
Will County Gazette

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Will County Public Works and Transportation Committee met February 6.

Webp meetingroom01

Will County Public Works and Transportation Committee met February 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call To Order / Roll Call

Chair Donald Gould called the meeting to order at 9:00 am

Attendee Name Title Status Arrived

Donald Gould Chair Present

Tom Weigel Vice Chair Present

Steve Balich Member Present

Mark Ferry Member Present

Suzanne Hart Member Late

Donald A. Moran Member Present

Annette Parker Member Present

Cory Singer Member Absent

Jacqueline Traynere Member Present

Also Present: J. Moustis and R. Freitag. Present from State's Attorney's Office: D. McGrath.

II. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Mrs. Parker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

III. Approval Of Minutes

1. WC Public Works & Transportation Committee - Regular Meeting - Jan 2, 2018 9:00 AM

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Hart, Singer

IV. Old Business

1. Update and Clarification for the Temporary Signal at S. Carillon Drive & Weber

Road (Jeff Ronaldson) Mr. John Overend stated the residents of Carillon have shown a need for a stop light. I received the cost for the light last week, but have not done anything with Carillon administration. The cost is $186,000, but this Committee has not indicated how much they are willing to pay. Carillon has had a lot of financial stress recently as we had to replace our 25 years old roads that are decaying, at a cost of $2 million. Our Finance Committee will have to borrow money to help pay. The individual neighborhoods are talking about increasing the monthly assessment to help for improvements of other roads. We contribute significantly to the Will County revenues and we maintain our own roads. We are requesting some financial assistance with the traffic light; it is going to be a significant hazard for the elderly people living in Carillon. Once you decide what the offer will be, I will go back to the Carillon Finance Committee and see where we go from there.

Mr. Ronaldson stated this is not in the County budget at this time. If you direct us to do this, we will need to rework a few things. The cost estimate for construction is down to $186,000 with a design fee of $50,000. If we do it ourselves, our resident engineer would be involved with the construction, so there would not be any direct costs other than our force being there. We were waiting for an offer from Carillon as they are wanting the signal.

Mr. Moran agreed we were waiting for their offer. Originally, we thought this would be about $250,000 and now we are $230,000. My expectation was we were going to get a number from Carillon what they were willing to do.

Mr. Palmer asked has something formal been sent to Carillon?

Ms. Freitag replied Mr. Ronaldson and I met with some residents and have been in communication with Mr. Kraulidis and Mr. Ferry, who represent the district. I did forward the most recent numbers from Mr. Ronaldson to the County Board Members in the district and asked them to take the numbers to the Carillon Board. I had requested a formal, written offer from Carillon and I have not received anything.

Mr. Gould asked what was the number that was to be presented.

Ms. Freitag replied it was the $186,000.

Mr. Gould continued we need to convey to Carillon the total cost will be $238,000 and they should meet with their residents and get back to us. Can we send a letter and ask them for a response and give them our next meeting dates?

Mr. Overend indicated the letter to should be sent to him.

Mrs. Hart arrived at this juncture.

Mr. Palmer stated at this point everything has been verbal, nothing has been writing to Carillon. Are we negotiating or just providing the amounts? Previously, the Committee stated they want 100%. I don’t know if there is any room for negotiations. Usually the Board sets parameters and the Executive’s Office or Mr. Ronaldson negotiate.

Mr. Gould stated the County Board passed a resolution in support of a signal. The payment has not been decided. Perhaps this is a way to advance the discussion.

Mr. Moustis stated there may not be a lot of room on negotiations of cost. Perhaps, there is room on how it is paid; we could do it over the length of the construction. If it is a three year project we could break the payments down into equal payments over three years to ease the burden.

V. Other Old Business

VI. New Business

1. Presentation on Online Oversize/Overweight Truck Permitting - Oxcart

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Mr. Ronaldson introduced Ms. Patti Killinger and Mr. Kyle Catalano to give a presentation regarding the on-line permitting system. They have been in contact with several local agencies, and some of the carriers. Mr. Greuling and representatives from the Farm Bureau are here. We have not had any real objections, we have worked through any issues.

Ms. Killinger and Mr. Catalono reviewed the PowerPoint presentation in the packet.

Mr. Moustis stated in our Freight Study some of the recommendations were establishing the truck routes and signage. This is a good time to go forward with those initiatives and it seems this is providing for that. As part of this project, should we update the truck routes, which includes bridges they can go over so it is part of this system and then continue to work on the signage, so we move forward with two of the initiatives within the Freight Study?

Mr. Ronaldson replied they go hand in hand, although they are two separate things. The truck routing is more complicated because you have to address the multiple jurisdictions. We do not have a County truck route established, we have posted roads on our website. We are meeting with Ms. Freitag, CED, Mr. Greuling, Mr. Palmer and other agencies regarding the truck routing. We are starting to get feedback from communities and agencies on where the trucks should go. Once we collaborate the information we will be able to come up with a map.

Mr. Moustis stated it is a big project, but there is no reason we can't establish where trucks go on the county system while we work with the local jurisdictions. We are primary and secondary roads from the interstate and state system. The state has established a system and we should establish ours. I think waiting for all the jurisdictions will be a more lengthy process. Can we establish something?

Mr. Ronaldson replied we can establish a few routes, but if we dump them out at the end into the municipalities, they won't know where to go after that.

Mr. Moustis continued although our roads may be able to handle the trucks, they put more challenge on the bridges, a priority for me. I would like to see us establish something, it will be evolving, but a system of county roads and bridges you can go on, it is a start and perhaps it will be an incentive for the local jurisdictions to move forward.

