
Will County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Will County Planning and Zoning Commission Met March 3

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Will County Planning and Zoning Commission met March 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:



Thomas White led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Chairman Hugh Stipan called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM

Attendee Name




Thomas White

 Vice Chairman



Michael Carruthers




Kimberly Mitchell



Hugh Stipan




Barbara Peterson



John Kiefner




Roger Bettenhausen



A quorum was declared.

Will County Land Use Staff present were Kristine Mazon, Marguerite Kenny, Lisa Napoles, and Janine Farrell.

Matt Guzman was present from the Will County State's Attorney's office.


1. WC Planning and Zoning Commission - Public Hearing - Feb 4, 2020 6:30 PM

Minutes were approved with no corrections or addition. Motion passed 6-0.


MOVER: Thomas White, Vice Chairman

SECONDER: Michael Carruthers, Commissioner

AYES: White, Carruthers, Stipan, Peterson, Kiefner, Bettenhausen

ABSENT: Mitchell


Secretary Barbara Peterson announced that Variance Cases will be heard to a conclusion by this Commission. The remaining cases after this hearing tonight, will advance to the Land Use Development Committee this County Board Room 10:30 AM next Tuesday, which is March 10th.

1. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended, for Zoning Case ZC-19-082, Michael E. Bethman, Christie L. Bethman, and Walter E. Bethman (Each 33.33% Interest), Owners of Record, Michael E. Bethman, Agent, Requesting (S-19-030) Special Use Permit for a Firearms Dealer, for Pin #14-12-11-200-022-0000, in Manhattan Township, Commonly Known as 12859 W. Baker Road, Manhattan, IL; County Board District #2

Marguerite Kenny presented Zoning Case # ZC-19-082, which takes place in Manhattan Township.

As you recall last month, this Case was tabled as a request of the Village of Manhattan so that they could perform their mile and a half review of the Zoning Case. You should have all received a memo containing their response to that mile and a half review. To summarize that letter, they have voted to not object to the request.

Before getting into the presentation nitty gritty, Staff would like to clarify for the record that there is an error in the Staff Report. On page 6, under Findings of Fact for criteria #1, the report refers to a Condition # 9 and it should read Condition # 8. The error was discovered after the Staff Report was published.

The owners are Michael Bethman, Christie Bethman, and Walter Bethman, each 33 1/3% owner. The applicant tonight is Michael Bethman.

Mr. Bethman is requesting a Special Use Permit for a firearms dealer in order to be allowed to operate as a home occupation. The applicant previously operated Seven Sigma Arms with a Federal Fire License Type 01 as a home occupation within the Village of Manhattan.

In 2016, the applicant relocated to unincorporated Will County and continued to operate his business without the appropriate zoning. Since then, the applicant is looking to renew his license with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. In doing so, he will need to come into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Under the Will County Zoning Ordinance, a firearms dealer requires a Special Use Permit to operate as a home occupation.

The applicant will be subject to the home occupation regulations. A copy of those regulations are contained in your Staff packet.

The applicant operates by appointment only with typically 1-3 customers per day.

The proposed area in the residence to be used for this home occupation is approximately 200 square feet.

Under Federal Law, a firearms dealer and gunsmith is required to obtain a Federal Firearms License, or also known as an FFL. The applicant, as mentioned, currently has an FFL 01, which is the basic dealer/gunsmith.

The applicant intends to pursue an FFL 07, which is a manufacturer of firearms in order to branch into law enforcement sales. With an 07, the applicant intends to deal restricted firearms and accessories that are classified in the National Firearms Act of 1934. This also requires a special tax stamp to be issued. This tax stamp can only be issued with an FFL 07 within the State of Illinois.

The applicant would only be dealing and gunsmithing on a limited basis.

Under Will County Zoning Ordinance, this use may also be classified as a firearms dealer. Basically under home occupation standards, no manufacturing is permitted to occur on the property aside from the minor repairs, modifications, embellishments, refurbishes, or installation of new parts in or on firearms, which all fall under the ATF’s definition of gunsmithing.

