
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lockport Committee of the Whole met November 6

Webp meetingroom04

Lockport Committee of the Whole met Nov. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

REGULAR MEETING of the Committee of the Whole of the City of Lockport, Illinois was held on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 in the Board Room, 3rd Floor, of the Central Square Building, 222 E. Ninth Street, Lockport, Illinois. Mayor Steve Streit called the Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PLEDGE TO THE FLAG – Mayor, Steve Streit

INVOCATION – Pastor Ernest Jones, Christ Vision Community Church


PRESENT: Mayor, Steven Streit

Alderwoman, Renee Saban

Alderman, Larry Schreiber

Alderwoman, Christina Bergbower

Alderman, JR Gillogly

Alderman, Mark R. Lobes

Alderman, Darren Deskin

Alderwoman, Joanne Bartelsen

Alderwoman, Catherine Perretta

City Clerk, Kathy Gentile

ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator, Ben Benson

City Attorney, Sonni Choi Williams

Chief of Police, Terry Lemming

Finance Director, Lisa Heglund

Director of Public Works, Brent Cann

Administration & Communications Manager, Amanda Pazdan

Interim Planner, Ruettiger Tonelli & Assoc., Rod Tonelli


Brian Bierovic, LCTV

Sarwat Ahman, Free Lance Reporter, Joliet Herald News

Jessie Malloy, Lockport Legend


1. Ben Sluzas, Two Time State Golf Championship – golf coach from LTHS made presentation recognizing Ben’s accomplishments this season; 1 of 4 students in LTHS history to capture multiple titles in a single sport. Mayor Streit presented recognition from the City of Lockport.


1. Perretta - Lockport Love will be selling online tickets for “It’s a Wonderful Life” at the Roxy, first week of December, $5 each plus service fee

2. Bartelsen – Beautification Committee – send in nominations for fall decorations

3. Deskin – LTHS Band won State Championship



CA-1. 2020 Schedule of Meetings and Holidays

Ben Benson, City Administrator, presented the Staff report. Recommending approval of the schedule as presented. Discussion among the Council; agreement to keep July 1 date.

DIRECTION: Add to Consent Agenda to the November 20 City Council Agenda.

CA-2. Appointment to the Heritage & Architecture Commission Ben Benson, City Administrator, shared that Scott Likins will be stepping down from Heritage & Architecture Commission; he will remain on Planning & Zoning. Seeking to add Dave Oxley and Bill Drew to Heritage & Architecture. Also notation that there is a scrivener’s error which will be corrected; the error refers

DIRECTION: Add as an Action Item to the November 20 City Council Agenda

CA-3. Extension of a Services Agreement with Ruettiger, Tonelli & Associates Inc. for Community & Economic Development Department Support

Ben Benson, City Administrator, seeking to extend the contract. Requesting extension of the $20,000 for the purchase order, which may exceed the total of what we need to spend. Lance will start on November 18.

DIRECTION: Add to Consent Agenda to the November 20 City Council Agenda.

FN-1. 2019 Property Tax Levy

Lisa Heglund, Finance Director, presented the report on tax levy. The Township Assessor determine the house value; the CPI determined by the Bureau of Statistics. The City of Lockport will be seeking approval of the levy by December 4; a public hearing is not required because the City is seeking less than 5%. State Statute would require a public hearing if the increase was 5%. The tax levy fund covers a wide variety of improvements within the City. The total direct tax rate is expected to decrease. The requested levy is $6,700,220. In terms of what this means to residents, the City expects a positive impact. A $250,000 house last year would see an approximate annual decrease of $13.29. A 150,000 house last year would see an approximate annual decrease of $6.93.

DIRECTION: Add as an Action Item to the December 4 City Council Agenda.

Request to adjust items on the agenda to move AT-2 to be the next item.

AT-2. Appointments to the City's Video Gaming Commission

Sonni Williams, City Attorney, presented the details of the appointments to the City’s Video Gaming Commission and how the Commission process. The following residents have been recommended by the Major to be appointed to the Video Gaming Commission:

• Pete Colarelli

• Laura Rogers

• Jonathan Pugh

Recommendation to stagger the appointment term, by drawing lots to select the termination timeframes for each.

DIRECTION: Add to Consent Agenda to the November 20 City Council Agenda, incorporating the changes to the Commissioner’s terms.

