
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Beecher Community Unit School District 200U Facilities Committee met October 7

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Beecher Community Unit School District 200U Facilities Committee met Oct. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm with committee members, Hernandez; chairman, Goldrick and Mazurek were present.

Others in attendance: Brad Cox, Marla Heldt, J. Karla Wcisel, Vicki Rauch, Adriana Diachenko, Julie Cleary, and Kathy Landis

During Public Comment, J. Karla Wcisel commented on HVAC and snow removal items on the agenda. Julie Papas and Jennifer Bunte also expressed concerns with snow removal and need for safe parking lots and sidewalks.

Superintendent Cox informed the committee of some structural concerns of the junior high gym. Large cracks under the flooring are present and are effected by the weather. Mike Stanula is able to facilitate the repair. In order to provide more bleacher seating, it is suggested to move the basketball backboards to the north. An estimated cost of $100,000.00 was noted. Discussion took place. The committee requested firm prices be brought back to the Board for consideration.

Discussion took place regarding the removal of asbestos from the elementary school and high school. The committee requested bids for a three-year phased project. The district will work with BLDD the project costs.

Conversation continues regarding HVAC concerns. Discussion took place. The committee directed Mr. Cox to continue seeking solutions for the safety of students relative to air conditioning. A solution is hoped by next May with possible cooling areas in the buildings for days when temperatures and the humidity index is high.

A future soccer and track field was discussed. The committee requested estimates for a design. The field was not an immediate priority.

It was reported that the high school drive will be replaced during the summer of 2020.

The sidewalk leading to the high school entry needs to be replaced. Discussion took place. Fencing along the Miller Street sidewalk and a sidewalk installed from Miller Street to the high school entry was also discussed. Quotes for this project is requested and should be brought to the October Board meeting.

Superintendent Cox asked the committee to begin thinking about ways to create additional space as the enrollment continues to increase. He mentioned some possible options and suggestions.

Snow removal bids should be sought. Expectations of the snow removal should be included in the bid process. Discussion took place.

During Public Comment, there was an inquiry relative to the bidding process.

The meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm.
