
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Will County Republican Caucus Committee met December 14

Webp meetingroom04

Will County Republican Caucus Committee met Dec. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Minority Leader Mike Fricilone called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM

Attendee Name




Mike Fricilone

Minority Leader


Judy Ogalla

Minority Whip


Steve Balich



Julie Berkowicz



Gloria Dollinger



Gretchen Fritz



Donald Gould



Tim Kraulidis



Jim Moustis



Annette Parker



Ray Tuminello



Tom Weigel



Present from State's Attorney's Office: K. Meyers.


Mr. Balich led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


1. WC Republican Caucus - Special Meeting - Nov 20, 2019 5:30 PM


MOVER: Judy Ogalla, Minority Whip

SECONDER: Tom Weigel, Member

AYES: Fricilone, Ogalla, Balich, Berkowicz, Dollinger, Gould, Moustis, Parker, Weigel

ABSENT: Fritz, Kraulidis, Tuminello

2. WC Republican Caucus - Regular Meeting - Nov 21, 2019 8:45 AM


MOVER: Jim Moustis, Member

SECONDER: Tom Weigel, Member

AYES: Fricilone, Ogalla, Balich, Berkowicz, Dollinger, Gould, Moustis, Parker, Weigel

ABSENT: Fritz, Kraulidis, Tuminello



1. Discussion Re: Cannabis


This item was discussed as part of the Discussion of the County Board Agenda.

2. Discussion Re: Gas Tax

(Presentation & Discussion)

This item was discussed as part of the Discussion of the County Board Agenda.

3. Discussion of County Board Agenda


Mrs. Jakaitis reviewed the Proclamations.

A brief discussion took place regarding District 8 receiving the Waste Management money.

Land Use & Development Committee:

Mr. Weigel indicated on the first zoning case the owner is trying to get a preannexation agreement with the Village of Plainfield and may ask to table.

Mrs. Jakaitis stated there are two legal, valid objections for the case and 20 affirmative votes are needed to pass.

Mr. Moustis stated this is a person who ignored everything. He claimed he did not know it was unincorporated, but he should have since they cited him.

Mr. Fricilone stated if this item is not tabled, we should be a no.

Mr. Fricilone reviewed the remaining zoning cases and Resolutions.

Mrs. Ogalla stated Mr. Tuminello indicated he did not want cannabis sales in the C-1 district.

Mr. Balich stated we talked about, but did not vote on a 1.5 mile buffer.

Mr. Moustis stated Land Use staff felt the buffer made it too restrictive. I don’t believe it should be allowed in C-1. C-1 is very local, almost within a subdivision. It is more local than C-2 zoning.

A discussion took place regarding eliminating C-1 zoning districts.

Mr. Balich stated he wanted to amend the Resolution to require the 1.5 mile buffer.

Mr. Moustis stated to me, the bigger the buffer the better. We are restricted because the State of Illinois tells us what the buffers are.

Mrs. Ogalla stated we cannot make them more restrictive. We can only control the hours.

Mr. Meyers stated if you are talking about the 1.5 mile in the critical zones, the State sets the critical zones and does not leave regulative authority to local governments.

Mr. Balich stated Mr. Guzman told us we could have a 1.5 mile buffer. The 1.5 mile buffer will protect the City of Lockport. The Mayor called and asked that we protect the City of Lockport.

Mr. Meyers indicated he would look into it.

Mr. Moustis stated the State says the buffer for schools will be 2,500 feet and they set the critical zone. We cannot make it more restrictive.

Mr. Balich stated Ms. Winfrey said I could bring it up as an amendment under Land Use.

Mr. Meyers indicated he would talk with Mrs. Tatroe; but his understanding is there is no room to change the critical zone setbacks.

Mr. Balich asked is there a way to protect cities that have pockets within their area?

Mr. Fricilone replied no.

Mrs. Berkowicz asked could the City of Naperville have a buffer if they vote it in?

Mr. Fricilone replied no. No one can make it more restrictive than the law already is.

