
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tinley Park Board of Trustees honors local Eagle Scouts, 'the highest award' Scouts can earn


The Tinley Park Board of Trustees honors new Eagle Scouts Nicholas Cunico and Noah Moreno. | Village of Tinley Park Illinois Government/Facebook

The Tinley Park Board of Trustees honors new Eagle Scouts Nicholas Cunico and Noah Moreno. | Village of Tinley Park Illinois Government/Facebook

During a special May 2 meeting, the Tinley Park Village Board of Trustees honored two local students for their achievements in earning the rank of Eagle Scout.

Nicholas Cunico and Noah Moreno were recognized by the board, with Trustee William Brady reading a proclamation explaining that “the highest award of the National Council of Boy Scouts of America can be bestowed upon a Scout to the rank of Eagle ... I'd like to have you make a motion to consider proclamations recognizing Nicholas Cunico and Noah Moreno for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout."

Brady commended the students for their dedication, noting that earning the Eagle rank requires leadership, service and perfected skills for more than 21 merit badges that must be earned. The rank of Eagle has been achieved by only 5% of all Scouts in 110 years.

“I'd like to add that as a father of an Eagle Scout, I know what the parents went through," Brady added. "I always appreciate what parents go through because they wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for the parents. Trust me, I've been a Scout leader for over 20 years from our Boy Scout Troop 911 that is being sponsored by the Tinley Park Police Department. And congratulations, guys. It's such a great honor. And for those who don't know, there are 365 conditions that they have to meet requirements in order to become an Eagle. So it's not an easy job.” 

The Scouts posed with Mayor Michael Glotz and the board for photos and were given certificates in honor of their achievement. While the minimum amount of badges needed for the rank is 21, the board was amazed to hear that the two boys had 59 and 65 badges, respectively.

Eagle Scout is the seventh and highest rank in the Scout organization.

In other business, the board adopted three resolutions that set aside the coming weeks to honor public servants. April 30-May 6 was declared Village Clerks Week, May 7-13 will be Public Service Recognition Week to honor all public employees in Tinley Park and the country, and May 21-27 was named National Public Works Week in honor of all Tinley Park Public Works Department personnel.