
Will County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C Board met May 17.

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Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C Board met May 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular Frankfort School District 157-C Board of Education meeting of May 16, 2018 was called to order by Board President Gina Briese at 7:00 p.m. The roll call was taken and a quorum was present. The Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no correspondence.

The Board approved the Open and Closed Session minutes of the regular meeting of April 18, 2018.

Two parents signed up to speak during the Public Forum portion of the meeting. Parent Amy Romero spoke of a collaborative effort by the Superintendent, Director of Curriculum & Instruction and the Chelsea Principal following her suggestion to implement an advanced math track for Chelsea fifth graders. She thanked them for their active listening, concern and understanding and said she is grateful to be part of a school system whose door is always open and applauded the administration and teachers. She said she hopes that these collaborate efforts will continue for enhancing the students’ educational experience. Parent Stephanie Pearson-Davis spoke of her daughter’s experience regarding Academic Lunch. She expressed concern that the district is considering adding a Dean of Students because she believes that the district would be better served by using the resources it already has. Ms. Pearson-Davis said that she would like a student’s class performance put on the same par as achievement tests for Advanced Placement and that she appreciates the work done by Board members as volunteers. She stated concern with the Superintendent and said that she did not like the way the remarks she made during the April 18 Board of Education meeting were written up in the district’s Board meeting minutes. These monthly minutes and the Board of Education meeting recap are intended to summarize for the community the Board meeting discussions and action taken.

Hickory Creek Middle School Principal Will Seidelmann provided an overview of the social-emotional curriculum. He reported that in June information will be provided to the Board in more depth regarding the Mawi Leadership Program. This program was created by Mawi Asgedom who is an innovator in the field of student leadership development and currently works with students around the world. Mr. Seidelmann said that he believes the Mawi Leadership program has helped make a difference in the student growth mindset, as evidenced recently by the school earning Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA) leadership and sportsmanship awards.

Chelsea Intermediate School Principal Dr. Sharon Paver-Nepote reported that she is working on a smooth transition for the new principal. She reported that next year’s schedules are complete, the building is in beautiful shape and she provided new principal Doug Wernet her phone number in case he needs any help. Dr. Paver-Nepote thanked the Board for a great 18 years with the district.

Grand Prairie Elementary School Principal Eileen Nelson reported that she and Assistant Principal Kirsten Frankovich have been working together for a smooth transition after Mrs. Nelson retires at the end of this school year. She thanked the Board for entrusting her these past seven years.

Director of Special Services Jen Bajda reported that she received a letter from the state that the district’s Special Services program is in compliance.

Director of Human Resources Craig Schoppe reported that Skyward will provide on-site training in May. The representative reviewed the district’s current employee information in the Skyward human resources software system and asked a number of follow up questions. This process will be critical to auditing the information in the district’s system to ensure that it has up to date employee information as well as utilizing the system to its fullest.

Director of Technology Jake Nelson reported that his team is preparing for the summer schedule of work. He reported that the order has been placed for new computers for 5th grade 1:1 as well as the 137 Lenovo computers to be placed at Chelsea and units will be moved to Hickory Creek.

Director of Curriculum & Instruction Janet McClarence provided a report on the English Language Learners program. This year eight students transitioned out of the program after they showed English proficiency. The students came to the district speaking 10 different languages throughout pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. She reported that vertical articulation is taking place to bridge the gap between students going from second grade at Grand Prairie to third grade at Chelsea and also from eighth grade to high school. Mrs. McClarence also reported that when Instructional Coach Barb Shanahan becomes Assistant Principal at Grand Prairie next year, teacher Kim Szudy will take her place as an Instructional Coach.

Director of Building & Grounds Rodney Davis reported that his team is preparing for summer. They will be checking all buildings and making any repairs and improvements necessary.

Board member Edith Lutz reported on the April 19 District Insurance Committee meeting.

The Board heard a report from Board Secretary Edie Adamski on the Lincoln-Way Area Special Education District 843 Advisory Committee meeting of April 9, 2018 and the Governing Board meeting of April 24, 2018.

Dr. Zinni provided a reminder from the Chorus Boosters organization about the “Fiddler on the Roof” musical that will be held May 18, 19 and 20.

In the Superintendent’s report, Dr. Zinni provided information on the Annual Emergency Preparedness Meeting with First Responders, Professional Growth and Evaluation of Certified Staff committee updates and District Charitable Giving committee updates.

Director of Business and Operational Services Kate Ambrosini provided the Board with the May 16, 2018 Treasurer's Report and Graphs. The total fund balance decreased by $1,322,839 (from $40,486,353 to $39,163,514) primarily due to reduced revenues. Monthly revenue receipts totaled $639,488 primarily due to state and federal funding. Monthly expense disbursements totaled $1,956,545 primarily due to payroll of $1,478,132 and accounts payable of $473,595.

There were two Freedom of Information requests and they were responded to in a timely manner.

In discussion, Director of Special Services Jennifer Bajda discussed the need to employ a behavior consultant to support students and staff with the special education and general education settings.

