359 Knoch Knolls RoadSouth Naperville$405,000Buyer: Volkan Tekinkoc and Rhea VanderwerfSeller: Lawrence A. and Karen L. Schlax
4508 Barr Creek LaneSouth Naperville$426,000Buyer: Aloke and Iba SrivastavaSeller: Alexander Lafrance
2979 Chevy Chase Lane$440,000Buyer: Mark B. and Mary E. PickerSeller: Garry L. Erickson (trustee), Denise L. Erickson (trustee) and L. Erickson and Denise L. Erickson Joint Garry (trust)
5319 Milkweed DriveSouth Naperville$400,000Buyer: Richardo Corrieri and De La Llosa Patricia VegaSeller: Kenneth W. and Maria A. Kociolek
566 Apple River DriveSouth Naperville$475,000Buyer: Alfredo and Veronica E. GarciaSeller: Matthew B. and Christine M. Roy