Staff has proposed Condition # 8 to restrict that manufacturing to any process outside that realm of the ATF’s definition of gunsmithing and Will County’s definition of manufacturing operation.

The subject parcel is a 10 acre flag lot that has a long gravel driveway running to the north towards Baker Road. A pond bisects the property. The residence is located on the eastern third of the property.

Home occupations are permitted as accessory uses to a permitted principal use. In the case of the A-1 Zoning District, residential uses are such use.

The applicant would be required to install video cameras, an alarm system, and install a gun safe if these amenities are not improved on the property.

Building Permits will be required for any alterations made inside the residence or on the property.

It is Staff’s professional opinion that the Special Use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public or be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other properties in the area, mainly because this use is going to occur inside the residence.

The applicant is requesting Special Use be applicable to the eastern third, roughly 3.37 acres. This is the area pretty much around the single-family residence.

The applicant is operating, like I said, in a residence. The home occupation regulations limit the business operations from anywhere else on the property.

The property is Zoned A-1. A-1 is surrounded to the north, south, and west of the property. You have A-2 and E-2 to the east. The A-1 parcels directly to the north and south of the subject property are currently vacant and unimproved and do not have a driveway access to Baker. There is also an A-2 property to the east of the subject parcel that is also unimproved.

Since the Special Use will incur inside the residence, Staff does not find that the Special Use, if granted, will impede the development or improvement of these properties or other properties in the area.

Staff evaluated this Special Use request using the review criteria and standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. The detailed analysis is contained in your Staff Report.

Staff has added conditions to this Special Use to insure that any impacts of the use be minimized.

Staff is recommending approval of the Special Use with 8 conditions. Most of these conditions deal with insuring that an alarm system and video surveillance is occurring on the property.

The Special Use will be limited to this applicant, the proprietor of the business as well as the owner of the property. Should the applicant decide to relocate to another parcel, this Special Use will become null and void.

It is Staff’s professional opinion that this use will not be detrimental to the public or injurious to the enjoyment of properties in the area.

Since the applicant has been living on the property since 2016, Staff has yet to receive a complaint regarding this use.

In the general area, there are a variety of Agricultural and Residential Zoning Districts. Home occupations are permitted as accessory uses within both of these Zoning Districts. They are all subject to the Zoning Ordinance regulations as well as to the State and Federal regulations.

Of the agencies notified, none have objected to this Special Use request.

With that, this concludes Staff’s analysis.

Chairman Stipan said thank you. Does anyone have any questions of Staff?

No response.

Chairman Stipan said thank you very much. Are there any objectors or concerned citizens to this case?

No response.

Chairman Stipan asked is the principal to this case here tonight?

A gentleman said yes.

Chairman Stipan said you’re welcome to come down if you want to, but you don’t need to come down.

The gentleman, who appeared to be Michael Bethman, said I’m okay if you’re okay.

Chairman Stipan asked do you understand all of the conditions? Michael Bethman said absolutely, yes.

Chairman Stipan said ok, thank you.

Motion passed 6-0 with 8 conditions.

1. Upon fourteen (14) days of written notice to the owner of record at their last known address, Will county Land Use Department and Will County Sheriff’s Department employees are hereby granted the right of entry in and upon the premises for the purpose of inspection of the premises and uses thereon for compliance with the terms and conditions of this special use permit.

2. The special use is only valid for Seven Sigma Trading Group, LLC DBA as Seven Sigma Arms and/or Michael Bethman, as sole proprietor, at the subject parcel. The special use permit is not transferrable to subsequent property owners.

3. The special use permit shall be null and void upon the failure to obtain or maintain a Federal Firearms License.

4. All firearms must be stored in a safe during non-business hours. Pursuant to Will County Zoning Ordinance section 155- 10.10(D)(2)(I), business hours are 8:00am to 8:00pm.

5. The subject property shall be improved with an electronic security system that emits an audible alarm at the firearms dealer’s place of business when triggered. The security system must also transmit a silent alarm directly to a public safety agency. If the public safety agency with jurisdiction over the firearms dealer property does not allow for direct transmission of alarm signals, the security system must transmit an alarm signal to a UL-approved monitoring station that must, within 2 minutes, provide notification to a public safety agency with jurisdiction over the firearms dealer property. The electronic security system shall include the installation of panic buttons and is subject to the review and approval of the Will County Sheriff’s Office.

