City of Joliet Diversity & Community Relations Committee met July 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Roll Call
Approval Of Minutes
Diversity & Community Relations Committee Minutes--September 21, 2020
Citizens To Be Heard On Agenda Items
This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the Committee members do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the meeting shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.
Discuss Mission & Vision Statement
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (Dei) Overview
AABA Presentation
New Or Old Business, Not For Final Action Or Recommendation
Public Comment
This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding non-agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the Committee members do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the meeting shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.