
Will County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Wilmington Community Unit School District 209U Board of Education Met September 14

Webp meeting41

Wilmington Community Unit School District 209U Board of Education met Sept. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U met in regular session at 5:30 P.M. in the Wilmington School District Boardroom. President Cragg called the meeting to order with the following members answering roll call: Anderson, Dziuban, Kunz, Moran, Southall, Stickel and Cragg.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall at 5:33 P.M. to discuss in closed session and to take action in open session: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees/coaches; Collective negotiating matters between the Board of Education and its employees or their representatives. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to leave closed session at 6:11 P.M. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

Budget Hearing 6:15 P.M.

Mrs. Hipes opened the hearing at 6:15 pm. There were zero guests present. Mrs. Hipes presented information on the 2020-2021 budget and closed the hearing at 6:24pm.

Pledge to the Flag 6:30 P.M.

1 guest was present.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Dziuban to approve the agenda and consent agenda for the Monday, September 14, 2020 meeting of the Wilmington Community Unit School District 209-U Board of Education as presented. All Aye. Motion carried.

Opportunity for Public Input:


Administrator Reports:

Mrs. Beth Norman, Bruning Principal reported:

There are a total of 205 students enrolled at Bruning: 59 in Pre-K, 61 in Kindergarten and 85 in First Grade. All students participated in a fire drill on 8/27 and a lockdown drill on 9/1. Meet and greet with Kindergarten teacher on 8/24. 1st grade had a drive-through meet and greet. Picture Day will be held on 9/18. Kindergarteners and First Graders have been benchmarked in literacy. Pre-K screening was 9/4. The first drawing for our new “Pawsitive Behavior” program will be 9/30.

Mrs. Venita Dennis, LJ Stevens Intermediate School Principal reported:

Enrollment at Stevens is as follows: 296 total. Open house was 8/24. AIMS Web, I- Ready, Fountas and Pinnel testing was completed by 9/11. These results will help determine RTI placement. Picture day was 9/15.

Mr. Adam Spicer, Wilmington Middle School Principal reported: (In writing)

Instead of Open House, students were offered building tours to all grade levels on 8/24 & 8/25. The students had the opportunity to meet their teachers, visit the building, and ask questions. We completed numerous safety drills already this year. Congratulations to the newest members of the Beta Club. Chrome Books have been given to each student to carry with them. AIMS Web testing was the week of 9/3. Baseball and softball are close to finishing up their seasons. Regional play will be at the end of September. Cheerleaders have started practice. Students are beginning to sign up for clubs.

Mr. Scott Maupin, Wilmington High School Principal reported:

The WHS School Improvement team is reviewing and updating the School Improvement Plan. We are focusing on improving SAT scores this year. Department meetings are taking place this week. The 2020-2021 Tutorial Program will begin on 9/15. First quarter Progress Reports are due in Guidance by 9/18. The High School enrollment for this year is 420. The Fall Play will begin Auditions this week. This year’s Fall Play is called “Mutually Assured Destruction”. Tentative date for the Fall Play will be October 17 & 18th. The PSAT test will be administered to Juniors on 10/16 and the SAT test will be administered to Seniors on 10/16. Fall athletics have us playing Boys and Girls Golf and 1 individual in Cross Country.

Mr. Mike McCormick, Technology Manager reported:

 Not many damages on laptops. Only had a few returned to be repaired. Wrapping up Skyward training and set up.

Mrs. Lisa Hipes, Finance Director reported:

 State of Illinois owes us $232,364.18. Last September they owed $190,851.55.

 The budget is ready for approval.

 The auditors have completed the audit and will present at the October board meeting.

 The Board will be asked tonight to renew our Continuing Disclosure agreement with Chapman and Cutler.

Kevin Feeney, Curriculum Director reported:

 Staff Development will take place on 9/16

 I-Ready/Remote Learning/Skyward Training on August 20 & 21st. 

 All state and federal grants have been submitted and approved.

 The first round of AIMS web testing has been completed.

 All WHS Juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT assessment on 10/14.  Test scores from last school year were reviewed at the meeting.

Dr. Matt Swick, Superintendent Reported:

 Dr. Swick provided Fund Balances as of August 31, 2020.

 Building Trades House - we will need to fix electric, add stairs and check mold issue.

Once all completed will list home with a realtor.

 Back to school is going extremely well. Students are doing an awesome job.

 Action item MOU for evaluations. Tenure teachers that are not evaluated would get last year’s rating. They may request to be evaluated. All non-tenured teachers will be evaluated.

1. Recommended approval for the following consent agenda items as presented: Regular Meeting of August 10, 2020; Closed Meeting of August 10, 2020; Approve Building Principal’s reports; Approve Curriculum Director’s Report; Approve Technology Director’s Report; Approve Business Manager’s Report; Approve Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent’s Report; Approve Treasurer’s Reports for August; Ratify Payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $281,170.00 for the August 14, 2020 payroll; Ratify August 31 payroll remittances, September bills, and August 31 payroll remittances in the amount of $664,863.26; Ratify Payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $279,217.61 for the August 31, 2020 payroll; Authorize the signing of the September 15, 2020 and September 30, 2020 payrolls to be ratified at the October meeting; Approve the Imprest Fund Report for the month of August in the amount of $1,341.24; Approve the Monthly Financial Report for August; Approve the Student Activity Fund Reports for August and authorize the continuance of investments of unencumbered funds; Approve Additions to the 20-21 Support Staff Substitute List: None at this time; Approve the following fundraisers: WHS: Senior Class, T- Shirt Fundraiser, Oct 5-26, 2020, BR: Spiritwear, Sept. 28-Oct. 9, 2020. Approve the sale or disposal of property: None at this time.; Approve the following Donations: None; Approve the Salary Compensation Reports: Public Act 96- 0434, Illinois School Code 5/10-20.47 and 5/34-18-38, Public Act 97-0609; Approve the Backpack Buddies Program for Bruning and SIS; Approve first reading of Board Policies as Amended and Presented:

1. 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure

2. 2:260 Board of Education: Uniform Grievance Procedure

3. 5:10 General Personnel: Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment

4. 5:100 General Personnel: Staff Development Program

5. 5:20 General Personnel: Workplace Harassment Prohibited

6. 5:330 Educational Support Personnel: Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves

7. 7:10 Students: Equal Educational Opportunities

8. 7:20 Students: Harassment of Students Prohibited

9. 7:180 Students: Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

10. 7:185 Students: Teen Dating Violence Prohibited

11. 7:190 Students: Student Behavior

12. 7:340 Students: Student Records

13. 2:220-E-9 Exhibit: Requirements for No Physical Presence of Quorum and Participation by Audio or Video During Disaster Declaration

14. 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure

15. 7:345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security

16. 4:180 Operational Services: Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery

Approve Board Policy Undergoing 5-Year Review:

1. 7:40 – Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-

Act on the Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve the Consent agenda items as presented for the Monday September 14, 2020 meeting of the Wilmington Community Unit School District 209-U Board of Education. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg- aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Dr. Swick’s recommendation to accept the Letter of Resignation submitted by Kelly Thomas from the position of 5.5-hour Title I Aide, effective September 22, 2020. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dziuban and seconded by Southall to accept the irrevocable notice of retirement submitted by Bonnie Peters form the position of 8-hour, 12 month, Stevens Intermediate School Custodian, effective June 5, 2021. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Moran and seconded by Southall to accept the ratified irrevocable notice of retirement submitted by Sonja Castillo from the position of 5.5-hour Food Service employee, effective immediately. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Moran to approve Mr. Maupin’s recommendation to ratify the volunteer employment of Loren Burkey as a Wilmington High School Assistant Golf Coach for the 2020-2021 school year. No stipend will be paid. Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Dr. Swick’s recommendation to ratify the employment of Christine Benson as a Wilmington School District Permanent Substitute Teacher for 2020-2021 school year. Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dzuiban and seconded by Southall to approve Dr. Swick’s recommendation to ratify the employment of Victoria Ruffato as a Wilmington School District Permanent Substitute Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Mrs. Brownlee’s recommendation to employ Kimberly Skole as a Stevens Intermediate School 3-hour server for the 2020-2021 school year. Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dzuiban and seconded by Southall to approve Mrs. Brownlee’s recommendation to employ Sarah Rock as a Wilmington Middle School 3-hour server for the 2020-2021 school year. Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Dziuban to approve Mrs. Brownlee’s recommendation to employ Cynthia Kats as a Wilmington Middle School 3-hour server for the 2020-2021 school year. Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall- aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Stickel to approve Mr. Feeney’s recommendation to employ Jan Issert as a Steven’s Intermediate School 5.5-hour Reading Aide for the 2020-2021 school year. Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran- aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Resolution 14- 20: Adoption of the 2020-2021 Budget. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran- aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Stickel to approve to approve hiring Chapman and Cutler to complete and file our Continuing Disclosure report for fiscal year 2020. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Moran and seconded by Dziuban to approve Chloe Proffitt to represent Wilmington High School as an individual in Cross Country for the 2020 season. Chloe will compete in regular season contests, as well as the IHSA Post Season. No expenses incurred will be paid by the District. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve ratifying the hours for two Title I Aides (Micki Van Tilburg, and Madonna Czemske) that were approved in August, from 5 hours per day to 5.5 hours per day. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz- aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Southall to approve Resolution 15- 20: Board of Education Election, which would allow the following question to be placed on the ballot at the next school board election: “Shall the members of the Board of Education of Wilmington School District 209U be elected at large rather than by school board district?”. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-nay and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Southall to approve the Memorandum of Agreement for the Evaluation of Staff. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran- aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Moran to approve the ratification of Resolution Number 16-20: COVID-19 Return to School – Re-opening Plan. Anderson- aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

Discussion Items - President's Prerogative

Board Policy – Stephanie Southall and C.J. Dziuban: 1st reading going out. 

Facilities Update/Construction Committee – Terry Anderson and Ben Stickel: None. 

Foundation for Excellence – Tim Cragg: None

Handbook Committee – Ben Stickel and Erin Moran: None

IASB Delegate/Legislative Liaison – Peggy Kunz: None

Negotiations Committee – Terry Anderson and Peggy Kunz: None

TAB/Leadership Committee – Tim Cragg: None

Three Rivers Governing Board – Terry Anderson: None

WILCO Board of Control – Peggy Kunz: Teacher evaluation discussions. Approximately 1300 students.


The following thank you notes have been received:

1. One thank you card was received from Venita Dennis for the kindness extended to herself and her family at the time of her husband’s passing.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Anderson at 7:06 P.M. to adjourn until the regular meeting on October 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM. Closed Session will be at 6:00 PM. All aye. Motion carried.