6. Security cameras shall be installed inside and outside of the residence. The security camera system must record 24 hours a day. The security system must be a digital video recorder (DVR) and the digital video recordings must be retained for at least 30 days. Video recordings must be produced when requested by a law enforcement official.

7. A Federal Explosives License is not authorized by this special use permit and is prohibited from being operated / registered at the subject property.

8. The manufacturing of firearms, outside the parameters of the ATF’s definition of a dealer or gunsmith, is prohibited. The applicant is prohibited from performing manufacturing activities, as defined in in section 155-8.50 of the Will County Zoning Ordinance, on the subject parcel.

Chairman Stipan said your next meeting will be at the Land Use meeting. Barbara Peterson said this room next Tuesday.

Michael Bethman asked what time?

John Kiefner said 10:30.

Barbara Peterson said any questions you can call Staff.

Michael Bethman said I know who to talk to. Thank you.

Chairman Stipan said thank you.


TO: Will County Land Use & Development Committee

MOVER: John Kiefner, Commissioner

SECONDER: Thomas White, Vice Chairman

AYES: White, Carruthers, Stipan, Peterson, Kiefner, Bettenhausen

ABSENT: Mitchell

2. Ordinance Amending the Will County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as Amended for Zoning Case # ZC-19-081, New Lenox Sportsmens Club, Owner of Record, (Randall Crawford, President; Ronnie Henderson, Second Vice President; Tom Seivert, First Vice President; Sandy Kilbride, Secretary) Randall Crawford, Agent; Cass Wennlund of Wennlund & Associates, Attorney, Requesting (S-19-029) Special Use Permit for a Mobile Home for Pin #01-24-03-30-300-003-0000, in Custer Township, Commonly Known as 33061 S. Route 53, Wilmington, IL, County Board District #6

Marguerite Kenny presented Zoning Case # ZC-19-081, which takes place in Custer Township.

The owner is the New Lenox Sportsmens Club where Randall Crawford is President, Ronnie Henderson is 2nd Vice President, Tom Seivert is 1st Vice President, and Sandy Killbride is Secretary. The applicant tonight is Randall Crawford.

Mr. Crawford is requesting a Special Use Permit for a mobile home in order to allow the residence on the property to be used by the caretaker of the club.

The New Lenox Sportsmens Club has owned this property since the mid 1960’s.

You may recall that this applicant previously requested a Temporary Use Permit for this same request, for a mobile home on the parcel last June. Since the approval of the Temporary Use Permit, a Building Permit has been issued for the mobile home which is currently sited on the property.

Around the same time, last September, a Text Amendment was proposed allowing a mobile home in the C-6 Zoning District for use by the caretaker or security purposes and was approved by the County Board. It required a Special Use Permit.

The applicant tonight is coming full circle. He is requesting the Special Use Permit to allow the mobile home for the caretaker to be a more permanent basis than just coming for a Temporary Use Permit.

The applicant owns this mobile home and will allow each caretaker to reside in it while employed with the club.

A condition has been added to the Special Use Permit that restricts the use of the mobile home to only those serving as a caretaker or security for the club.

The New Lenox Sportsmens Club operates Meneoka, a private recreational club, on an 80 acre parcel. The club offers campsites, trapshooting, fishing, swimming, boating, and other recreational activities to its members.

The parcel is improved with several structures related to the recreational use. It has showers, an office, clubhouse, pavilion, shooting platforms and a storage shed in addition to the detached garage and mobile home.

The subject parcel does not have direct access onto Route 53. It relies on an access agreement, which is owned by the Braidwood Recreation Club, running west to access Route 53.

The northwestern corner of the property serves as the club entrance as well as where the mobile home is located.

For nearly 55 years, there has been a residence located in the area of the subject parcel. Typically caretakers would provide the mobile homes where the would come, drop it on site, and once they were no longer the caretaker they would remove it. Each time this mobile home was removed, it was considered a new use being established.