AT-1. First Amendment to the Lockport Square Annexation Agreement

Sonni Williams, City Attorney, presented the amendment details for the Lockport Square Annexation Agreement. The original 2007 annexation agreement had limitations on the type of businesses that could be constructed on the property. The original agreement was focused on construction of a Target and Home Depot. The proposed amendment would allow the Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram dealership to support repair shop, towing and other automotive related services that are currently prohibited. The amendment would also eliminate construction of a standalone gas station and a lube express shop along 159th street. The owner is proposing that existing parking spots may be considered for used for another dealership. Another proposed change is that the future use would be exempt from the design standards of the original Target/Home Depot design requirements.

Discussion among the Council ensued. The Council recommended changes, and raised concerns about the possibility of multiple dealerships within the Lockport Square property. The updated verbiage to the draft amendment would limit the proposed lots for automobile dealership to be the Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram dealership (lot 14A and lot 6).

DIRECTION: Add as an Action Item and Public Hearing to be held on November 20 City Council meeting.

PZ-1. Final Plat of Subdivision of Lockport Square Second Resubdivision (Creating Lots 13B, 14A & 19A) (PZC Case #2019-017)

Rod Tonelli, Interim Planner, presented the replatting details. This reconfigures the parcel lines.

DIRECTION: Add to Consent Agenda to the November 20 City Council Agenda.

PZ-2. Amendment to Preliminary Development Plan & Final Development Plan for an Automobile Sales and Service Facility in Lockport Square, Lot 14A and Lot 6 (FCA 1 2 Realty/Jeep/Chrysler), a Minor Amendment to the Planned Unit Development of Lockport Square (PZC Case #2019-018)

Rod Tonelli, Interim Planner, presented the development plan details. The proposed dealership will be approximately 34,000 square feet facility; it will include car wash, repair service. The property will include 536 stalls; they are repurposing the existing stalls from the original Target/Home Depot plan. The property will have full fencing and gating around the facility; decorative fencing on the front with black, coated, chain link fence on the back of the property. Unique features to the property will include architectural planters with seasonal plantings, bike racks, benches. The property lighting will be reduced by 50% after 10 pm.

Discussion among the Council ensued.

DIRECTION: Add to Consent Agenda to the November 20 City Council Agenda.

PZ-3. Final Development Plan for a 452,129 sf New Warehouse Building (Building 3 of Prologis Business Park) (PZC Case #2019-019)

Rod Tonelli, Interim Planner, presented the development plan details for Building 3, a 52,000 square foot building. Plan Commission approved the property with unanimous 4-0 vote. The property is consistent with the previously approved concept plan.

The design consultants are present to answer questions.

DIRECTION: Add to Consent Agenda to the November 20 City Council Agenda.

PZ-4. Amendment to Special Use Permit for a Planned Industrial Development, Preliminary & Final Subdivision Plat; and Preliminary & Final Development Plan for Buildings 6 & 7 to allow expansion of the Prologis Industrial Business Park (Prologis LP) (PZC Case #2019-020)

Rod Tonelli, Interim Planner, presented the details for special use permit. In the past year or so, City Council approved development agreement to convert the usage. This request is to amend the special use permit to acknowledge for how the buildings would be sited, and the changes to the preliminary and final development plans for Buildings 6 and 7 (formerly known as buildings a and b). Plan Commission approved the property with unanimous 4-0 vote.

The design consultants are present to answer questions.

DIRECTION: Add to Consent Agenda to the November 20 City Council Agenda.

PW-1. 2020 Sanitary Sewer Lining Design, Bidding, & Construction Engineering

Brent Cann, Director of Public Works, presented the report related to the televising results from 2019. Based on the results, the City will help to reduce costs. Seeking to accept the Strand Associates proposal to administer the contract, to complete the lining in 2020.

DIRECTION: Add to Consent Agenda to the November 20 City Council Agenda.

PW-2. Release of the Bond for Rose Lockport Center

Brent Cann, Director of Public Works, presented the report on the Rose Lockport Center. They have completed restorations and detentions, and are now seeking release of the bond. Internal and external engineers have reviewed. If Council concurs, we will release the bond, which is contingent upon 10% maintenance bond in-hand.

DIRECTION: Add to Consent Agenda to the November 20 City Council Agenda.

