
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Will County Republican Caucus Committee met April 12.

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Will County Republican Caucus Committee met April 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call To Order/Roll Call

Majority Leader Charles E. Maher called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Charles E. Maher Majority Leader Present

Mike Fricilone Majority Whip Present

Jim Moustis County Board Speaker Present

Steve Balich Member Present

Darren Bennefield Member Absent

Gloria Dollinger Member Present

Gretchen Fritz Member Present

Donald Gould Member Present

Suzanne Hart Member Absent

Tim Kraulidis Member Present

Debbie Militello Member Present

Judy Ogalla Member Absent

Annette Parker Member Present

Cory Singer Member Absent

Ray Tuminello Member Present

Tom Weigel Member Present

Also Present from the State's Attorney's Office: M. Tatroe

II. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Mr. Kraulidis led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

III. Approval Of Minutes

IV. Old Business

V. New Business

1. Discussion Re: Forest Preserve

2. Proclamations

Mr. Maher wants to have staff each month give them a list of previous proclamations that they have done honoring groups or organizations for that month. Mr. Maher or Mr. Brooks will review and decide what ones need to be done or need additional recognition.

3. Appointments

Mr. Maher stated they would like to un-table the Metra appointment and bring it forward. Mr. Moustis stated he believes this appointment came forward prematurely before other people in the community could respond and say they had an interest. He would like to see some balance on appointments throughout the County.

Mr. Maher stated he recently received a request from a lawyer who is retiring and has used the Metra all of the time going into Chicago. He requested to be considered for the Metra appointment. He would like to possibly make it policy that they identify certain committees that would bring applicants to be interviewed.

Mr. Tuminello stated they don’t even have the opportunity to bring a name forward, so how can we do that.

Mr. Maher replied we could ask the Executive, if you’re going to bring someone forward we should get to bring them to the committee and approve them.

Mr. Tuminello asked if the policy can be changed to where we bring them in.

Mr. Moustis responded no, it’s State Statues.

Mr. Balich stated he has another problem with appointments, as far as hires whether it’s the Metra or RTA, there are qualified people who don’t even get interviewed.

Mr. Moustis stated that is the duty of the Executive. This is not our job, we are policy.

Mr. Gould stated this is not the form of government we have. Will County is very unique, with a County Executive form of government, which operates differently than other counties in the state.

Mr. Maher stated it is our responsibility if we are setting policy and we are the ones who will be voting for the appointment. We’re not going to interview all of the fire groups or everybody coming in for 911. Metra or RTA the larger regional ones, that is a full blown County position then we should have an opportunity to talk with them, when we are talking about appointments.

Mr. Moustis stated we set the personnel policy for the County Executive’s Office. We say what the requirements are for each job, not the County Executive.

Mr. Fricilone polled the Caucus for their opinion on the Metra appointment.

Mr. Moustis stated he does think there are more qualified people.

Ms. Parker asked what happens if it doesn’t pass.

Mr. Moustis stated they will have to bring another name forward. The County Executive

has stated that he has enough votes to get this passed.

Mr. Kraulidis asked how often we have challenged the appointments.

Ms. Dollinger responded they did challenge with the Health Department and got someone in there they wanted.

Mr. Moustis stated most of them are really not challenged.

Mr. Fricilone stated most of them are district related and not the whole County.

4. Discussion of County Board Agenda

Mr. Maher asked if anyone had any questions.

Ms. Dollinger asked when you’re talking about establishing a subcommittee for construction management, what does that mean.

Mr. Maher responded we have a CMA for our current projects going on and we wanted the recommendation at the last capital meeting was to bring someone in sooner than later, so that we would be able to have them at the start of the process. We found that has been financially helpful and assist us quite a bit in the process.

Ms. Freitag arrived at this juncture.

Mr. Tuminello stated what we do is establish a committee, a subcommittee, and Mr. Moustis will appoint the members.

Ms. Dollinger stated so it is basically a short term selection committee.

Mr. Fricilone responded yes, a selection committee.

Mr. Tuminello stated this has been done with the Court House and the Sheriff’s station.

VI. Committee Reports

1. Land Use & Development

2. Finance

3. Public Works & Transportation

4. Judicial

5. Public Health & Safety

6. Legislative & Policy

7. Capital Improvements

8. Executive

VII. Other New Business

VIII. Chairman's Report / Announcements

IX. Public Comments

Ms. Dollinger announced the Relay for Life Bartending for a Cure event tonight. It came to my attention today that the event on May 2nd has a lot of conflicts, including the Lincoln Day dinner. She will inquire moving the event to a different date and will keep everyone advised.

X. Adjournment