Over the course of the years, the Zoning Ordinance has permitted mobile homes in C-6 for caretakers and done away with it. The most recent Text Amendment is allowing it as a Special Use.

Basically, the request is just to bring the parcel into compliance.

The Special Use is 1.32 acres and is that northwestern corner of the property where the detached garage and mobile home are located.

As Staff previously mentioned, a Building Permit has been issued. Health Department approval was part of that issuance. They saw that there is a well and septic system serving this mobile home and is accessible.

Looking at the Zoning Map, the subject parcel is Zoned C-6 which is Commercial Recreational. It is surrounded by other C-6 to the south, west, and east. You have the Braidwood Recreation Club and the Crow’s Nest Club. There’s also A-1 directly north, which is actively farmed.

Since this area has been predominantly C-6 and the County’s comprehensive rezoning in 1978, Staff finds that the Special Use request will not impact the development of the area.

As with any Special Use, Staff utilized the review criteria and standards in the Zoning Ordinance to evaluate the Special Use request. The detailed analysis is in your Staff report.

Staff has added conditions to the Special Use to ensure that any impacts, negative or positive, are limited.

Staff is recommending approval of the Special Use with 4 conditions, the first being the typical site inspection. The second whether it be a new mobile home being located on the site or the removal, a Demolition and Building Permit will be required. The third being adherence to the Health Department requirements should the mobile home use be abandoned that proper action is taken to abandon the septic system as well as the well. The fourth just restricts the use to a caretaker or security.

With that, that concludes Staff’s analysis.

Chairman Stipan said thank you. Does anyone have any questions?

Barbara Peterson said I do. I’ve got one. The New Lenox campground is going to own trailer, am I right?

Marguerite Kenny said from my understanding, yes.

Barbara Person said so it’s there to stay forever and ever and ever until it falls apart. They don’t have to do this anymore.

Marguerite Kenny said correct. As long as the Special Use remains active. Special Uses can expire with an intended abandonment or if there’s no mobile home residence on that area within a period of a year or longer.

Barbara Peterson said ok, as long as they clearly understand that because I don’t want them to have to go through this again. Once should be enough. They can replace this trailer?

Marguerite Kenny said they could if they got Building Permits and as long as that replacement doesn’t take a period of a year or longer.

Barbara Peterson said ok, I’m fine with it. Thank you.

Chairman Stipan asked any other questions?

No response.

Chairman Stipan said thank you. Are there any concerned citizens or contenders against this case?

No response.

Chairman Stipan asked is the principal here or the representative? A gentleman said yes sir.

Chairman Stipan said ok. We have nobody contesting your case and we have a recommended approval so you don’t need to come down unless you care to come down.

The gentleman said no sir, sounds good.

Chairman Stipan said ok, thank you.

Motion passed 6-0 with 4 conditions.

1. Upon fourteen (14) days of written notice to the owner of record at their last known address, Will County Land Use Department and Will County Sheriff’s Department employees are hereby granted the right of entry in and upon the premises for the purpose of inspection of the premises and uses thereon for compliance with the terms and conditions of this special use permit.

2. Demolition and/or building permits will be required for the removal and/or siting of a new mobile home on the subject property.

3. Should the mobile home use be abandoned or discontinued, the private sewage (septic) holding tank and well serving the mobile home shall be properly abandoned in accordance with Will County Health Department regulations within 30 days after removal of the mobile home.

4. The mobile home shall only be used for residence of the caretaker or security purposes in accordance with section 155-9.170(A)(1) of the Will County Zoning Ordinance.


TO: Will County Land Use & Development Committee

MOVER: Roger Bettenhausen, Commissioner

SECONDER: Thomas White, Vice Chairman

AYES: White, Carruthers, Stipan, Peterson, Kiefner, Bettenhausen

ABSENT: Mitchell

3. WILL COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION NOTICE OF VARIANCE AMENDING THE WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS ZONING ORDINANCE Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as amended, for Case ZC-19-088, Victor Platos Trust, Owner of Record (Victor Platos, Trustee; Ted Platos, 100% Beneficiary); Ted Platos and Robert Platos, Agents, requesting (V-19-087) a Variance for minimum rear yard setback for animal confinement building from 50' to 42' feet for Pin # 15-08-11-400-049-0000 in New Lenox Township, commonly known as 1401 E. Francis Road, New Lenox, IL

Lisa Napoles presented Zoning Case ZC-19-088, which takes place in New Lenox Township.