PW-3. Division Street Treatment Plant Expansion and Conveyance System Engineering

Brent Cann, Director of Public Works, presented the report on water backups that have occurred within the City. Seeking consideration from Council for future projects that are currently on the B project list of the 10 year CIP. We have a $25,000,000 plant expansion on the B list, which is on the radar but dependent on growth and other factors. The current issue is attempting to identify is why/how extra water is introduced into the City’s water system. Concerns with excess flow at the treatment center; seeking Council’s consideration for Phase 1 expansion. This would provide an upgrade to initial (head) pumps to handle the heavy flows. The conveyance system engineering would include metering and meter locations to help determine the source of the excess water and isolate the origin. The total cost for phase 1 (19- 129) would be $211,000, covering bidding, planning, design up to construction; this cost would be covered from the City’s current water and sewer reserves. The conveyance (19-130) would cover modeling, conveying, for a cost $129,960 to eliminate the storm water in filtration.

Discussion among the Council ensued. Grants or IEPA loans may be available; however, the design would be subject to requirements of the grantor or IEPA. At this time, Engineering is trying to keep costs lower and not pursuing grants or IEPA loans. The City is leveraging the funding sources that are available before considering grants or IEPA loan. The City would be required to spend $1M-$2M in engineering to be grant eligible. Council has requested that engineering gather details on options to be grant eligible, to be presented at future Council meeting.

Strand & Associates was present to answer Council’s questions;

City’s concern is wanting to move forward on the excess water pumping situation. Strand could help to expedite it. To be grant eligible, there is a funding cycle; January submissions for July 2020 work. Realistically, we would be looking at a January 2021 submission for work to be completed in July, 2021. The goal would be to pursue the immediate need and consider grant eligible projects for a later time.

DIRECTION: Add as an Action Item to the November 20 City Council Agenda.

PW-4. New Avenue & State Street Roundabout Pre-Phase I Engineering

Brent Cann, Director of Public Works, presented details about the pre-phase 1 engineering project. The City is considering the roundabout for several reasons. Studies have shown that roundabouts help to reduce fatal collisions by 90% and accidents by 75%. Due to the increase in the significant amount of truck traffic in the area, the City is seeking an alternate to allow trucks to make safe alternative for turns. Seeking approval for pre-phase 1 engineering to evaluate feasibility of the project. The City is also evaluating other options including 135th street in Romeoville, signage for areas that do not allow left-turns, 80/20 IDOT funding. Seeking approval for $46,500 for V3 Engineering to pursue the analysis.

DIRECTION: Add as an Action Item to the November 20 City Council Agenda. OPEN FLOOR COMMENTS

1. Donna Brenski, owner of Shooters – presented several questions.

a. Why does this address C1 and C2 licenses and does not address Class A licenses?

Screening is required for C1 and C2; gaming commission will help fund the screening.

Class A licenses are exempt from the requirements.

b. Concerns about an owner selling their business? The new gaming rules are intended to

limit liquor-only and introduce a food element to establishments that serve liquor. If the business is owned by a corporation, the new officer and business would need to be approved for a liquor license. Discussion among the Council about the possibility of using a code compliance grant or gaming fund to help business owners build out kitchen options. Staff will follow-up.

c. Why are not all the current licenses grandfathered in? $500 initial application fee for initial licenses; all new and current license holders are required to pay the one-time fee. The use of the gaming license is grandfathered.

2. Karen Chmielewski, owner of Uncle Richies – seeking clarification on the limitations of gaming, and the verbiage on the location of machines within establishments, and the food requirement.

a. If the business sells alcohol and food; no more than 40% gross revenue could come from video gaming.

b. A C1 and C2 establish does not need to allow minors; it can be limited to 21 and over.

3. Pat Gerny, owner of the Outpost Bar and Grill – reading the resolution does this mean that I pay

for the application fee and I need to build a screening around the gaming area?

a. Yes, the owners must complete the application and pay the fee

b. All gaming license owners have a year to comply with the screening; due at the end of 2020. The plan for the screening must be submitted to the commission within 6 months. The video gaming supplier will assist with funding and cost sharing to create

the screening.

c. The Council will review the possibility of providing grants to business owners, and providing the grants to businesses outside the downtown area.

4. Jackie Hennessy, owner of Jackie’s Pub – recommends limiting gaming and not allowing it in businesses where minors would be present.


