Village of Channahon Committee of the Whole met Sept. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
VP Moorman Schumacher called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. with Trustees Host, Greco, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum present.
Also present were Village Administrator Thomas Durkin, Director of Community Development and Information Systems Mike Petrick, Finance Director Heather Wagonblott, Director of Public Works Ed Dolezal, Chief of Police Shane Casey, Village Attorney Jim Murphy and Village Clerk Kristin Hall.
VP Moorman Schumacher informed everyone present that anyone who speaks at the meeting shall be deemed to have given his/her consent to the recording of their likeness and speech. This meeting is being recorded.
Proclamation - Constitution Week from September 17 to 23, 2023
VP Moorman Schumacher stated this is celebrating the 236th Anniversary of the Constitution. She read the Proclamation into the record.
A representative from the Daughters of the American Revolution, thanked the Village President and the Village Board Members for their service in governing our country at the local level. They appreciate the work the board undertakes to maintain a government of the people, for the people, by the people. The main writer of the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson, stated that the Constitution of the United States asserts that all power is inherit in the people and they may exercise it by themselves. That it is their right and their duty. John Adams, another great influencer of the Constitution, said there is nothing he dreads so much as a division of the Republic into two great parties each arranged under its leader and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This is his humble apprehension, to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. She thanked the board for their support year after year. She also stated that the Louis Joliet Area Chapter continues to preserve our nation's history by providing Constitution Week display posters and Constitution kits in libraries and schools, including one in at the Three River's Library. They request Proclamations from local governing bodies in support of Constitution Week and they are grateful that the Village of Channahon continues to support the Constitution.
VP Moorman Schumacher asked about the Constitution kits.
Representatives from the Daughters of the American Revolution went through the Constitution kit contents and explained how they are made.
Discussion - A Resolution with Respect to a Proposed Extension of the Term of Tax Increment Finance District, Amending a Redevelopment Plan and Project, Establishing the Dates for a Public Hearing and Joint Review Board Concerning the Redevelopment of Certain Property and Other Matters in the Village of Channahon (NiGas TIF)
Durkin stated prior to the establishment of the NiGas TIF extension, state law requires a series of actions to be taken as part of the TIF extension establishment process. The attached resolution provides for the following:
- Establishment of a Public Hearing date along with required notifications to gather public input required related to the consideration and adoption of the TIF;
- Establishment of a Joint Review Board meeting date. The Joint Review Board is comprised of representatives from the affected taxing bodies along with a community member who represents the public;
- Establishing a designated officer who may be contacted for additional information and to receive comments and suggestions regarding the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area.
- Establishing a residential certification that there are not more than 75 inhabited residential units currently located within the proposed TIF and no residents will be displaced.
Durkin stated that he wanted to provide an update to the Board on a different matter. On Monday, September 8, 2023 the Village received the Professional Fee Agreement deposit for the Chicagoland Logistics Hub. If the board recalls, we hired the services of Ann Schneider and Associates to assist the Village in transportation matters regarding this potential project, pending the receipt of the Professional Fee Agreement. Now that we have received the agreement, staff engaged Ann and together we developed a Request for Proposal that was sent out to five nationwide transportation planning firms to assist us in reviewing the initial traffic study that was provided to the Village. That is the only piece of information that we have received on the project to date. We want to get a jump on what they are proposed and what traffic impacts there may be with a development of this magnitude. Responses are due to the Village by October 6th, and Ann Schneider and Village staff will review them and bring a firm name forward to the Village Board for approval. All expenses will be covered under the Professional Fee Agreement for the project and will be pass through costs to the developer.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that as all board members know when we first got an inkling of this project, her biggest concern was the transportation, the traffic and the regional effects of that traffic. In terms of studying traffic and how it will move in this area, she has invited Village of Minooka, City of Morris, Grundy County and Grundy County Economic Development to the table to discuss traffic. These discussions are also significant in regard to the currently ongoing Grundy Moves regional transportation plan. The CN has been in those meetings as well hearing first-hand some of the concerns of local leadership. Prior to receiving the Professional Fee Agreement and deposit, CN did provide us with their traffic study and that is what is Durkin is talking about. We are looking for a firm to review that traffic study to see if it is reasonable and logical.
