
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Romeoville Village Board met March 6

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Village Trustee Jose (Joe) Chavez | Village of Romeoville Website

Village Trustee Jose (Joe) Chavez | Village of Romeoville Website

Village of Romeoville Village Board met March 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village Board - Workshop Meeting

1. CALL TO ORDER-Roll Call

Present 7 - Trustee Jose Chavez, Trustee Dave Richards, Trustee Brian A. Clancy Sr., Mayor John Noak, Trustee Ken Griffin, Trustee Linda Palmiter, and Trustee Lourdes Aguirre



24-3267 A Presentation Honoring AJ Garcia, 2024 Youth Olympic Hockey Gold Medalist

Sponsors: John Noak

Mayor Noak welcomed AJ Garcia and his family and presented him with a poster of a street sign that will be dedicated in his honor and placed on Taylor Road near Romeoville High School. AJ talked briefly about his experience in Korea and winning gold for hockey in the 2024 Youth Olympics.

Each member of the board expressed their congratulations to AJ and his family.

RES24-3746 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Easement Agreement (Romeo Center Plaza)

Sponsors: Rich Vogel

Rich Vogel, Village Attorney, explained that the proposed legislation grants an easement to the Village for sewer purposes in connection with assuming the ownership and operation of a privately owned sewer main serving the Romeo Center Plaza and associated strip shopping center.

This will allow the Village to provide better service to the area and conduct utility improvement projects near by.

RES24-3747 A Resolution to Waive the Bidding Process and Accept the Lowest Proposal and Enter into a Contract with Steve Spiess Construction for a New 12” Water Main Installation Along 135th Street from Post Office to Route 53 Project

Sponsors: Chris Drey

Chris Drey, Director of Public Works, explained that the previous resolution discussed would allow us to move forward with this project which would connect a new 12" watermain to our existing line along 135th Street from the Post Office to Route 53.

Mayor Noak commented that there are a lot of projects going on in this corridor and allows us to continue to invest in it.

Trustee Chavez asked what side of the road the pipe will be installed. Mr. Drey explained that it will be installed on the south lane up against the curb.

ORD24-1902 An Ordinance Adopting Amendments to Chapter 43 (Fee Schedule) and Chapter 112 (Alcoholic Liquors) of the Village Code of Ordinances

Sponsors: Rich Vogel

Mr. Vogel explained both ORD24-1902 and ORD24-1905.

The first ordinance is an administrative update which would implement a new business license fee on the business supplying, placing or distributing video gaming terminals. The fees will be $2,500 annually or $3,000 annually in the case of distributors that supply to truck stop locations. The per terminal fee would also be updated to $500 per terminal which would be split evenly between owner of the establishment and the terminal operator.

The second ordinance is an update to the Class Q-1 liquor license which would adjust the size of premises permitted to the range of 1,000 to 2,500 square feet.

ORD24-1905 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 112.33-Amending Class Q-1 License Classification

Sponsors: Rich Vogel

See above.

ORD24-1904 An Ordinance Adopting Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Village of Romeoville and Metropolitan Alliance of Police (Romeoville Chapter)

Sponsors: Dawn Caldwell

This item was requested to be removed from consideration for a later meeting.


A motion was made by Trustee Clancy, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, that this Meeting be Adjourned at 6:17 PM. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.