Mr. Meyers stated there is currently no 1.5 mile buffer; it is what is being proposed. The State set various buffers less than a quarter mile. Our zoning does not affect what happens in a municipality. Cities can zone within their limits and the County can zone within the unincorporated areas. The State identified critical zones; schools is the biggest example, they would not allow a marijuana business within so many feet of the critical area. The opt in versus the opt out do not affect that.

Mr. Weigel stated the Village can object to where we put it, if we approve it. They have to have a SUP and the Village can object to the SUP.

Mr. Moustis stated they can object, but it is not a legal objection.

Mr. Moustis continued the Sheriff’s Department is the police for the Village of Home Glen. When Homer Glen discussed opting out, they spoke in favor of opting out. We have not heard from the Sheriff. If this is allowed, it is more appropriate in the incorporated areas than unincorporated. All the banking laws still apply, they do not use checks or credit cards, they use cash and banks cannot take their money. The State of Illinois is going to come up with a solution. That is why it belongs in areas that can be better policed. Our deputies cover 100 square miles. It is not like a municipal police force going up and down the same streets.

Mrs. Parker asked will they be looking at underprivileged areas to get the licenses along with minority owned businesses? Will that include the Fairmont and east side of Joliet; unincorporated areas where the Sheriff is responsible for patrols?

Mr. Moustis replied it does not have to be in the neighborhoods, it is minority ownership.

Mr. Fricilone stated that has not been the case for the licenses that have been applied for. For a full grower the cost of the licenses is $250,000 per license. We never put in place anything for the licensing.

Mr. Meyers stated the way the zoning ordinance is crafted, should a ban ever be enacted the ban will take precedence. You are just protecting yourself should it fail or if something changes in the future.

Mr. Fricilone continued with a review of the zoning cases and Resolutions.

Finance Committee:

Mrs. Dollinger stated she would ask for an amendment to split the revenue from cannabis sales between the Health Department and Dr. Burke for drug prevention initiatives.

Mrs. Berkowicz added the Sheriff’s Department will need additional resources.

Mr. Fricilone stated I don’t see that as much of a problem as the Health Department. The Courts may see some additional court cases. Everyone thinks this is going to be a windfall. It will actually only be $80,000 a year and I would rather see that go to the health initiatives.

Mr. Moustis stated there has to be a mechanism, like the liquor Ordinance, to give oversight to the County Executive’s Office to go onsite to make sure they are complying. We will need to do something along those lines.

Mr. Meyers replied we need to look to see if there is total state preemption. We have not gone that far.

Mr. Fricilone stated the State is responsible for the licensing and should be responsible for the oversight. They are doing the licensing, so they are responsible if people are acting inappropriately based on them having a license.

Mr. Moustis stated it should be mentioned during the meeting, there will be no local oversight it will all be overseen by the state. Are we going to rely on them? The Sheriff’s Office does stings where they send underage people into liquor stores; will the Sheriff be able to do that at the dispensaries?

Mr. Meyers replied those would be independent of things the Liquor Commissioner would do. The Sheriff’s always has the ability to uphold the law.

Mr. Moustis continued when the Sheriff’s Departments does the underage stings, they bring the Executive’s Office along with them. Will the State allow local law enforcement to do stings or other types enforcement?

Mr. Meyers stated it appears it is a total State oversight. This may be something the State did not consider. There could be another trailer bill to deal with this.

A discussion took place regarding the vote on the tax, should the amendment fail to use revenue for Health Department and Dr. Burke’s initiatives.

Mrs. Ogalla stated if the goal is to have a higher quality product, not laced with other things, then I don’t think people should have a tax. The State is already going to have a tax on it and if the price is too high, the people who get it illegal off the street will continue to get it off the street.

Mrs. Dollinger stated the underground market will always be cheaper.

Mr. Fricilone stated regarding Resolution #19-356 I have a problem with them taking this grant money and adding two more people. We added two people last year and this money was to continue to pay for those people. Their excuse is they budgeted the money for the two we hired last year and they are going to hire two more this year. We cannot continue to pay for adding two people every time they get this grant.