In discussion, Director of Technology Jacob Nelson discussed the replacement options for District phone handsets. He reported that 15 people are currently testing two different models of phones.

In discussion, Superintendent Dr. Maura Zinni provided a draft of the Dean of Students job description.

In discussion, Director of Business and Operational Services Kate Ambrosini discussed options regarding the Inter-Fund Loan Payoff.

The Board took action to approve the adoption of the Discovery Education Social Studies online techbook at Hickory Creek Middle School for six years at a cost of $65,040.00.

The Board took action to approve the contract for the Grand Prairie Roof Overlay from Ridgeworth Roofing, in the amount of $739,922, including all alternates and a 30 year warranty.

The Board took action to award the Hickory Creek Middle School pavement replacement project to P. T. Ferro for a total project cost of $625,570, including alternates 1-8.

The Board took action to reject all submitted bids for lighting upgrades at Chelsea School and not proceed with this project, at this time.

The Board took action to unanimously reject the resolution directing the Regional Superintendent of Schools for Will County to certify to the election authorities the question of imposing the retailers’ occupation tax and a service occupation tax to be used exclusively for school facility purposes for submission to the electors of Will County.

The Board took action to adopt the resolution honoring the dismissal of educational support personnel at the close of the 2017-2018 school year for Medical Paraprofessional.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Ann Baud as a full-time Special Education Teacher at Grand Prairie Elementary School at an annual salary rate of $49,453.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Ashley DeYoung as a full-time Third Grade Teacher at Chelsea Intermediate School at an annual salary rate of $50,712.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Cassidy Smith as a full-time Fifth Grade Teacher at Chelsea Intermediate School at an annual salary rate of $49,273.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Nicole Canny as a full-time Library Clerk at Chelsea Intermediate School at an hourly rate of $11.80 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Elizabeth Calombaris as a full-time Long-Term Substitute Music Teacher at Chelsea Intermediate School at the daily substitute rate of $100 for the first 10 consecutive days and $262.04 for the remaining days with a start date of August 21, 2018 and will tentatively end November 8, 2018 or until the assignment ends, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Michelle Matz as a one-year part-time (0.67 FTE) Eighth Grade Mathematics Teacher at Hickory Creek Middle School at an annual salary rate of $34,940.50 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Nadine Kahl as a full-time Long-Term Substitute Sixth Grade Teacher at Hickory Creek Middle School at the daily substitute rate of $100 for the first 10 consecutive days and $262.04 for the remaining days with a start date of May 9, 2018 and will tentatively end June 4, 2018 or until the assignment ends, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Melissa Kingsbury in a temporary position for Extended School Year (ESY) as a District ESY Paraprofessional at an hourly rate of $12.30 with a start date of July 9, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the payment of bills for April 2018 as presented.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board took action to approve the Public Relations Coordinator Contractual Services for FY 2018-2019 with Nancy Neuzil.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the renewal of service provider agreements with Progressus Therapeutic, Therapy Care and Reidy Pediatric Therapy for the provision of OT and PT services for the 2018-2019 school year. The Board also approved to continue utilizing BrightStar Care, Pediatric Services of America Inc., CAIRS, and Chicago Hearing Society in the absence of District nurses, 1:1 medical paraprofessionals, or sign language interpreter. With Board approval the administration will move forward to execute the contract renewal documents and schedule for the provision of these services, as needed, for the Extended School Year program (summer school) in July and early August, and then the regular school year beginning in late August.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board adopted the resolution regarding the appointment of Kate Ambrosini as School Treasurer for fiscal year 2018-2019 and authorize the Board President and Secretary to sign same.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the appointment of Melissa Theobald as Recording Secretary to the Board of Education moving forward until a replacement is necessary.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the resolution declaring the list of technology equipment and Hickory Creek library books, as surplus. The Board also authorized the Director of Business and Operational Services to sell, trade or dispose of these surplus items, as appropriate, for their fair market value in accordance with established State statutes and the Illinois School Code.

The Board went into Closed Session at 8:49 p.m. to discuss appointment, employment compensation, discipline, performance and/or dismissal of specific employees; student discipline; student residency; student issue; reclassification of employees; and pending litigation.

The Board adjourned Closed Session at 10:26 p.m. and returned to Open Session at 10:27 p.m.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Shayna Cole as Director of Human Resources effective July 1, 2018 as presented.

The Board took action to approve the payment of five unused vacation days to Rodney Davis as presented.

The Board took action to approve the Education Support personnel compensation for FY 2018-2019 in the amount of $2,137,388.63 as presented.

The Board took action to approve the distribution of Administrative base salaries and terms of the contracts in the amount of $1,126,264 for FY 2018-2019 as presented.

The Board took action to approve a Settlement Agreement and General Release and Waiver of Claims with former employee Rebecca Feigel as presented.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting at 10:34 p.m.

The next regular District 157-C Board of Education meeting will be held on June 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office Board Room at Grand Prairie Elementary School, 10482 W. Nebraska Street, in Frankfort, Illinois.
