
Will County Gazette

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met March 7.

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Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met March 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees, Village of Elwood, March 7, 2018, at 7:00 PM, was called to order by Village President Doug Jenco.

Present: Village Board President Doug Jenco, Village Board Trustees: Don LaPaglia, Mary Matichak, Dean Lowrance and Darryl P. Lab

Also, Present: Village Clerk Julie Friebele, Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson, Police Chief Fred Hayes, Public Works Superintendent Larry Lohmar, Finance Director Roberta Day, and Attorney Jordan Kielian

Not Present: Village Board Trustee Jasen Melahn

The meeting opened with the Pledge to the Flag.

Student Achievement and Recognition - STAR Awards:

Village President Jenco present STAR Awards to the following students in recognition of their exceptional achievements. Amy Vollmer – Runner-up at the Art Contest Hosted Through Abraham Lincoln National Library and History Museum Angelo Garcia – Placing Second at the Conference Spelling Bee Clay Olsen – Second Top Speller at Elwood School Clint Olsen – Top Speller at Elwood School

Public Comments – Pertaining to Agenda Items:

Members of the audience discussed the following topics:

• Resolution extending the time for the Village Board action land use application of East Gate – Logistics Park Chicago, LLC

• Budget

• Truck Enforcement

Consent Agenda:

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

Presentation of Minutes – February 7, 2018

Presentation of Bills – Paid Invoice Report February 8, 2018, through March 7, 2018, in the amount of $88,920.35.

Presentation of Bills – Unpaid Invoice Report in the amount of $172,893.25.

Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Reports & Communications From Village Officials:

Administration – Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson

Monthly Administration Report – Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson-

The Administration Report listed several significant projects completed from February 2, 2017, through February 28, 2018.

January 2018 Financial Report-

The January 2018 Financial Report prepared by Finance Director Robbie Day was presented and reviewed. The report represents the Village of Elwood’s year to date revenues, expenses, and end of the month fund cash balances.

An Ordinance Approving the Annual Budget of the Village of Elwood Beginning May 1, 2018, and Ending April 30, 2019-

An Ordinance Approving the Annual Budget of the Village of Elwood Beginning May 1, 2018, and Ending April 30, 2019, was presented to the Village board and reviewed at a public hearing held on February 7, 2018. Alterations have been made to utilize general funds for Bond payments where appropriate, the Water rate was updated from 5% to 6% increase, added $315,000 for St. Louis St. water main, removed $16,000 for engineering fees for St Louis St. water main, which will be completed in 2017-2018 and an additional request was made to amend the budget ordinance presented on March 7, 2018 to include $46,000 for the SCADA system update.

A motion was made by Trustee Lab to adopt the Ordinance Approving the Annual Budget of the Village of Elwood Beginning May 1, 2018, and Ending April 30, 2019, with the additional amendment as discussed to include $46,000 for the SCADA System update in the 2018-2019 budget. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Amending the Building Code Ordinance-

An Ordinance amending the Village of Elwood Code of Ordinances with respect to the Village building code repealing the provisions requiring automatic fire sprinkler systems for newly built one and two-family dwelling, and adopting the 2018 building code was presented to the Village board and reviewed.

A motion was made by Trustee Lowrance to adopt the Ordinance Amending the Village of Elwood Code of Ordinances with Respect to the Village Building Code. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Intergovernmental agreement with Elwood Fire Protection District-

This agenda item is pending; no action was taken.

An Ordinance Approving Water and Sewer Rates for the Village of Elwood-

Current water and sewer rates each escalate annually at a 3% rate for residents and businesses. The Village water fund is not able to support the operations of the water department. The Ordinance if adopted would increase the water charges 6% annually to support the operations of the water department and would maintain the sewer portion at 3% increases annually.