Mr. Weigel asked for information on the ERP Project.

Mrs. Ogalla explained the ERP system, the need for additional time and funds, the implementation schedule and upcoming payroll system interviews. Mr. Tidwell is looking at a consultant for the payroll portion and I highly recommend it.

Mr. Moustis stated part of the conversation at Finance was they are falling behind and Mr. Shay has no intention of changing the process or bringing in outside people. He is compounding the issues.

Mrs. Berkowicz stated if this is approved, they are overspending the original contract.

Mrs. Ogalla stated he wanted to have this under his belt. I cautioned him he could not get this done in one year. The only piece missing is the finance part. I told Mr. Shay if this Resolution is approved I want to be involved and I want them to give me a project plan with the outstanding tasks, the time it will take and a week by week update. I will be more involved with this than I have been in the past.

Discussion took place regarding an upcoming Finance and IT Assessment meeting.

Mrs. Dollinger stated what I got from the staff responses is they do not want anyone coming in to work on their system. You have top level people doing the work on this project and they can’t do this and their normal work.

Mrs. Berkowicz stated they thought it would take more time to bring someone in and bring them up to speed versus having staff do their regular work and this.

Mr. Moustis stated we know the IT department needs more people. We could allocate more funding if it is necessary. When we offered, they don’t want it. We did an outside assessment to determine what was needed and we never got close to the recommendation. You cannot implement a system like this working 40 hours a week.

Public Works & Transportation Committee:

Mr. Fricilone stated I believe the gas tax is premature. I suggested waiting until next year.

Executive Committee:

Mr. Meyers stated the Resolution regarding Cannabis tabled at the November meeting will be removed from the agenda. The Resolution Prohibiting Establishment of Adult-Use Cannabis is the Resolution you will be voting on.

Mr. Fricilone stated if we want to opt out of cannabis sales, we would vote in the affirmative for Resolution #19-372.

Mrs. Ogalla stated I was at the Farm Bureau dinner and I spoke the people there and they are 100% opposed to craft growing.

Mrs. Dollinger asked is any type of growing enclosed? Mr. Fricilone stated all the growing has to be indoors.

Mr. Moustis stated a landlord can ban cannabis use in their buildings. I asked Mr. Tidwell if we had to make any changes to our personnel policy. He said he was going to send something to all employees. Because we take federal money, we have to follow federal law.

Mr. Meyers indicated their office had looked at the issue and there will be a position paper prepared. It is on the radar of everyone in the state.

Mr. Moustis stated you can prohibit it with your employees and you can have the same zero tolerance policies. The only place you can use cannabis is in your house and if you rent the landlord can tell you no. The trailer bill mentioned on-premises use at the retailers. They want you to be able to test it.

Mr. Meyers added the two places you can do it are retail tobacco sites and hookah lounge already set up for on-premises use of other tobacco products. I would have to look at the regulations, but those are the type of business they will allow onsite consumption.

A discussion took place regarding whether you are allowed a FOID card if you use cannabis products.

Mrs. Dollinger asked if a business has an enclosed hut for their employees to smoke, will they be able to smoke pot in there?

Mr. Meyers stated every employer can prohibit employees from being impaired while on duty. I don’t believe that would meet the law, because they would be impaired.

Mrs. Dollinger asked if you are at a bar and step outside, can you smoke cannabis?

Mr. Meyers replied you cannot smoke cannabis in public. Since day one it has prohibited public use. You cannot walk down the street smoking.

Mr. Moustis stated the issue will be enforcement.

Mr. Fricilone stated we received a position paper from the Health Department, please review it. I will also asked the Sheriff’s Department to comment, because I know there are against it.

Mr. Fricilone continued to review the Resolutions.


1. Land Use & Development

2. Finance

3. Public Works & Transportation

4. Judicial

5. Public Health & Safety

6. Legislative & Policy

7. Capital Improvements

8. Executive



