
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Shorewood Village Board Met October 13

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Village of Shorewood Village Board met Oct. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Due to the outbreak of Covid 19, the Village of Shorewood is permitting, but discouraging, in person attendance at the Village meetings. Those attending the meeting will be required to comply with social distancing and other requirements. The Village will enforce the Governor's executive order prohibiting the gathering of 50 or more people so some may not be permitted to physically attend.

However, attendance will also be allowed by phone or videoconference. The meeting may also be viewed on SCCTV Comcast channel 6 or AT&T U-verse channel 99. The meeting can also be streamed live on the Village website at http://vil.Shorewood.IL.US/government/video.aspx.


Dan Anderson (Trustee And Acting Mayor) Called To Order The Regular Meeting Of The Shorewood Village Board At 7:00 P.M.

The Meeting Was Conducted Both Electronically Through A Conference Call Which Was Authorized By Govenor Pritzer Via The Open Meetings Act Per Attorney Dave Silverman And The Board And Administrator At The Village Hall.

ROLL CALL After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the following answered to Roll Call: Mayor Richard Chapman: Absent. Trustees: Clarence DeBold, Stevan Brockman, Dan Warren, Anthony Luciano,Daniel Anderson, Barbara Kirkland. Also present, Village Administrator James Culotta, Police Chief Aaron Klima, Noriel Noriega Public Works Superintendent, Anne Burkholder Finance Dir., Economic Development Director Kelley Chrisse. and Attorney Dave Silverman. Also present electronically were: Chief building Official John Komorowski, The number present constitutes a quorum.

CITIZENS The pubic was invited to listen to the meeting and make comments, or email their comments to the Village Administrator all prior to the meeting. No one spoke.

Trustee Dan Warren made the motion to accept Dan Anderson, to run the meeting, in the absence of Mayor Chapman. Seconded by trustee Kirkland. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Warren, Anderson, Kirkland, and Brockman. Nays: None. Approved. Motion Carried.


1. Approval of the regular meeting minutes on September 22, 2020 

2. Approval of accounts payable in the amount of $569,820.17 

3. Approval of payment in the amount of $42,000.00 to Tri Architecture for Professional Services for the new Public Works Facility 

4. Approval of payment in the amount of $24,214.00 for Filotto Roofing Inc. for work completed on the Public Works Salt Dome and Well House #9.

Trustee Luciano made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as read. Seconded by Trustee Kirkland. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Warren, Anderson, Kirkland, and Brockman. Nays: None. Approved. Motion Carried.


Proclamations, comments etc.


1. Doug Pryer VP, for the Will County Center for Economic Development did a presentation on the Real Estate Market Conditions in Will County. The C.E.D. is a free service offered to the private and public sector. Their goal is for the retention and expansion of new businesses. Mr. Pryer noted that Shorewood is doing quite well and better than most cities and villages in Will County in Retail Sales.

2. Consideration for approval of Ordinance 20 – 1991 Granting an Amendment to a Conditional Use for the Shorewood Crossings Planned Unit Development in the Village of Shorewood, Will County, Illinois lot 6 of Shorewood Crossings, first read.

Trustee Brockman noted that a public hearing was held regarding a larger sign. It came in front of the board from the planning commission with the 7/0 in favor. Kelley Chrisse and staff recommended that the board permit the installation of increased wall signage at 906-910 Brookforest Ave. and recommends waiving the second read. The larger sign would be up to 40 ft.2 for both tenant spaces on the facade of the building.

Trustee Brockman made the motion to approve Ordinance 20 - 1991 Granting an Amendment to a Conditional Use for the Shorewood Crossings Planned Unit Development in the Village of Shorewood, Will County, Illinois lot 6 of Shorewood Crossings, and waive the 2nd read. Seconded by Trustee Warren. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Warren, Anderson, Kirkland, and Brockman. Nays: None. Approved. Waived the 2nd read. Motion Carried.

3. Consideration for approval of the CARES Act Reimbursement Submission Documents.

The CARES Act allocated funds to local government units to be utilized in a Covid 19 response. The Village's total allocation is $717,131.25. The reimbursements have been for non-payroll items. This includes PPE, items necessary for work from home, cleaning and disinfecting services and other allowable costs which totaled $44,091.74. This leaves $673,031.51 available for reimbursement. Staff recommends that the Village Board grant the Mayor the authority to sign applicable reimbursement submission documents.

Trustee Warren made the motion to Approve of the CARES Act Reimbursement Submission Documents. Seconded by Trustee Luciano. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Warren, Anderson, Kirkland, and Brockman. Nays: None. Approved. Motion Carried.

4. Consideration for approval of the 2020 Leaf Pickup Program Disposal.

Noriel Noriega Public Works Dir., recommended that the Village Board approve a purchase order for compost supply in the amount not to exceed $17,500 for the villages annual leave pickup program disposal.

Trustee DeBold made the motion to approve the 2020 Leaf Pickup Program Disposal. Seconded by Trustee Kirkland. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Warren, Anderson, Kirkland, and Brockman. Nays: None. Approved. Motion Carried.

5. Consideration for approval of the purchase and payment of a John Deere Compact Excavator 50 G from

Shorewood Home and Auto in the amount not to exceed $61,000.