This is an application for a Variance for minimum set back (rear yard) for an animal confinement building from 50 feet to 42 feet.

The applicant and owner is the Victor Platos Trust with Ted Platos being 100% beneficiary.

The subject parcel is located on East Francis Road in New Lenox Township. The parcel measures 10 acres in lot area.

The property is improved with a residence with an attached garage and a partially constructed pole barn in the northeast corner.

Because of the configuration of the lot, the barn is obscured from the public by the residence on the subject property set closer to Francis Road.

A Zone AE floodway covers most of the western portion of the parcel, which is unimproved.

The 2019 aerial shows the concrete base of the 30 foot by 60 foot barn that was previously on the property. The owner demolished that barn after it was damaged in a storm without obtaining a Demolition Permit. The owner then started constructing a new 40 foot by 70 foot barn in the same location without obtaining a Building Permit.

The owner was placed in violation for building without a Permit. In response, the applicant attended a Pre-Application Meeting and applied for Demolition Permit # 1902944 and Building Permit # 1902938.

The Variance that you’re hearing tonight is to bring that partially completed barn into compliance.

The Zoning Map shows the property is Zoned E-1. Neighboring properties are Zoned R-2 on the north and east, A-1 to the east, R-3 and A-1 on the south, and the Norfolk Southern Railway on the west,

The minimum rear yard setback for accessory structures in the E-1 District is 5 feet. Because the barn will be used to stable horses and possibly other farm animals, the 50 foot setback for animal confinement buildings applies.

The applicant submitted a plat dated 2017 that showed the previous barn which measured 30 feet by 60 feet. The applicant informed Staff that the new barn measured 40 feet by 70 feet extending to the north and west of the previous barn. Because the barn will be used to stable horses, the additional square footage is permitted in the E-1 District. The plat shows that the previous barn met the 50 foot setback for animal confinement. Based on the submitted plat and conversations with the applicant, Staff determined that the new barn is 42 feet from the rear property line.

The applicant reviewed Staff’s calculations and provided his signature of Staff’s findings.

Based upon the criteria by which Staff and the Plan Commission are required by Ordinance to evaluate, Staff finds that the owner’s request is due to the preference for a larger barn than what previously stood on the property and not unique circumstances.

Staff finds that because the new barn replaces the barn that stood on the property since at least 1990 and is located at the rear northeast corner of the property and not easily visible from the public way, it will not alter the essential character of the locality.

By these criteria, Staff recommends denial of the Variance for minimum rear yard setback for animal confinement from 50 feet to 42 feet.

This concludes Staff’s recommendations.

Chairman Stipan asked does anyone have any questions of Staff?

Thomas White said I guess I have one. This barn is going into the exact same spot as the original one was?

Lisa Napoles said yes, but larger.

Thomas White said larger. How much larger is it than the other one? Lisa Napoles said 10 feet in length as well as 10 feet in width. Michael Carruthers asked have the fines been paid.

Lisa Napoles said yes.

Barbara Peterson asked how many horses?

Lisa Napoles said per conversations with the applicant, 2.

Thomas White asked has he always had the horses?

Lisa Napoles said no, the previous barn was not used for animal confinement, therefore, it was not an issue. This current barn will be used for animal confinement.

Barbara Peterson said we’ll have to talk to the applicant.

Chairman Stipan said the building is completed, correct?

Lisa Napoles said no. It was in progress at the time it was placed in violation so the applicant stopped construction pending the approval of the zoning action, which would then allow them to obtain their Building Permit to complete it.

Chairman Stipan said the picture you showed us, it appeared it was mostly completed.

Lisa Napoles said yes.

Barbara Peterson asked any emails, any phone calls from adjacent property owners?

Lisa Napoles said none.