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to adopt the Ordinance Approving Water and Sewer Rates for the Village of Elwood. Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

A Resolution for the Extending the Time for the Village Board Action on the Plan Commission Recommendation Regarding the Land Use Application of East Gate – Logistics Park Chicago, LLC-

Section 162.024 of the code of Ordinances requires that the Board of Trustees, “shall make a decision and file its findings within 60 days of the Plan Commission recommendation” for variances, amendments, reversion, and special uses. The Plan Commission recommendation to grant NorthPoint annexation and rezoning took place on January 17, 2018, which would require a Village Board decision by March 18, 2018. In order to accommodate public input, staff recommends this time frame be extended an additional 120 days. A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to adopt the Resolution Extending the Time for the Village Board Action on the Plan Commission Recommendation Regarding the Land Use Application of East Gate – Logistics Park Chicago, LLC. Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 644 Establishing License and Business Regulations-

Section 110.15 Compliance with Ordinances and Statutes states, “no business licensed hereunder shall allow gambling, raffle, lottery or chance gift distribution of money or articles of value to occur on any premises within the Village”. Staff recommends amending Ordinance 644 due to the adoption of Ordinance 1005 amending Section 112.29 Alcohol and Liquor Control Ordinance allowing video gaming and Ordinance 1084 with respect to licensing regulating raffles.

A motion was made by Trustee Matichak to adopt the Ordinance Amending Ordinance 644 Establishing License and Business Regulations. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Mad Bomber Fireworks Productions Agreement-

Annually on Saturday night during the Elwood Days weekend, there is a fireworks show. Mad Bomber displayed a beautiful fireworks show last year. A motion was made by Trustee Matichak to approve the Mad Bomber Fireworks Productions Agreement for a cost not to exceed $4,800. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Police Department – Chief Fred Hayes-

During the month of January 2018, the Elwood Police Department responded to 428 calls for service. To see additional details about the types of calls residents can visit the Village of Elwood website.

Police officers issued a total of 104 citations for the month of January 2018:

• Local Citations (O.V.) 34

• State Citations 213

• Overweight Violations (11)

Arrest Report Summary for the month of January 2018:

• Traffic Arrests 18

• Warrant Arrests 4

• Criminal 1

Training Hours in the month of January 2018 in the following category:

Jennifer Kickert Juvenile Court Act Update & Refresher 1/5/18 4

Anthony Lohmar Property & Evidence Room Management 1/11/18 8

Nick Adams Property & Evidence Room Management 1/11/18 8

Randy Lightfoot WCSP In-service Training Civil Rights, Law Update 1/18/18 8

Nick Adams WCSP In-service Training Civil Rights, Law Update 1/18/18 8

Jennifer Kickert WCSP In-service Training Civil Rights, Law Update 1/18/18 8

James Hartley WCSP In-service Training Civil Rights, Law Update 1/22/18 8

Andrew Anderson WCSP In-service Training Civil Rights, Law Update 1/22/18 8

Tony Lohmar WCSP In-service Training Civil Rights, Law Update 1/26/18 8

Edward Wright WCSP In-service Training Civil Rights, Law Update 1/30/18 8

Edward Wright NAPWDA K9 Narcotics/Patrol Certification 1/26/18 300

Public Works – Superintendent Larry Lohmar

Clean Up: The month of February 2018 the public works crew have had long hours plowing snow and salting roads. Now that the snow has stopped now we are in the process of roadway cleanup of winter debris and garbage along our roads. Crews also have been busy cleaning catch basins and ditches during and after the big rains we had.

Rain Storm: During the recent 3.5-inch rain storm our sewer plant and lift stations were at max pumping capacity. Thanks to the Village Board being proactive and approving, the third backup pumps at the headworks building and two lift stations that we installed last summer we were able to handle the 3,000,000 gallons of max flow we had through our plant during the storm. Without this, we certainly would have had some serious issues.

Skate Rink: As of Friday, February 23rd, the skating rink was drained and stored for the season.

No Engine Breaking: The “No Engine Breaking” signs have been repaired and reinstalled on Route 53 heading into the Village both north and south bound with new post anchors set in concrete and sign post.

