
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crete Township Board of Trustees met September 11

Webp meeting 07

Crete Township Board of Trustees met Sept. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular scheduled meeting of the Crete Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Liccar at 7:00 PM.

Board members present were Elton, Hodge, Piacentini, and Supervisor Liccar. Clerk Buiter was also present.

Pledge of Allegiance was given to the flag. There also a minute of silence to honor September 11 victims and the first responders.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2019 Board of Trustees meeting was made by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Hodge. All were in favor, minutes stand approved as written.



Supervisor Liccar updated the Will Ride Program which the Crete Township finances. The bill comes two months later. We just received June's bill. We audited the usage of our costs. We recently found that some people are using it outside our area. The frustrating part is that by the time we get the bill it is too late to correct or monitor. We might in the future is stop paying and let them come after us but we want them to come half way with us. The county members claim they might get funding for it, but they won't discuss till December 2019 or January 2020. Trustee Elton suggested that we threatened that we will pull out if they don't chip in. There was discussion that if we pull out you must have an alternative. St. James Manor does not have a bus service and Village of Woods does have one, but it is only for shopping. St. Fransician in Olympia Fields has one for patients only. Trustee Elton is in favor of cancelling it.

Motion was made to engage Christine Olsten of Grants Galore for $300 by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Piancintini. All were in favor. Roll Call was as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Supervisor Liccar-yes.

There was general discussion about a shooting incident where guns were being shot and accidentally hit a nearby house. Supervisor Liccar informed the concerned citizen that he would be willing to setup a meeting. According to the actual ordinance does state that any residential area with 300 yards of any railroad or residential area you cannot discharge any firearms.


A motion was made to allow a change regular order of meeting to allow Phyllis Monks to discuss her new venture by Trustee Piancintini, seconded by Trustee Elton. All were in favor. Motion passes. Phyllis Monks thank for the township for our support and discussed her new art museum she just opened in Crete. The studio has very beautiful art pieces from Chicago artists. The curator of the piece's lives in our township. She has an art piece of first responders that she was picked out 60 artists nationwide. The hours are Thursday through Saturday 10 AM to 2 PM. She also mentioned second cemetery walk this will be at Adams Cemetery on Saturday 21, 2019. The Adams were the first settlers in the Crete area. A lot of historical figures came from the Adams Family. General discussion about the restoring and cleaning cemetery marks. We have Revolution War and Civil War grave markers. Supervisor Liccar thanked her for activities and contributions to the community here in Crete Township.

Clerk - Motion was made to grant permission to approve the application for Holland, LP to use the conference room on September 13, 2019 by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Hodge. All were in favor. Motion passes.

The annual TOI Educational Conference was discussed. All the trustees are going to the conference on November 10-12, 2019 down in Springfield except Trustee Hodge.

Interpeak Technology contract will be used when it becomes necessary to use his services on a hourly basis.

Early voting is going to be March 2 through Friday, March 6, 2019 9AM to 3 PM. We will also have early voting on March 9, 2020 to March 10, 2020. All Days will include lunch from Noon to 1PM.

Trustee Grady - Financial Reports- See attached.

Highway Commissioner-See Attached written report of activity.

Tim Miller discussed the maintenance and branch pick up was done. Hot patching was done and ditch work was completed on several lanes. We did branch pickup and tree trimming. Culverts were replaced on several roads. Power attachments were installed on the new trucks. We took in 6 old tires and sent them to Lockport Township who recycle them.

Assessor-See Attached.

Plan Commission - John Rzymskin's report was read. Lisa Lesniak wanted her property to be split in two parcels so she can develop a house on the new parcel or sell it. The planning commission was in favor in splitting it and changing it to residential zone. Motion was made by Trustee Piacentini seconded by Trustee Hodge. All were favor. Roll Call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Supervisor Liccar - yes

Building and Grounds - Trustee Bob Hodge wants to replace the electric ballasts and we will get a 50% rebate from Comed. The total amount labor and materials would be $2,317. A motion was made to approve the lighting upgrade by Trustee Hodge seconded by Trustee Elton. All were in favor. Roll call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Supervisor Liccar-yes.

Senior Transportation - Trustee Bob Hodge had nothing to add to what was already said.


Youth - Trustee Piacentini stated there will be self-defense class at the park district for 15 year and older. Also they are doing a class on arts, craft, science and math for 6 to 10 year old's to stimulate the minds at an early age.

Mosquito Abatement - Trustee Piacentini stated the spraying continues even into October. Steger has not sprayed at all this year. The relationship with the new vendor has been very good and very reasonable.

Senior & Special Events - Trustee Elton had nothing.


NEW BUSINESS – Tim Miller mentioned the fact the sign is up and running and looks good.


CORRESPONDENCE - Clerk Buiter will publish the Treasurers Report by September 30, 2019. There will Trick or Treat Trail from Crete Park District will be from October 26, 2019 1 PM through 3PM. Crete Monee Warrior School District has tree fundraiser and a craft show on November 9, 2019. A motion was made to be a sponsor for $100 to the tree fundraiser by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Hodge.. All were in favor. Roll call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini-yes, Supervisor Liccar - yes.



Town Funds bills - Motion to approve the Town Fund bills for payment as presented was made by Trustee Elton seconded by Trustee Piacentini. Roll Call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini – yes, Supervisor Licaar - yes. Town Fund Bills stand approved for payment as submitted.

Road and Bridge Fund Bills - Motion to approve the Road and Bridge Fund bills for payments as submitted was made by Trustee Piacentini, seconded by Trustee Hodge. Roll Call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Supervisor Liccar - yes. Road and Bridge Fund Bills stand approved for payment as submitted.

Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Hodge. All were in favor, meeting stands adjourned at 7:53 PM.