Trustee Slocum asked that for the first round is it just to look at the traffic study or to do one.
Durkin stated that it actually contemplates a number of difference services. One is to review the traffic study that was provided and we may also may be to generate some additional studies that we may find necessary to look at. He also stated that it could even be more than that.
Trustee Host stated that unfortunately, there is already negative publicity out there associated with this being our project. Are we on top of how we are releasing information so that it is understood that this is not something we are conspiring to do?
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that is a concern. We have invited the regional stakeholders for a few months. There has been nothing secret about it. It is not even an official project for CN as of yet but we expect it will be. About three years ago, they started purchasing parcels under a trust, without identifying themselves. The Village was able to figure out, based on the trust number and the age of the trust, that it had to be someone like a railroad. Village staff asked if it was them and they did admit that it was. They have amassed about 900 acres of property and the portion in the Village of Channahon has been since the 1990's and has been zoned as I-2 Intensive Industrial. It was zoned that way a long time ago, prior to the Brisbin Road interchange being built, and that is why the Brisbin Road interchange was built. We have a boundary line agreement with Minooka and there is a small, unincorporated piece of property which connects all of their amassed property to McLindon Road. They have been talking to Minooka about that but that is not something we can talk about because it is not on our side of the boundary line agreement. Her preference that she has expressed to all the people at the table, is that Brisbin Road interchange was built for this type of traffic and she would like for them to move the traffic as far west as they can so that the path of least resistance is Brisbin Road. They are looking at another entrance and they want access to McLindon Road, but that is a conversation between them and Minooka. If Brisbin Road is not the path of least resistance and traffic goes east, they will be going up Ridge Road; right in the heart of Minooka and she doesn't want that to happen. That has been her discussion point with Minooka and the other players at the table. The Ridge Road issue is going to be a big one.
Durkin stated that gives a real good synopsis of the transportation related matters that we really need to delve into as part of this. There are a lot of other aspects that we have to go through such as utilities, layout, etc. 10 days ago we received the deposit; which is how we've treated projects in the past. It's not a project until we get that. This is a pretty good indication that they plan on moving forward with this, so we need to get a jump on these issues, from a transportation standpoint.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that we have been having conceptual discussions regarding transportation previously, but once that Professional Fee Agreement and deposit was received, immediately developed and released RFP. The RFP went out Wednesday of last week to review their traffic study because that is the only official document that we have from them at this point. She also stated that she wants to get together with the Village of Minooka Board and do some public information sessions, so everyone has the information and can ask the questions.
Trustee Slocum stated that it is huge to present a united front with Minooka, Grundy and everyone.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that any project that happens in that area, whether it is a single project or 25 separate projects, the traffic that develops from that industrial land out there is going to impact us regionally. We need to make sure that we address this regionally. We share that Brisbin Road interchange with Minooka and Morris and all of that will develop at some point. We need a regional approach to addressing traffic in the area.
Trustee Greco stated that some years ago, we met with Minooka to discuss the western development. We talked about the CN property along with other projects. They knew that we would at least listen to CN. The Village of Minooka has had knowledge of it and they have for years.
Durkin reminded the board that we knew a substantial property purchase occurred a few years ago and that something would ultimately be proposed for development.
The board directed staff to develop a statement on the status of the proposed project and provide information on the development page on our website and also provide additional information as it becomes available so the public can have a source location for information.
Discussion - Site Plan Amendment for Utility Concrete North Expansion
Petrick stated that Utility Concrete Products, LLC is requesting approval of a site plan amendment for the North Expansion of Utility Concrete located at 2427 E. Bungalow Road. He stated that approval of the site plan amendment would allow for the construction of a second one-story building of 11,400 square foot and parking lot for a "Stormwater Research and Development Facility". He also stated construction of the additional building and parking would be in conjunction with development of the previously approved North Expansion project.
