
Will County Gazette

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Frankfort Park District Board of Commissioners met April 10.

Webp meeting 04

Frankfort Park District Board of Commissioners met April 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

President Barz called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Present: Commissioner Barz

Commissioner Reilly

Commissioner Ruvoli

Commissioner Rak

Commissioner Feehery

Commissioner Bickett

Commissioner Schedin

Absent: None

3. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

4. Approval Of The Agenda – Approved as presented.

5. Consent Agenda – Items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member so requests in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. President Barz asked for a motion for the following:

A. Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2018

B. Approval of the Committee Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2018

Commissioner Reilly so moved and motion seconded by Commissioner Ruvoli. A roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (7) Rak, Feehery, Reilly, Ruvoli, Schedin, Bickett, Barz

Nay: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion approved

6. Approval Of Bills - President Barz asked for a motion to approve the bills.

Accounts Payable and Payroll in the amount of $233,422.68- which includes travel and Lodging expenses. Inquiry on some items were discussed and Lisa explained details.

Commissioner Reilly made a motion to approve Accounts Payables and Payroll in the amount of $233,422.68. Commissioner Ruvoli seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (7) Feehery, Reilly, Ruvoli, Schedin, Bickett, Rak, Barz

Nay: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion approved

7. Citizens Comments - None

8. President’s Report –

• President Barz thanked everyone for all the work they did to get the word out on the referendum and he said he was very happy it passed.

• President Barz noted that the Springfield Legislative Conference is being held April 24 & 25. Gina, Stacy and President Barz will be attending.

A. Resolution #18-04 honoring IAPD’s 90th Anniversary - President Barz asked for a motion to approve Resolution #18-04.

Commissioner Feehery made a motion to approve Resolution #18-04, honoring IAPD’s 90th Anniversary. Commissioner Reilly seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (7) Reilly, Ruvoli, Schedin, Bickett, Rak, Feehery, Barz

Nay: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion approved

9. Executive Director Report

A. Fund Balance Transfer – Annually the District transfers funds from the Special Recreation fund to cover costs that are related to providing special recreation services. President Barz asked for a motion to transfer the funds. Discussion was held.

Commissioner Ruvoli made a motion to approve a transfer of $21,250.00 to the General Fund and $5,000.00 to the Recreation Fund from the Special Recreation Fund for Fiscal Year 2017/2018. Commissioner Rak seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (7) Ruvoli, Schedin, Bickett, Rak, Feehery, Reilly, Barz

Nay: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion approved

B. Heritage Knolls Playground Equipment – Staff is recommending that the Board approve the playground equipment and site amenities. A shade unit cost of $13,000 is not included. Discussion was held. It was decided to approve both contracts together.

C. Heritage Knolls Playground Site Work – Staff is recommending to award the contract to the lowest bidder, D&J Landscaping for the site work. President Barz asked for a motion to approve the bid. Discussion was held.

Commissioner Feehery made a motion to approve the purchase of playground equipment from Play Power in the amount of $36,559.06 and approve the contract with D&J Landscaping for the site work at Heritage Knolls Playground in the amount of $59,295.28. Commissioner Reilly seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (7) Schedin, Bickett, Rak, Feehery, Ruvoli, Reilly, Barz

Nay: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion approved

Discussion of concerns on updating all parks and assessing all assets was held.

D. Lawn Maintenance – Staff is recommending to approve a contract with Beary Landscaping for 18 Park District sites to commence June 1st.Gina gave an overview and discussion was held. President Barz asked for a motion to approve the contract.

Commissioner Ruvoli made a motion to approve the contract with Beary Landscaping for lawn maintenance for 2018 season in the amount of $36,058. Commissioner Schedin seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (7) Bickett, Rak, Feehery, Ruvoli, Reilly, Schedin, Barz

Nay: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion approved

E. Capital Asset Replacement Plan Services – Plans are still being formulated and additional proposals are being sought. No action was taken.

10. Committee Reports

A. Special Recreation – Director Hassett

• LWSRA Board will be voting at the next meeting on accepting Frankfort Square Park District as a contributing district to the Association and therefor the Board.

