Will County Public Works & Transportation Committee met Sept. 24.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Chair Donald Gould called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM
Attendee Name | Title | Status |
Donald Gould | Chair | Present |
Tom Weigel | Vice Chair | Present |
Steve Balich | Member | Present |
Mark Ferry | Member | Present |
Suzanne Hart | Member | Present |
Donald A. Moran | Member | Present |
Annette Parker | Member | Present |
Cory Singer | Member | Absent |
Jacqueline Traynere | Member | Present |
Present from State's Attorney's Office: D. McGrath.
Mrs. Parker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. WC Public Works & Transportation Committee - Regular Meeting - Aug 7, 2018 9:00 AM
MOVER: Donald A. Moran, Member
SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Member
AYES: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere
ABSENT: Singer
1. Granting County Aid in Construction of a Bridge over the DuPage River on Shepley Road as Petitioned by Troy Township Road District, County Board District #6
(Jeff Ronaldson)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Steve Balich, Member
AYES: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere
ABSENT: Singer
2. Granting County Aid in Construction of a Bridge over Deer Creek on Kings Road as Petitioned by Crete Township Road District, County Board District #1
(Jeff Ronaldson)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Jacqueline Traynere, Member
SECONDER: Annette Parker, Member
AYES: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere
ABSENT: Singer
3. Authorizing Approval of the Establishment of Altered Speed Zone 557, County Board District #1
(Jeff Ronaldson)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Donald A. Moran, Member
SECONDER: Steve Balich, Member
AYES: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere
ABSENT: Singer
4. Granting a Variance for the Proposed Fuller's Car Wash on Weber Road (CH 88), County Board District #9
(Jeff Ronaldosn)
Mrs. Traynere asked why can’t we put in a right and left turn lane?
Mr. Ronaldson explained the developer wanted two access points and we were able to get them to one access point. Currently, there are two driveways; per our Ordinance we want to reduce those when we can. If we were required to put in a right turn lane, it would go through the two entrances of the businesses to the south and would cause confusion since you can’t put a right turn lane across the entrance to another business.
Mrs. Traynere asked is this right turn lane mandatory?
Mr. Ronaldson answered it is in our standards. At a certain volume along a road, we want right turn lanes to get people off the through road.
Mrs. Traynere asked will this be just a right in and right out?
Mr. Ronaldson responded no, there is no barrier median so they could turn left. It will be stripped like it is currently. According to their traffic studies they found most of the traffic runs south. We made them aware, when Weber Road is improved it will be going to a barrier median. They understand at that time it will be right in and right out.
A discussion took place regarding the property behind the proposed carwash and whether an exit could be behind the property.
Mrs. Traynere asked how does the Highway Department feel about this access?
Mr. Ronaldson replied we were happy to get one access point versus two and are happy with the results.
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Donald A. Moran, Member
SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Member
AYES: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere
ABSENT: Singer
5. Authorizing Approval of Supplemental Professional Services Agreement for Design Engineering Services (Phase II) with Hutchison Engineering Inc. on Mills Road (CH 51) at the Intersection of Briggs Street (CH 54) Section 15-00053-18-FP, County Board District #8
(Jeff Ronaldson)
Ms. Winfrey asked if signals were being put in at Briggs Street and Mills Road.
Mr. Ronaldson replied currently the warrants were not met. It is designed for a light in the future if the warrants are met.
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Donald A. Moran, Member
SECONDER: Steve Balich, Member
AYES: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere
ABSENT: Singer
6. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute a Drainage Agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company in the County of Will, County Board District #7 (Jeff Ronaldson)
Mr. Balich stated this is good if it is going to help drainage. When something is done about draining issues along I-355, it leads to more flooding and moves the issue further downstream. The Resolution states if there is an issue they will fix it. How will this affect the entire area? We need to look at the big picture when we approve projects.
Mr. Gould stated your point is well taken with respect to drainage. Usually the municipalities and not the County creates developments. We employ engineers to look at the things you describe. If this was not in our best interest, Mr. Ronaldson would not be recommending this agreement go forward, as the engineer, he decides whether this is professional, good solid engineering before moving it forward.
Mr. Ronaldson stated we do not look at the land as a whole that is the responsibility of the municipality or the Land Use Department; we look at the impact on the roads.
Mrs. Traynere asked what is the current situation that has caused ComEd to ask for this drainage connection?
Mr. Castellano replied they are developing an area to access equipment. To do that, they have to extend their culvert and attach it to our culvert. This agreement is part of 135th Street roadwork. It allows us to go in and fix it or if there is damage we can make them pay. It is just an extension, we are not fixing the entire area.
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Suzanne Hart, Member
AYES: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere
ABSENT: Singer
7. Resolution Granting a Temporary Access Permit for Highland Ridge on 143rd Street (CH 37), County Board District #7
(Jeff Ronaldson)
Mr. Balich stated there will be wear and tear on 143rd Street; are they paying a fee to use it?
