peotone Village President | Village of Peotone

Village of Peotone Village Board met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor March at 5:00 pm.

II. Roll call

Clerk Pro-Tem, Trustee Marevka, conducted the roll call and following persons were present: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, and Trustee Strba. Also, present were the Mayor, the Police Chief and the Village Attorney.

III. Public Comments: None

IV. Approve Intergovernmental Agreement Between County of Will and the Village of Peotone for the Provision of Animal Protection Services

Moved by Trustee Richards, Seconded by Trustee Strba

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Sluis

Motion passed

V. Discussion on Village Administrator Search Process and Review Job Description

The Mayor thanked Village Administrator, Aimee Ingalls, for her 5+ years of service to the Village. It was clarified that in the job description it should read exempt instead of non-exempt, the consensus of the Board was no other changes or additions need to be made. The Attorney stated the Village Ordinance states the Village Administrators contract should coincide with the Mayors term but under the Municipal Code a maximum one year contract could be offered that would run past the current Mayors term. There was some discussion about using a search firm to handle the process, hiring an interim manager, or possibly having the Police Chief take on some of the role. The entire Board would be involved in the decision making process and the Administrators contract may be revised or adjusted are necessary.

VI. Close Regular Session to go into Executive Session for: Discuss the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

Moved by Trustee Sandberg, Seconded by Trustee Richards

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Sluis

Motion passed

A. Open Regular Session

Moved by Trustee Strba, Seconded by Trustee Sandberg

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Sluis

Motion passed

VII. Questions of the Press: None

VIII. Correspondence/Communications/Petitions: None

IX. Adjournment:

Motion by Trustee Sandberg, Seconded by Trustee Richards

All said AYE

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Sluis

Adjournment at 6:45pm