Barbara Peterson asked was everybody properly notified?

Lisa Napoles said yes.

Barbara Peterson said alright. Do you want to call him down?

Chairman Stipan asked are there any objectors or concerned citizens to this case? No response.

Chairman Stipan said would the owner please come down, or his agent. Thomas White said come on down.

Ted Platos introduced himself to the Commission.

Chairman Stipan said I understand that you have a lot of this built already. Ted Platos said barn built by me, yes.

Chairman Stipan said you have most of it done already.

Ted Platos said yeah.

Chairman Stipan said ok. Next time, please call and get Permits first.

Ted Platos said I know now. Before closing I had a barn there then they take it down before me. Barn was gone when I closed.

Chairman Stipan said ok.

Ted Platos said then the rest of it fell down because of the weather. It’s a steel barn.

Chairman Stipan said as long as you go through the County and do everything one step at a time, you’ll be ok. When you don’t do that, that’s when the trouble starts. So, you would like to go ahead and finish this barn, correct?.

Ted Platos said yeah, I need to finish the siding. Barbara Peterson asked how long have you lived there? Ted Platos said I closed March, 2017.

Barbara Peterson said ok so you’ve recently moved in within the past couple of years.

Ted Platos said I moved in September, 2017.

Barbara Peterson said alright. How many horses?

Ted Platos said I have 2 now.

Barbara Peterson said you have 2 horses. Who rides the horses? Do you have children?

Ted Platos said my son. The other horse you can’t ride, you can only pull. Chairman Stipan said only pulls, ok, a wagon horse.

Ted Platos said for a wagon, yeah.

Chairman Stipan said alright, I’ve got it. Thank you.

Motion passed 6-0.

Chairman Stipan said you passed.

Ted Platos asked can I go now?

Barbara Peterson said no, I have paperwork for you. I’m glad you asked.

Ted Platos asked do I have to pay?

Janine Farrell said no, everything is good.

Thomas White said you can pay again if you want.

John Kiefner said this isn’t Cook County yet, is it?

Barbara Peterson said thank you John, that was a good one. That will be in the Minutes.

Thomas White said do not turn that off.

John Kiefner said that will be in the Minutes too. She puts everything in the Minutes. Everything.

Ted Platos asked what do I do with this now?

Janine Farrell said you keep it for your files.

Barbara Peterson said keep it with all your paperwork.

Thomas White said go finish your siding.

Janine Farrell said we’ll take a look at that Building Permit tomorrow and we’ll let you know what still needs to be done.

Ted Platos said so I come in tomorrow?

Janine Farrell said you don’t have to, you can call me. Ted Platos said ok, good.

Lisa Napoles said I’ll call you Mr. Platos.

Ted Platos said have a good night. Thank you very much.


MOVER: Thomas White, Vice Chairman

SECONDER: Michael Carruthers, Commissioner

AYES: White, Carruthers, Stipan, Peterson, Kiefner, Bettenhausen

ABSENT: Mitchell

4. WILL COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION NOTICE OF VARIANCE AMENDING THE WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS ZONING ORDINANCE Adopted and Approved September 9, 1947 as amended, for Case Tup-20-001, The Scott A. Murdoch Revocable Family Trust, dated December 5, 2018; Owner of Record (Benjamin Murdoch and Kalina Murdoch each 50% beneficiaries) Scott Murdoch, Trustee of the Scott A. Murdoch Trust ; Agent, requesting a temporary use permit to live in a travel trailer during construction of a new residence for Pin # 11-04-01-101-005-0000, in Lockport Township, commonly known as 17401 W. 135th Street, Lockport,IL

Janine Farrell presented Zoning Case TUP-20-001 which takes place in Lockport Township.

The owner is the Scott A. Murdoch Revocable Family Trust. The beneficiaries of that Trust are Benjamin and Kalina Murdoch, with each 50%. The agent is Scott Murdoch who is the Trustee of that Trust.

The applicant is requesting a Temporary Use Permit to live in a travel trailer during construction of a new residence on the property.

