
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Will County Capital Improvements Committee met December 3

Webp meeting 02

Will County Capital Improvements Committee met Dec. 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Chair Herbert Brooks Jr. called the meeting to order at 11:15 AM

Attendee Name




Herbert Brooks Jr.



Ray Tuminello

Vice Chair


Mark Ferry



Gretchen Fritz



Amanda Koch



Margaret Tyson



Joe VanDuyne



Rachel Ventura



Also Present: D. Winfrey, M. Fricilone, M. Dunn and M. Johannsen.

Present from State's Attorney's Office: M. Tatroe.


Ms. Fritz led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


1. WC Capital Improvements Committee - Regular Meeting - Nov 5, 2019 11:00 AM


MOVER: Mark Ferry, Member

SECONDER: Joe VanDuyne, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

2. WC Capital Improvements Committee - Special Meeting - Nov 5, 2019 12:30 PM


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Chair

SECONDER: Rachel Ventura, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

3. WC Capital Improvements Committee - Special Meeting - Nov 12, 2019 11:30 AM


MOVER: Rachel Ventura, Member

SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura


1. Update from Courthouse Delivery Teams (Wight, Gilbane & Farnsworth)

Mr. Tkac stated Farnsworth will not be here today. Today marks a key milestone for the test and balance. We are starting with the process with just the supply air. He has run into a couple of glitches and will not be here.

Mr. Lesniak reviewed the attached monthly update.

Mr. Fricilone asked when solar will be placed on the rooftop.

Mr. Lesniak replied in the spring when the roof is drier, the white roof tends to be slippery.

Ms. Ventura commented the lighting ceremony went well.

Mr. Dwyer stated we continue to answer RFI and have a regular onsite presence to answer questions as they come up. We are finalizing the furniture procurement details. Our plan is to bring that to the February Capital Improvements meeting.

Mr. Lesniak stated we are working on the parking lot and the maintenance building bid packages. Those will go out in January and we hope to bring the bids back for approval in February. A brief review of the attached budget was presented.

Mr. Tkac stated we are taking the necessary steps to vacate buildings, remove obstacles and get ready for the work to begin in the spring, as soon as the weather breaks, on the parking lot. It will be a substantial project and we are preparing for it. Mr. Van Essen will be giving an update on the Specialty Court move.

Gilbane Project Status December 3, 2019

2. Update on Animal Control Facility and EMA Building (Wight & Harbour)

Mr. Van Essen reviewed the attached progress summary.

Harbour Progress Summary 03dec19

3. Update from Health Department Team (Kluber, Leopardo & Farnsworth)

Ms. McElroy introduced Mr. Jeff Montenarri who will be attending monthly meetings while she is on maternity leave. The substantial completion for both the building and site are early by three months. Instead of June 17, 2020 for the building we are now at March 17, 2020 and instead of the complex being done on December 2, 2020 it will be done September 3, 2020. I am very excited to give you these new dates. A review of the attached Monthly Report was given.

Leopardo-Kluber Monthly Report December 3, 2019

4. Update on Current Courthouse Property

Mr. Tkac stated Mr. Van Essen, Mr. Dwyer, Mr. Palmer and myself reviewed the Master Plan and some concepts put forth much earlier. We were addressing this subject which dates back over a year. We also looked at the potential for new concepts, but did so within the framework of the current law and judicial decrees, which govern what can and cannot be done on the property. We covered a lot of ground and Wight & Company’s report will be presented to this Committee in January.

Mr. Fricilone stated it has been a couple of months since we had an updated on what the City of Joliet is doing. What is the timing on the parking lot and opening up Chicago Street?

Mr. Tkac stated we can talk about what the City has scheduled, but so far many of those dates have come and gone. There will be a lot of activity in the area beginning next spring.

Mr. Fricilone stated they said at one of their meetings they will begin these projects in earnest come spring.

Mr. Tkac stated we did attend their biweekly meetings; however, they have been cancelled until spring. They have completed some preliminary work. We believe work will be going on in their parking lot and in our new parking lot at the same time. We will have to do some very careful coordination and redirect courthouse personnel and visitors to alternative parking garages and lots.

Mr. Fricilone stated we anticipated they would be done before we started ours so we would have that parking lot.

Mr. Tkac stated it will be tight. They are very interested in getting this completed soon.

Mr. Van Essen added their plan is to begin in the spring. They will work in the parking lot first and Chicago Street will be done later into the project. They anticipate having everything done by fall.

Mr. Fricilone asked do you think the east parking lot will be usable before Chicago Street is done or will it be concurrent?

Mr. Tkac replied we hope to coordinate it with them.

Mr. Van Essen stated the parking lot to the south of the courthouse is employee parking for the courthouse and courthouse annex. The parking lot is not filled.

Mr. Brooks asked which meetings have the City of Joliet cancelled?

Mr. Van Essen answered the biweekly meetings. Since no work will be occurring during the winter they have postponed them until spring.

Mr. Tkac stated they put the work out to bid and they have awarded contracts. It is part of a phased schedule and some work has been done. They are not going to undertake any more work until spring. We expect the biweekly meetings to begin again at the end of February.