B. Finance – Business Manager Lisa Slattery.

• President Barz complimented how great the improved financial packet is.

C. Building and Grounds Report –Ed Newton/Commissioner Reilly

• President Barz inquired about the piers by the ponds. 5 more piers will be repaired this summer. All are still functional at this time.

• Preparation of the baseball fields is underway. Fertilizers were discussed.

• Staff will open the water feeds to the parks this week weather permitting.

• Garbage Cans and new tables have been put out in the parks.

• Speed Bumps have been painted and reinstalled at Commissioners Park. Also the parking stops have been installed at the back lot. Fencing around the ends of the grass islands in the lot will be installed when ground conditions improve.

• Riprap is needed at the Lakeview North Dam. IDNR inspects the dams. The Village say they have no funds to help pay for it. It is suggested to move the old stone from the street side to the pond side and then put in new fabric and stone on the street side. Discussion was held.

• Fort Frankfort towers at the entrance were found to be loose and after further inspection it was determined that removal was the safest choice. The staff has begun to build a new set of bases. The sign and the roofs are salvageable. The signage will also be addressed at the same time

• Ed will be working with ComEd to get an inspection of the lighting in order to apply for the incentives that are being offered. Inspection has not been scheduled yet. Product samples have been looked at.

• Stump removal will begin as the weather permits. Pricing for some of them has been received.

• A Drinking fountain will be installed at Commissioners Park near the concession stand. A complaint regarding the hand dryers has been received and Ed will check them out.

• The staff did a deep clean on the grout lines in the bathrooms at the Founders Center.

• The Frankfort Girls Softball has had their dugout plans updated and they are waiting for the Villages approval. Staff will assist with the project.

• Commissioner Bickett inquired about available fields for softball. Gina will look at spaces.

D. Recreation Report –Stacey Proper/Commissioner Schedin

• The Summer Brochure is now on the web site, it will be delivered by the post office on April 19th and registration begins April 23.

• The Dance Competition Troupes have received many awards this past March. Participation has increased.

• 19 residents rented garden plots and a meeting to go over the rules will be held on April 24th.

• Earth Day Celebration at Main Park will be on April 21st along with the Kids Garage Sale and a presentation by Kristin Morrison on the Preschool and Prairie Care programs.

• Stacy will prepare a cheat sheet on all events for the commissioners.

• The Softball Banner Sponsorships were discussed.

• Kristen Morrison, Recreation Supervisor/Early Childhood, addressed the Board and gave a summary of the current programs. She told the Board that the transition into day camp is ramping up. Enrollment is ongoing. Lunch and Learn is an extended program that is offered several days.

E. Public Relations – Director Hassett/Commissioner Rak

• A comprehensive report is attached to the Board’s packets.

F. Planning Report – Director Hassett/ Commissioner Feehery

• Items will be discussed at the Committee

11. Attorneys Report – None

12. Unfinished Business – None

13. Commissioner Comments/Announcements

Commissioner Rak inquired about the Fort Frankfort clean up. It is April 28th.

Commissioner Schedin told everyone Happy Spring.

Commissioner Ruvoli expressed his appreciation to everyone who worked on the Budget. He told all that he enjoyed the Frankfort Community Showcase and it was well attended.

Commissioner Reilly told the staff that they did a nice job on the Showcase.

Commissioner Barz thanked everyone for attending.

14. Executive Session – President Barz requested that a motion be made to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing: The purchase or lease of real estate

5 ILCS 120/(2)(5);Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1); imminent or pending litigation5 ILCS120/2(2)(c)(1) Commissioner Reilly so moved and Commissioner Rak seconded the motion. Motion passed by a voice vote at 7:42 p.m.

15. Open Session – Commissioner Reilly moved to end the Executive Session and return to the Regular Meeting at 8:02 p.m. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ruvoli. Motion passed by a voice vote.

16. Adjournment – President Barz asked for a motion adjourn the Frankfort Park District Board of Commissioners Regular monthly meeting of April 10, 2018 at 8:03 p.m. Commissioner Reilly so moved and Commissioner Bickett seconded the motion. Hearing no objections all present voted Aye. Motion passed by a voice vote.



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