Noriel Noriega, Public Works Dir., suggested that the excavator would pay for itself versus renting one. It will allow for backyard work at residents home and when they need to get into a smaller space.

Trustee Kirkland made the motion to approve the purchase and payment of a John Deere Compact Excavator 50G from Shorewood Home and Auto in the amount not to exceed $61,000. Seconded by Trustee DeBold. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Warren, Anderson, Kirkland, and Brockman. Nays: None. Approved. Motion Carried.

6. Consideration for approval of a contract with Homer Industries, LLC. In the amount not to exceed $15,000 for Storm Damage Disposal and waive the bid process.

Trustee DeBold made the motion to Approve a contract with Homer Industries, LLC. In the amount not to exceed $15,000 for Storm Damage Disposal and waive the bid process. Seconded by trustee Warren. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Warren, Anderson, Kirkland, and Brockman. Nays: None. Approved. Waived the bid process. Motion Carried.

7. Consideration for approval of a contract with Scottco Painting Company in the amount of $27,700 for the Village Hall Column Exterior and Interior Painting and waive the bid process.

Noriel Noriega and staff recommends that the Village Board waive the bid process and award the contract To Scottco Painting Company in the amount of $27,700 for the Village Hall Column Exterior and Interior Painting and waive the bid process.

Trustee Kirkland made the motion to Approve a contract with Scottco Painting Company in the amount of $27,700 for the Village Hall Column Exterior and Interior Painting and waive the bid process. Seconded by Trustee Luciano. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Warren, Anderson, Kirkland, and Brockman. Nays: None. Approved. Waived the bid process. Motion Carried.

8. Consideration for approval of a Resolution Adopting a Non-Union Employee Pay Plan.

Administrator Jim Culotta prepared a uniform and equitable pay plan which consists of minimum and maximum rates of pay for each position. The attached pay plan for the fiscal 2020 – 2021 has been developed for non-union employees and is based upon several factors, including wages of similar positions in comparable communities in our area, unique elements of each position and input from department heads. He recommends adoption of the pay plan because it will not only help ensure uniform and equitable compensation for non-union employees, but also because it is needed to recruit and retain personnel capable of providing a high level of service. He also suggested that adjustments to wages be made based on merit.

Trustee DeBold had wanted more time to look at the pay plan. Trustees Luciano and Anderson also had some questions regarding the pay plan and wanted to take a second look at it.

Trustee DeBold made the motion to table the resolution. Seconded by trustee Kirkland.. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Warren, Anderson, Kirkland. Nays: Brockman. Approved. Motion Carried.

Trustee Anderson-Updates for October 13, 2020 leaf pick up started October 12. Put leaves behind the curb, and no big branches. Road patching is completed. 38 tree stumps have been removed. Hydrant flushing has been done in the last three weeks Public Works worked on 450' of storm sewer jetting. Snow fleet is ready to go.

Trustee Brockman-The next P & Z meeting will be November 4th at 7:00 PM at the Village hall. There are no agenda items as yet.

Trustee Kirkland Parks and Recreation Update for October 13, 2020 Thank you to everyone who participated in the family camp out. The pavilion is temporarily closed due to a fallen tree. Please like and follow and subscribe to us on Facebook, Instgram and on our website. EVENTS Everyone is invited to participate in the Shorewood Scavenger Hunt. The details are on the website. October 24th there will be a drive-through pumpkin patch. The Village is giving out pumpkins and prizes to the first 300 children that show up from 10 AM to noon at Cene's Four Seasons Park.

Trustee Luciano The next meeting is October 29th, at 7:00 p.m, at the Village Hall, Streaming and calling in remotely.

those attending in person please social distance. If anyone is interested in joining the Ctizens Advisory Committee, they can contact him or any members of the committee through their emails found on the Village website. After canceling several CAC meetings since January 2020, the committee met on September 24, 2020. Nine members were present along the staff and residents. Roll call established a quorum and the meeting opened. After reviewing some of the major events that occurred since the last meeting in January, we proceeded to the discussion topics.

First, was Halloween and trick-or-treating. An article from the Herald Patch about suggestions for celebrating Halloween was distributed to all members. They were asked for their input on trick-or-treating. Suggestions were made on how the holiday could be celebrated safely and there were not any concerns about proceeding with trick-or-treating.

Next, Covid 19 updates were covered by staff and members questions and concerns were addressed.

Food trucks were then discussed. Staff indicated that there were no ordinance presently addressing food trucks. Also, no members in attendance could recall their HOA's having any restrictions.

Questions on who would license, regulate and inspect them were brought up. Also, questions on how they would affect local businesses and how receptive businesses would be with the competition. In addition, questions on the distinction of those engaged in catering events or just riding around neighborhoods like the ice cream truck. Members spoke about attending or knowing of parties that food trucks catered and they did not see any problem with them in that capacity.

Lastly, in members reports, the question of trucks parking on the street. Edgewater was brought up and the chief answered it indicating the police are addressing it but also mentioned that certain types of truck parking is allowed.

EXECUTIVE SESSION- Personnel, to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. There was no executive session.

ADJOURNMENT Trustee Kirkland made a motion to adjourn from the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee DeBold. Roll Call: Yeas: DeBold, Luciano, Anderson, Warren, Kirkland, and Brockman. Nays: None. Approved. Motion Carried. 8:05 P.M