5. Discussion Re: Former Silver Cross Hospital Property

(Dave Tkac)

Mr. Tkac stated the Facility Condition Assessment has been completed. I have reviewed the draft and I don’t believe there are any surprises found as part of the assessment. The commercial appraisal is underway and is due on December 19th. Once we get the appraisal we will be able to present everything as a complete package.

Mr. Tuminello asked will the Capital Committee get a copy of this report?

Mr. Tkac replied yes, it is currently in draft form and once completed it will be released and sent to the Committee.

Mr. Tuminello stated I would like for the Committee to have a copy of the potential plans. This morning I spent over an hour walking through the basement of this building with the County Clerk. I was able to see where all the machines are being stored and what we have to do every time there is an election. If this works out I think this could be an added benefit to the County.

Mr. Van Essen stated we wanted to start focusing on a design for the county office building. We will also provide a proposal for the Silver Cross piece.

Mr. Tuminello stated we can’t do item #1 under new business, unless we find a home for some of the materials currently in the way.

Mr. Van Essen stated a lot of the design is all the other departments moving. Phase 5 is what you saw today, the County Clerk’s piece which is tied to the Silver Cross piece. I think we can get a design going on the other departments. On Friday we will be having a final meeting with the department head, to let them know what is going on. If the Resolution is approved today, we would like to have the architect kick it off and go into detailed design with them.

Mr. Tkac stated we have concept plans we are going to review to ensure have buy-in from Elected Officials and department heads in this building. Those will be issued to this Committee as well.



1. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute a Contract with Stromsland, De Young, and Prybys Architecture Group for Renovation Design Services for County Office Building

(Joel Van Essen)

Ms. Fritz stated $2.2 million seems like a lot of money to spend on this old building which we would ultimately like to replace. What is the timeframe that this renovation will be used for? Are we talking about 5 years, 10 years or more?

Mr. Van Essen replied we have always said it will be 10 to 15 years before we build a new county office building. We looked at reinvesting into this facility and improving it. We have some concerns that have to be addressed and I think it is valuable.

Mr. Moustis stated even when this building is not utilized for county administration, I think this building will continue to be a county asset and used for another 25 to 30 years.


TO: Will County Board

MOVER: Rachel Ventura, Member

SECONDER: Joe VanDuyne, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

2. Authorizing Payment to Gilbane Building Company for the Will County Courthouse


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Chair

SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

3. Authorizing Payment to Farnsworth Group for the Will County Courthouse


MOVER: Rachel Ventura, Member

SECONDER: Margaret Tyson, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

4. Authorizing Payment to Houston KACO Inc., for the Will County Courthouse

Ms. Fritz asked for an explanation of the Resolution.

Mr. Van Essen responded this is part of the preparation for the new parking lot. To move forward, we need to move the Specialty Courts from their current building to one we are leasing from Joliet. The building we are leasing had a ramp in very poor condition and we fixed that. There was no connection to the parking lot, so we added a concrete walkway and some minor walls were put up to create a two offices inside.


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Chair

SECONDER: Joe VanDuyne, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

5. Authorizing Payment to CDW for the Will County Courthouse


MOVER: Mark Ferry, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

6. Authorizing Payment to HR Green for the Will County Courthouse


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Chair

SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

7. Authorizing Payment to ComEd for the Will County Courthouse


MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

8. Authorizing Payment to Wight & Company for the Will County Courthouse


MOVER: Mark Ferry, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

9. Authorizing Payment to ComEd for Will County Health Department


MOVER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Chair

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

10. Authorizing Payment to Farnsworth Group for Will County Health Department


MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

11. Authorizing Payment to First Student for Will County Health Department


MOVER: Rachel Ventura, Member

SECONDER: Amanda Koch, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

12. Authorizing Payment to Leopardo Companies Inc., for Will County Health Department


MOVER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

SECONDER: Joe VanDuyne, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

13. Authorizing Payment to Kluber Architects & Engineers for Will County Health Department


MOVER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

SECONDER: Amanda Koch, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

14. Authorizing Payment to Existential LLC for Will County Health Department


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Chair

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

15. Authorizing Payment to Nicor Gas for the Will County Animal Control Facility


MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

16. Authorizing Payment to Wight & Company for the Will County Animal Control Facility


MOVER: Mark Ferry, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

17. Authorizing Payment to Harbour Contractors Inc., for the Will County Animal Control Facility


MOVER: Mark Ferry, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

18. Authorizing Payment to Farnsworth Group for the Will County Animal Control Facility


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Chair

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

19. Authorizing Payment to USDATA Comm for the Will County Animal Control Facility


MOVER: Margaret Tyson, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

20. Authorizing Payment to Wight & Company for the Will County EMA Facility


MOVER: Margaret Tyson, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

21. Authorizing Payment to Harbour Contractors Inc., for the Will County EMA Facility


MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

22. Authorizing Payment to Farnsworth Group for the Will County EMA Facility


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Chair

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura

23. Authorizing Payment to Nicor Gas for the Will County EMA Facility


MOVER: Mark Ferry, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura



Mr. Van Essen stated Specialty Courts will be moving on December 10th. Abatement on the storage building will begin on December 5th, before demolition begins.




1. Motion to Adjourn at 11:50 AM


MOVER: Mark Ferry, Member

SECONDER: Gretchen Fritz, Member

AYES: Brooks Jr., Tuminello, Ferry, Fritz, Koch, Tyson, VanDuyne, Ventura
