
Will County Gazette

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of New Lenox Safe Communities America, Older Adults Falls Prevention Task Group met July 12

Village of New Lenox Safe Communities America, Older Adults Falls Prevention Task Group met July 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the group:


Task Group Co-Chair Laura Regis welcomed those in attendance and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Following the introductions, Task Group Co-Chair Anna Schultz called the meeting to order at approximately 1:33pm on Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

This meeting was held via Zoom videoconference.


The Older Adults Falls Prevention Task Group Members in attendance were Dan Martin / Village of New Lenox, Anna Schultz, Laura Regis, Linda Bunting, Colette Loecke, Darlene Purler, Kathy Beaudry, Michele Deering, Lori Gibson / Home for Life Advantage, Amy Maher / New Lenox Community Park District, Dominic Ricobene / New Lenox Public Library, and Diannah Thompson / Will County – SNNSSA.


The Minutes of the May 10, 2023 Task Group Meeting, which had been disseminated via email to Task Group Members, were discussed. Linda Buntin made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Laura Regis. After no further discussion, the motion carried and the minutes were approved.


“A Matter of Balance”

A Matter of Balance Class #49 was held at the VFW #9545 from May 1, 2023 thru May 25, 2023 on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00am-11:00am. The roster of 14 participants graduated from the class on May 25th as New Lenox Mayor Tim Baldermann presented their certificates and congratulated them on their success. The class was coached by Laura Regis and Judy Butler.

MOB Class #50 has been scheduled in the New Lenox Village Hall Community Room from September 12, 2023 thru October 5, 2023 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am-11:30am (meeting on Wednesday, 9/20 instead of Thursday, 9/21 due a calendar conflict). The class will be coached by Anna Schultz, Darlene Purler and Linda Bunting. Ideas are being generated about how to celebrate the milestone of 50 MOB classes.

MOB Class #51 will tentatively be held from September 25, 2023 thru October 18, 2023 on Mondays and Wednesdays at the New Lenox Public Library. The class will be coached by Colette Loecke and Gloria Bodnar. Dominic Ricobene advised that he will take steps to secure their meeting room for this class.

Dan Martin mentioned that he would like to market MOB Classes 50 & 51 together.

New Lenox Horizon Senior Living Facility is being considered as a site for MOB Class #52. Discussion was held regarding how many facility residents will attend the class and how many from the community (outside) residents will be allowed to attend. It was also suggested that perhaps this class could be held over the “winter” or perhaps in early “spring.” Anna Schultz will reach out to Sue Shabot (Facility Manager) to see what dates will work best.

Laura Regis advised that if there is a tremendous amount of interest in “A Matter of Balance” following “One Fall Could Change It All,” then it’s possible an extra class could be held at the New Lenox VFW. This would then become MOB Class #52 and the class at New Lenox Horizon Senior Living Facility (to be held sometime thereafter) would become MOB Class #53.

“Fit and Strong! Class #9

The Spencer Campus is once again the site of this summer’s “Fit and Strong!” program.

The 8-week program began on June 5, 2023 and will end on July 28, 2023. It is held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30am-11:00am.

There is a current roster of 23 participants with a strong record of attendance.

Instructors for Fit and Strong include Laura Regis, Dan Martin, Anna Schultz, Darlene Purler, Kathy Beaudry, Colette Loecke, Gloria Bodnar, and Linda Bunting. While teams of two or three instructors are assigned specific days, many instructors attend most, if not all, days and share the responsibilities.

Discussion was held that this has been a really fun class. The instructors have developed great camaraderie during this class and have been working extremely well together.

Dan Martin advised that he will follow-up with the mayor to see if he’s available to address the class during graduation and hand out the certificates. Dan will also make arrangement with Village of New Lenox staff to pick-up all of the equipment and books at the Spencer Campus as he will not be there.

There was also a request to number the pages (participant books that they can write in) for next year’s class. It will make it easier for participants to find things in the book. Anna also mentioned that she would be willing to make an index for the front of the book, which will also make it easier to find things.

“Seniors with Sole” Summer Session #3

Tom and Mercy Nolan are once again leading the Seniors with Sole walking program this summer.

The 8-week program began on June 6, 2023 and will end on July 27, 2023. It is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30am-9:30am in the Village Commons.

The current roster has grown to more than 30 participants,

Gift cards will be given as raffle prizes at the close of the program. Help with acquiring these donations from frequently patronized local businesses is greatly appreciated. A question was raised regarding dollar amount for gift cards. It seemed that $25.00 would be a good amount, but anything would be appreciated and welcomed.

It was noted that NO certificates of completion / attendance are given to participants.

“One Fall Can Change It All”

“One Fall Can Change It All” will be held on Thursday, September 21, 2023 (during National Falls Prevention Awareness Week) at the VFW #9545 from 8:30am to 11:00am.

2023 Planning Committee members are Laura Regis (Chair), Anna Schultz, Norma Cason, Linda Bunting, Colette Loecke, Gloria Bodnar, and Lori Gibson.

The committee met via Zoom on June 28, 2023 at 3:00pm to further discuss vendor confirmations, table assignments, presentations, scheduling, and volunteer assignments. The next meeting is TBD.

Laura Regis created a flyer for the event, which was sent to all attendees via email. Dan shared his screen so everyone could see the flyer.

A discussion was held regarding various aspects of the event, including participating organizations and the keynote speaker. It’s believed there are currently 17 confirmed organizations – still waiting for others to confirm. Diannah Thompson / Will County – SNNSSA advised that she would like to participate and would be willing to share a table with New Lenox Township. Laura Regis took Diannah’s information and will add her to the list.

The event flyer is ready to go. Dan advised that he would make copies for anyone that needs some between now and the event. Just let him know how many and he will leave them at the counter (Community Development / lower level) for pick-up.

Laura advised that she will reach out to Marisa Schrieber at the New Lenox Fire Protection District regarding information regarding frauds / scams / identity theft. There was a question regarding whether this information would be presented at this event.




The next New Lenox Safe Community Coalition Meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 / 10:30am, via Zoom videoconference.

Dan mentioned that he would like to take the “A Matter of Balance” and “Fit & Strong!” instructors out to lunch as a show of appreciation for their commitment and dedication.

The group would also like to take a look at the items for the informational table so everything will be ready to go in advance of the “One Fall Can Change It All” event. Date and time TBD.


The next meeting of the Older Adults Falls Prevention Task Group will be held on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 1:30pm. This meeting will be held via Zoom Video conferencing unless otherwise advised prior to the meeting.


The meeting adjourned at approximately 2:10pm.