The PZC considered the request at their regular meeting held on September 11, 2023. Commission discussion focused on the following:
Clarification of what a Center for Excellence in Stormwater would be.
The activities in the second building will focus on research and development of stormwater quality versus conveyance of stormwater. Techniques and products focusing on water quality such as trash and sedimentation removal and clean out of equipment would be tested in the building. Testing may move to the property's detention ponds in the future.
Question of whether the water from the testing would be discharged to the detention pond;
The water would be recirculated within the building.
Petrick stated that a motion was made to recommend the Village Board approve the Site Plan Amendment subject to staff review and approval of the final engineering and landscape plan. He stated that the motion was approved by 6-0 vote.
Discussion – Annual Treasurer's Report for Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2023 Wagonblott stated State Statute requires that the Village, through the Clerk's Office, prepares annually the Annual Treasurer's Report. This report is required to be filed by October 31st each year. She also stated that it is referred to as the Treasurer's Report because it accounts for all monies received and expended during the fiscal year. It is also required to include a listing of compensation summary by category, assigned by State Statute. A summary condition from the annual audit is also included. Once she has that information, she is able to finalize the Annual Treasurer's Report, the Village Clerk's sign and it has to be posted in the local newspaper per State Statute. Once that is done, she can get it sent off to both counties. A copy of the Annual Treasurer's Report is in the packet, if there are any questions.
Trustee Scaggs stated that he saw in the Treasurer's Report that the monies on hand went up about $6 million dollars and inquired if that was due to an increase from taxes.
Wagonblott stated that this is a different treasurer's report, then the monthly ones that are distributed. We received the money for the Aux Sable TIF. The money is held until the Joint Review Board meeting in December and then it is distributed to the taxing bodies. She further stated that it is almost $11 million dollars total.
Discussion - Purchase One (1) 2023 Ford Interceptor Utility Vehicle to Replace an Existing Patrol Squad
Casey stated this vehicle request part of the Police Department's FY24 Capital Projects. He stated the requested vehicle is currently at D'Orazio Ford in Wilmington, and will be held for us through this week. He also stated he pricing quoted for the requested squad car is $44,754.26. He further stated this vehicle is part of our squad replacement program and would be replacing a 2019 Chevrolet Tahoe with approximately 71,000 miles on it. He stated the Tahoe will be repurposed for our CSO. He also stated the current CSO vehicle, a 2014 Dodge Charger with 113,000 miles on it, will either be repurposed within the Village or deemed surplus and sold. He further stated that he is asking the Board's approval to purchase the 2023 Ford Interceptor Utility vehicle at a cost not to exceed $45,000. He stated this request is part of the police department's squad replacement plan budgeted under FY24 Capital Projects and would still keep us within the total budgeted amount.
Discussion - Release Maintenance Guarantee for Crow Holding
Dolezal stated Crow Holdings has completed their two-year maintenance guarantee for work consisting of curbed roadway with storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer main, streetlights, and parkway landscaping. He stated a maintenance guarantee was held in the amount of $407,100.00 through bond No. K40454378. He also stated the two-year term has expired and Village staff has final inspected the project and found no deficiencies.
VP Moorman Schumacher read a letter from the Illinois Department of Transportation into the record regarding the addition of a third lane on the I-80 improvements.
Trustee Scaggs asked when will IDOT be constructing the Des Plaines River bridge.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that she didn't know specifically. She knows that they are working on the interchanges around it. They are going to build the bridge next to the existing bridge.
Durkin stated construction of the bridge is the last improvement that will occur with this portion of the I- 80 reconstruction. Construction will closer to the end of the six year construction timeframe, if not later.
The Committee of the Whole was adjourned at 6:47 p.m.