The property is sort of unusual from what we normally see here. It is sort of 2 pieces. The 3 properties surrounding all have an undivided third interest in what is called Hidden Ridge Lane, which is actually a private roadway to Romeo Road or 135th Street.

The property is 7.338 acres and it’s Zoned A-2.

The property is currently improved with a wooden shed and the single family residence.

The applicant is requesting to reside in a travel trailer during construction of a new home on the property. It is a Scamp 16 foot travel trailer. The applicant will be demolishing the existing home and the new home will be located relatively in the same area so there’s not an opportunity to keep the existing home during construction of the new home.

Typically in the Zoning Ordinance, if we have a request for someone to reside in an existing home during construction of the new home, that can be approved by the Zoning Administrator. In this instance, residing in a travel trailer must go in front of the Planning & Zoning Commission.

A travel trailer with this weight and plate classification is permitted in the A-2 Zoning District.

The travel trailer will be located on the driveway. It will be over 100 feet from the closest property line.

Behind the property we have the Big Run Golf Course.

The property is very secluded and heavily wooded. There is also a steep grade change as you go down towards the Golf Club with the Big Run Creek.

A gentleman said Long Run Creek.

Janine Farrell said Long Run Creek. The Golf Club is called one and the Creek is called the other. Sorry, I’m getting myself mixed up.

Staff is recommending approval of the Temporary Use Permit to reside in a travel trailer during construction of a new home on the property with 4 conditions. We are putting a year expiration date on the Temporary Use Permit. The applicant has stated that construction should take roughly 9 months. We do not have a Building Permit in just yet, but we would anticipate that being a Demolition Permit and then of course the Building Permit for the new residence being issued around April of this year.

The applicant is required to obtain a Temporary Building Permit for this, which is really just to ensure compliance with Health Department regulations. Those temporary Building Permits are only valid for 179 days so I have conditioned this Temporary Use Permit that the applicant needs to apply for that extension of the Temporary Building Permit.

The third condition is that the applicant shall maintain sanitary conditions at all times to be in compliance with the Health Department regulations. I did include a comment that we received from the Health Department where they would come and perform sort of sporadic inspections of the situation on the property just to make sure that they are in full compliance. The Health Department has no objection to this Temporary Use Permit itself.

We’ve received no other objections from any of the other agencies.

The fourth condition is just saying that the temporary travel trailer can no longer be used for habitation on the property within 30 days of receiving that occupancy for the new residence on the property or by April 1, 2021, whichever occurs first.

That concludes Staff’s analysis.

Chairman Stipan said thank you. Does anyone have any questions? Barbara Peterson said I have none.

Chairman Stipan said obviously there’s no objectors or concerned citizens since you’re all alone here. We have received from Staff a recommendation and there’s no objectors so if you care to come up and speak, you may. Otherwise, we will just go ahead and vote.

A gentleman said no thank you. Chairman Stipan said ok.

Motion passed 6-0 with 4 conditions.

1. The temporary use permit shall only be valid from issuance of the temporary building permit or April 1, 2020, whichever occurs first, through April 1, 2021.

2. The applicant shall apply for and receive an extension of the temporary building permit within a time frame specified by the Chief Building Official.

3. The applicant shall maintain sanitary conditions at all times in compliance with Health Department regulations.

4. The associated temporary sanitary accommodations for the travel trailer shall be properly disconnected within 30 days after issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the new residence or by April 1, 2021, whichever occurs first.

Barbara Peterson said I have paperwork.

Chairman Stipan said she has paperwork for you.


MOVER: Michael Carruthers, Commissioner

SECONDER: Thomas White, Vice Chairman

AYES: White, Carruthers, Stipan, Peterson, Kiefner, Bettenhausen

ABSENT: Mitchell




Not needed.


Next meeting will be April 7, 2020.


1. Motion To Adjourn Meeting

Motion passed 6-0.


MOVER: Roger Bettenhausen, Commissioner

SECONDER: Michael Carruthers, Commissioner

AYES: White, Carruthers, Stipan, Peterson, Kiefner, Bettenhausen

ABSENT: Mitchell

X. Visit www.willcountylanduse.com to view agendas and staff reports




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