
Will County Gazette

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Village of Homer Glen Community & Economic Development Committee met Aug. 14

Village of Homer Glen Community & Economic Development Committee met Aug. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order.

The meeting was called to order at 5:58 p.m. by Chair CJ McNaughton.

2. Roll Call.

Members present at 5:58 p.m. were Chair CJ McNaughton, Issa Alia, Duane Blank, Vice-Chair Craig Carlson, Jeff Mlyniec, Chris Plouzek, Nick Volek and Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike. A quorum was established.

Members Absent: None.

Also Present: Economic Development Director Janie Patch.

3. Welcome and Introduction of New Committee Members.

Director Patch welcomed the group as the new Economic Development Committee. Members introduced themselves.

Director Patch provided introductory information on how the committee meetings operate. Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike inquired if the Committee needs to undergo Open Meetings Act (OMA) training. Director Patch stated she would investigate.

4. Approval of Amendments to the Agenda.

There were no amendments to the agenda.

5. Public Comment.

There was no public comment.

6. Minutes.

Director Patch conveyed the Village Attorney's guidance regarding the April minutes of the Community and Economic Development Committee meeting. The new ED Committee can read the minutes and approve them.

Chris Plouzek made a motion to approve the CED Committee minutes of April 10, 2023, seconded by Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike. Voice vote taken, all in favor. Motion Carried.

7. Old Business.

a) Review and Recommendations for Village Gateway Signage Program.

Director Patch reviewed the design process for the Homer Glen Marketing Brandmark. The Brand Guidelines book provides identity standards for consistent use of the marketing brand. Identity standards for consistent use of the Village Seal are also provided. A matrix guides when to use the Marketing Brandmark and the Village Seal. The scope of work included design of gateway signs in both horizontal and vertical formats.

With this background, Director Patch presented the status of the Village Gateway and Wayfinding Signage Program. Implementation is completed for the 159th Western Gateway at Gougar and the 12 Village Park Entry Signs.

Additional signage projects envisioned include the following projects:

Bell Road North Gateway

159th Eastern Gateway

Vertical Format Gateways - up to 17 locations

Village Hall Wall Sign & Monument Sign

Village Informational Sign (NEC 151st/Bell)

Village-Designated Open Space Sign (Onodaga Trail) 

Wayfinding Signage System

Four (4) preliminary sign design concepts for Village Hall were shared.

The FY24 Budget includes a $90,000 placeholder to continue phased implementation of the overall Gateway and Wayfinding Signage Program. Future action steps involve verifying or obtaining sign easements and design work for several of the sign projects.

The use of message centers in a Village Hall monument sign and in a possible Informational Sign at 151st/Bell is a complicated discussion. The CED Committee felt that changeable lettering is outdated and does not present a high-quality look. Digital message centers on the other hand have generated negative feedback from residents and are currently prohibited by Code.

Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike indicated a preference to not spend additional funds at this time for nameplates on existing gateway signs that will eventually be replaced.

Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike also expressed hesitancy about electronic message center signs. The Village would need to allow other businesses to use digital message signs.

Issa Alia posed several questions: What can be accomplished with 3 lines of changeable copy? What about drivers' attention span for messaging on a sign? Won't digital signs be what we want in 50 years? What's the economic value in regard to the cost of signs? Nick Volek agreed digital signs are the future but exclusive use by the Village will look hypocritical to businesses. Duane Blank commented the alternative is continued use of paper signs for events.

Nick Volek suggested a Village Hall wall sign and the Bell Road North gateway sign could be accomplished with the current $90,000 budget. Chris Plouzek added if a monument sign is installed then less signage on the Village Hall building is possible and would cost less. Duane Blank noted implementation can be broken up into phases while maintaining the same branding.

Issa Alia asked if the use of digital signs could begin with government buildings only.

Chair CJ McNaughton indicated a preference for the brown leaf element design for Village Hall most similar to the existing 159th Western Gateway. Nick Volek agreed but noted design work is needed.

Jeff Mlyniec inquired if the Village owns the design for the Western Gateway. Director Patch indicated we have the shop drawings.

Director Patch will share the signage presentation slides with Committee members. The discussion will continue at the next meeting for recommendations.

8. New Business.

a) New Committee Members Orientation.

Director Patch presented briefing slides to augment orientation items in the agenda packet. A proposed update of SOP 001 pertaining to role of the ED Committee was reviewed. Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike asked if the Committee is good with the draft. Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike commented clarification is needed for the first bullet point regarding the Committee's role in business retention and recruitment efforts. Nick Volek agreed and asked what about tax issues like TIF's (Tax Increment Finance District). Chair CJ McNaughton suggested Committee Members can email ideas to Director Patch. Director Patch will provide an updated draft and share it with Committee Members for comments. This item will be placed on the next agenda for further discussion.

Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike departed the meeting at 7:22 p.m.

Director Patch proceeded with the balance of the orientation including examples of recruitment collateral, advertising and outreach; opening assistance; retention efforts; and, communications with businesses, property owners and the community. The interactive platform for the Village Space & Property Inventory on the Village website was demonstrated. This first session for new Committee orientation wrapped up with an overview of the Town Center Visioning project. Director Patch also provided a high-level overview of strategic priorities for economic development.

Issa Alia inquired if there are barriers to entry in Homer Glen. Director Patch responded yes in regard to residential development standards. Homer Glen housing starts are lower than surrounding communities. In discussion, where does the community want to go was asked. Trustee CJ McNaughton would like to go toward innovation. Nick Volek stated zoning plays a part. Development in certain areas is acceptable: Yes on 159th but not on Gougar and 151st. Issa Alia noted the traffic corridors is where population can be denser.

9. Director's Report.

a) Business Updates.

Director Patch provided updates on the Villas of Old Oak townhomes; McDonald's site plan and sign relocation approval; Lot 8 Homer Glen Bell Plaza; Heritage Woods supportive assisted living development denial; Menards Lots 4 and 5 resubmittal for a modern car wash and gas station development. Runnings acquired RP Home & Harvest. The Golden Spot nutritional smoothies and drinks is now open; Luis Cabinet Depot will open at the former Circle Tractor property, 12608 159th; and, Jersey Mike's is coming soon.

10. Adjournment.

Motion by Jeff Mlyniec, seconded by Chair CJ McNaughton to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.
