
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Joliet Historic Preservation Commission met May 24

City of Joliet Historic Preservation Commission met May 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:



Present: Quinn Adamowski, Brian Bessler, Mary Beth Gannon, Kevin Heinemann, Candace Johnson, Kailee Lowry, Sharon Merwin, Aaron Mikottis, Sara Stovall, Steven Wright and Ken Spiegel


April 26, 2023 Joliet Historic Preservation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Quinn Adamowski, seconded by Kailee Lowry, to approve the April 26, 2023 Joliet Historic Preservation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Adamowski, Gannon, Johnson, Lowry, Merwin, Stovall, Wright and Spiegel

Abstain: Heinemann


This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the Commission members do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the meeting shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.




a. Public Hearing: L-2-2023: Designation of 14 West Jefferson Street (former Will County Courthouse) as a Local Historic Landmark

Commissioner Merwin motioned to open the public hearing. Commissioner Lowry seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion.

Ms. Bernhard read the staff report into the record.

Chairwoman Johnson asked for comments from the applicant. Mr. Hudson Hollister, the Co-Chair of The Will County Courthouse Preservation Partnership appeared to introduce the speakers who were there in support of this petition. Mr. Nick Macris spoke about working with the Will County Government to come up with alternatives to demolishing the former Will County Courthouse. Mr. Macris explained that there are several developers interested in redeveloping the former Will County Courthouse.

Mr. Tim Brophy appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark. Mr. Brophy spoke about visiting buildings that were re-purposed and successfully saved from demolition.

Ms. Kelly Klobucher appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark. Ms. Klobucher resides downtown and stated that re-purposing the building would add vitality to the downtown.

Ms. Janet Diaz, a Will County Board Member, appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark. She stated that she would like the Commission to delay action on a recommendation so that the current County Board could have more time to consider what is best.

Mr. Dan Butler, a Will County Board Member, appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark. He stated that the current County Board is not the same Board that adopted the resolution to demolish the former Courthouse.

Ms. Trista Graves-Brown appeared in support of the designation of the former Will COunty Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark. Ms. Graves-Brown believes the former Will County Courthouse could be used as a civic center.

Ms. Mary Lynn Maloney appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark. Ms. Maloney believes the brutalism style of the building is one of the best in our region.

Mr. Rick Lockhart appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark, stating that as a new resident, that the building struck him.

Ms. Susanna Ibarra, District 5 City Councilor, appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark.

Mr. Craig Litchenwalter appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark.

Mr. Barry McCue appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark, noting that the building is a symbol of Joliet.

Mr. Don Ciesielski appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark.

Mr. Jonathan Solomon, an architect & drafter of the National Register of Historic Places nomination for the courthouse, appeared in support of the designation of the former Will County Courthouse as a Local Historic Landmark.

Mr. Hudson Hollister went over his interpretation of the legal status of site. He presented some of the private sector proposals that have been proposed. He then reviewed what he has been hearing from County government staff and County Board members. He believes that the new, current Board may be willing to consider a different approach for the former Will County Courthouse.

Chairwoman Johnson asked for public comments.

Ms. Sherry Williams, Will County Board District 5, appeared in support for preserving the former Will County Courthouse.

Ms. Susanna Ibarra, District 4 City Councilor, explained that if the building is demolished, she is concerned about dust mitigation.

Commissioner Adamowski expressed why he felt the former Will County Courthouse should be preserved. Mr. Adamowski explained that the

Commission will be making a recommendation to the Joliet City Council on the designation request. The final decision will be made by the City Council. The Commissioners asked questions and discussed the future of the former Courthouse with the meeting participants. This discussion included the following comments regarding why the Commission may want to consider continuing the public hearing to a future date:

∙ to provide time for the new County Board and County Executive to reconsider the County’s current demolition plans for the former Courthouse;

∙ to give the public more time to understand the landmark designation request and County plans for the property upon which the former Courthouse sits; and

∙ to allow the Commission and the public the opportunity to hear directly from developers regarding the former Courthouse’s redevelopment potential at a future Commission meeting.

A motion was made by Sharon Merwin, seconded by Sara Stovall, to the continue Public Hearing: L-2-2023: Designation of 14 West Jefferson Street (former Will County Courthouse) as a Local Historic Landmark at the June 28th Historic Preservation Commission Regular Meeting so that there could be further dialogue can be held with the public, City of Joliet and public officials from City and County and learn about redevelopment options from developers. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Gannon, Heinemann, Johnson, Lowry, Merwin, Stovall and Wright

Abstain: Adamowski

b. Review and Comment: Illinois State Penitentiary-Joliet National Register Historic District TMP-5855

Ms. Bernhard read the staff report into the record. Ms. Bernhard noted that the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council will review this pending nomination to the National Register of Historic Places at their June 30, 2023. As a CLG, the state offers CLG’s to provide comments. Ms. Bernhard asked for comments. None of

the Commissioners shared any comments. Ms. Bernhard noted that Commissioners could issue comments directly to the state if they preferred. Mr. Brophy thanked the Commission for working on nominating the Illinois State Penitentiary. Chairwoman Johnson asked if the report could be posted on the City's website, Ms. Bernhard said yes.


Ms. Bernhard announced that the Historic Preservation portion of the website was updated. Chairwoman Johnson asked if there was an easier way to navigate to the Historic Preservation webpage, Ms. Bernard said that she will look into that. Ms. Bernhard gave an update on the Certified Local Government Grant application, it is due June 1st, 2023. Ms. Bernhard is still working on the application and obtaining letters of support. Ms. Bernhard is still hoping to obtain partial funding from the state for the publication of the design guidelines.



This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding non-agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the Commission members do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the meeting shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.


A motion was made by Mary Beth Gannon, seconded by Kailee Lowry, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Adamowski, Gannon, Heinemann, Johnson, Lowry, Merwin, Stovall, Wright and Spiegel