Robinson Engineering Agreement for Water and Wastewater Support-

This agenda item is withdrawn; no action was taken.

Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for St. Louis Street Realignment (subject to IDOT approval)-

The Village of Elwood has received approval of the preliminary engineering plan and necessary environmental clearances (Phase I) for the realignment of St. Louis Street at IL Route 53. This realignment will create a 90-degree intersection to enhance safety for motorists.

The next step in the process (Phase II Engineering) is to prepare detailed engineering drawings and specifications which will then be put out to bid. In addition to the engineering plans, acquisition of required easements and soils testing are included in this phase of the project. The total cost for engineering, soil testing, and land acquisition services is $251,000. This does not include the cost for the purchase of easements; it only includes the costs associated with the professional services required to negotiate the easements in accordance with the federal requirements.

The federal funding for this project will cover 80% of the Phase II costs up to $200,800. The remaining 20% ($50,200) is required to be paid from local funds.

A motion was made by Trustee Lowrance to approve the IDOT Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for St.Louis Street Realignment for Phase II Saint Louis Street at Route 53 realignment. Trustee Lab seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Federal Participation for St. Louis Street Realignment in an amount not to exceed $251,000 (subject to IDOT approval)-

The Village of Elwood has received approval of the preliminary engineering plan and necessary environmental clearances (Phase I) for the realignment of St. Louis Street at IL Route 53. This realignment will create a 90-degree intersection to enhance safety for motorists.

The next step in the process (Phase II Engineering) is to prepare detailed engineering drawings and specifications which will then be put out to bid. In addition to the engineering plans, acquisition of required easements and soils testing are included in this phase of the project. The total cost for engineering, soil testing and land acquisition services is $251,000. This does not include the cost for the purchase of easements; it only includes the costs associated with the professional services required to negotiate the easements in accordance with the federal requirements.

In accordance with the requirements of IDOT, the Village Administrator requested qualifications for the Phase II and Phase III (Construction) Engineering work from four consulting firms and posted the request for qualifications on the Village website. Two firms responded to the request and submitted a qualifications package. The Village Administrator and Superintendent of Public Works reviewed the submittals and ranked Baxter & Woodman as the most qualified firm for this project. Baxter & Woodman subsequently provided the attached Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Federal Participation which includes the scope of work and proposed project fee.

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to approve the Baxter & Woodman agreement for engineering services for Phase II Saint Louis Street at Route 53 realignment. Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code Village share of the Phase II Engineering for St. Louis Street Realignment-

The realignment of St. Louis Street at IL Route 53 is being funded with 80% federal dollars and a 20% local match. Phase II Engineering costs are budgeted at a total of $251,000 making the local share $50,200. This is a Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) eligible expense and the Village has budgeted MFT money for this project. In order to utilize MFT dollars, a Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code must be approved by the Village Board. This resolution allocates the MFT money for the designated improvements. The money is not actually expended until the costs are incurred. A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to adopt the Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code for Phase II Engineering of Saint Louis Street at Route 53. Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Upcoming Events-

• Family Fun night at the Village Hall – March 9, 2018.

• Breakfast with the Easter Bunny & Easter Egg Hunt – Saturday, March 24, 2018

• Early Voting General Primary Election – March 5-9 and 12-16, 9:00am – 4:00pm

Parks Update-

The Parks Committee is working on further development of the parks. They are reviewing the possibility of implementing Disc Golf at Archer Park. The committee is also discussing plans for Gaga Ball and a Dog Park. The committee is reviewing the parks and the locations in the parks best suited for these projects.

Village President-

Mayor Jenco thanked the Police Department, Public Works Department and all Village Staff for their hard work.

Other Business:

No other business was discussed.

Public Comments:

Members of the audience discussed the following items:

• Resolution in Opposition to Proposed Warehouse Development

• Roof Warranty

• Water/Sewer Rates

• Vacant Trustee Seat


A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. All the Village Board Trustees present voted in favor of the motion. The motion carried.