Mr. Ronaldson replied per the Ordinance, they have to do the roadway improvements to make sure it accommodates the additional traffic. In this case, it means left and right turn lanes. If you are talking about future wear and tear; that would be an impact fee, which we don’t have.
Mr. Balich stated if we allow this, what happens five or ten years from now? Will the additional traffic be cars and busses? Who will be responsible for installation and maintenance if signals are needed?
Mr. Ronaldson replied those are included in this project.
Mr. Fricilone asked did they consider Archer Avenue, which will be another exit as their route? This temporary access will be trucks; earth moving and concrete trucks. Archer Avenue is better constructed and bigger road and both access point has access to I-355.
Mr. Ronaldson answered when the development is a full build out it will have access to both roads, but the first phase is on our section.
Mr. Fricilone clarified they are not developing the entire land development in the beginning and putting in the streets and moving the earth, they are doing this separately?
Mr. Ronaldson stated this is right on 143rd Street and that is why they want temporary access. The permit will be executed in the near future and they will use the main access, but they are running out of time.
Mr. Fricilone asked is there a deadline on this temporary access?
Mr. Ronaldson answered there is a time limit on the permit, depending on how it is written it is six months or two years.
Mr. Fricilone asked to have a six month limit written into the agreement.
Mr. Ronaldson agreed.
Mr. Fricilone continued the house on 143rd will be demolished and it doesn’t make sense to come in the other way. Once they get rolling, Archer Avenue is a bigger and better entrance.
Mr. Ronaldson stated there are left turn lanes on 143rd Street, it is a matter of timing. They will not get back to the Archer Avenue area yet. I am sure they are having issues getting through IDOT.
Mr. Fricilone stated because IDOT is making it more difficult does not mean we should make it easy for them.
Mr. Ronaldson stated the good thing is there is a median in the middle.
Mr. Fricilone stated we are going to take the brunt of this and by the time IDOT approves it will be used by cars.
Mr. Ronaldson stated once we get the main access permit in place, they will be going through there; that is where we want them to go. This is giving them a few more months. If that is not favorable for the County, we will not approve and they will wait.
Mr. Fricilone stated I would give them no more than six months, I would not keep it open ended.
Mr. Ronaldson stated as a Department we don’t necessarily like moving temporary entrances permits forward.
Mr. Gould asked is this development within the Village limits? Mr. Ronaldson replied yes, all of it.
Mr. McGrath pointed out the current Resolution refers to the temporary access permit being for up to six months.
Mr. Balich asked could we make them pay a fee?
Mr. Ronaldson replied not within our Ordinance structure. If they damage the roads during construction they will not get released from their permit and we have their letter of credit. We are making them do design work to accommodate the traffic they bring in. There will be normal wear and tear. We have a two year maintenance guarantee in our Ordinance. If something goes wrong within two years of when we accept the approvals, we go back to them.
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Suzanne Hart, Member
SECONDER: Donald A. Moran, Member
AYES: Gould, Weigel, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere
NAYS: Balich
ABSENT: Singer
Mr. Ronaldson announced the Gouger Road closure at the railroad tracks has been postponed and no date is available at this time.
Mrs. Traynere asked if a date for the Weber Road construction has been set?
Mr. Ronaldson answered the soft start is scheduled for the beginning of October. It will be very minimal.
Mr. Gieseke stated October is when they will start moving in the equipment and materials.
Mrs. Traynere suggested asking the larger businesses along Weber Road, such as Amazon, that run shift work to stagger starting times so everyone will not come in and leave at the same time. Are we doing anything to notify the businesses when construction will begin?
Mr. Ronaldson stated there may be message boards to alert drivers.
Mr. Gould asked the state is always doing repairs on the Brandon Road bridge, do you have an update on how this phase of repairs are going?
Mr. Ronaldson answered we don’t get anything specific. I read they are hoping to have it repaired and opened this week.
Mr. Gould asked have you seen an increase in traffic going down to Patterson Road because of this?
Mr. Ronaldson responded we have not, but we don’t monitor it, the Township does.
Mr. Gould stated in my opinion Patterson Road and Route 53 is the most unsafe intersection in the County. We need to get the railroad to come to the table to improve the safety in the area.
1. Construction Status Report
(Jeff Ronaldson)
2. Maintenance Status Report
(Jeff Ronaldson)
3. Phase II Construction Status Report
(Jeff Ronaldson)
4. Phase II Summary Report
(Jeff Ronaldson)
Mrs. Parker asked what is happening at the intersection of Gouger and Division Street?
Mr. Ronaldson answered the City of Lockport received federal aid, which we are a part of, to put in left turn lanes and signals.
Mr. Moran asked do we have enough salt for the winter?
Mr. Ronaldson replied our contracts are in place and we have enough.
1. Motion to Adjourn at 9:34 AM
MOVER: Jacqueline Traynere, Member
SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Member
AYES: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere
ABSENT: Singer