Ms. Killinger stated the Oxcart system will allow us to do that from the start, we have the capability to add envelope information. If there is a common destination, there is a common route, we will work with Oxcart to build those common routes into the system. We will have that ready for the March 5th start date.

Mr. Moustis stated as the county, local jurisdictions and state work together to establish truck routes, that information will wind up on their GPS systems and Oxcart will give them direction.

Mr. Palmer stated we have discussed the overweight permitting and the truck routing are priority projects, but there are other efforts that will take longer. We are working to set up a meeting with Mr. Ronaldson, the DOT, Mr. Greuling, the Governmental League, myself and representatives from the municipalities at the eastern end of the County along with the Board Members in District #1. Ms. Freitag, Mr. Walsh and I met with the representatives a few months ago. They took our map, which is the state system and signed routes since most communities do not have designated truck routes. We are working from the state routes off the municipal and off the municipal onto the state routes. They are eager to work with us and have taken it upon themselves to mark up a map. We will schedule a meeting and invite Board Members, DOT and others to start a discussion to map it out. In our Freight Study we do have the state routes mapped in the GIS system. We have some, but the goal is to get their agreement on a route and do the signage, update maps and push it up the chain so the GPS is updated. One comment we have heard is a lot of the mapping systems are not current, it does not always take drivers on the correct routes. I have spoken to some of the communities and they have ideas on how the truck routes come through their communities; but you have to work with adjacent communities to make the connections. That will lead to the prioritization or refining of our priority projects, because some of these could lead to different roads and bridges needing to be improved if we make them a true truck route. We are working on that and will have a meeting soon to start the specific work on the truck routes.

Mr. Gould stated ultimately it has to be the municipality working with the county and that will take a lot of cooperation.

A discussion took place regarding the increase in fees, the last increase and the fee charged by Oxcart.

Mr. Balich indicated the savings and additional revenue coming to county should be used exclusively for roads and bridges and not for operations.

Mr. John Greuling stated as we went through the planning process for the Freight Mobility Plan, we talked to the communities, public and trucking industry. One of the main issues of all three parties was where are the trucks supposed to go and how do we manage that. One principal of the Freight Plan is to segregate town, residential and small commercial traffic from freight traffic. It is not easy to do, as truckers do not always have current information on what is considered preferred truck routes. The suggestion the County move forward finishing their freight routes makes sense. It will then give the communities the opportunity to match up with the County routes. It will then become an enforcement issue. We can have each community gives us a route system to plug into the GPS system the truckers use and they will be getting the correct information. Some drivers will go where they think they should go no matter what and it becomes an enforcement issue. Just because it is a designated freight route does not mean it qualifies for an overweight permit. The bridge on I-80 can be used for 80,000 lbs. trucks, but the state will not issue you a permit for anything over that.

Mr. Moustis stated we work off the state system and the local jurisdictions work off the county system. We have to establish the county system and they work off of it. The best way for this to work is from the largest systems down, not smallest systems up.

Mr. Mark Schneidewind thanked the Public Works Committee and staff for involving the trucking industry. We appreciate being at the table. We have supported the Oxcart system as an organization at the state and national level for over two years. It is a very reliable system and you can do multi-jurisdictions. We understand the need for infrastructure improvements, we are not opposing the fee increases. We are happy to see the 7 and 30 day multiple loads as that will help the container loads. There is one container business not on a state designated route, and we would be in support of being able to use the frontage road with the heavier loads and we appreciate that.

Mrs. Dollinger stated with such an increase, I want to make sure these dollars are put toward infrastructure improvements that is a great need for our community.

2. Public Hearing to Discuss the Will County Ordinance Regulating the Will County Division of Transportation Oversize-Overweight Permit Procedures

Motion to Open Public Hearing at 9:40 AM Mr. Ronaldson stated we are moving forward with an on-line permitting system for the County which will also increase the fees to support the initiatives of freight movement in our area.

Mr. Gould added McHenry County and the City of Joliet use this system and it has been very favorable.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Steve Balich, Member

Seconder: Suzanne Hart, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

Motion to Close Public Hearing at 9:43 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Steve Balich, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

VII. Other New Business

VIII. Resolutions To Be Recommended To County Board

1.Amending Will County Division of Transportation Oversize-Overweight Truck Permit Procedures

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Steve Balich, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

2.Temporary (12-Month) Amendment to the Ordinance Amending Will County Division of Transportation Oversize-Overweight Truck Permit Procedures

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Jacqueline Traynere, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

3.Authorizing an Agreement between the County of Will and Oxcart Permit Systems, LLC for Providing an Online Internet Application for Accepting and Processing Oversize-Overweight Truck Permits under Will County Division of Transportation Jurisdiction

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Annette Parker, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

4.Confirming Award of Contract to Preform Traffic Control Systems, Ltd. ($1,055,248.40) Let on January 17, 2018 for the County Wide Striping, All County Board Districts

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Steve Balich, Member

Seconder: Mark Ferry, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

5.Improvement by County under the IL Highway Code for the Countywide Striping, All County Board Districts, using MFT Funds ($1,200,000.00)

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Steve Balich, Member

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

6.Improvement by County under the IL Highway Code for 95th Street (CH 89) at its Intersection with Plainfield-Naperville Road (CH 14), County Board District #11, using County Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($600,000.00)

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Suzanne Hart, Member

Seconder: Steve Balich, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

7.Supplemental Resolution for Improvement by County under the IL Highway Code for Crete-Monee Road (CH 21) from Old Monee Road (CH 48) to IL Route 1, using Additional Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($105,182.33), County Board District #1

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Steve Balich, Member

Seconder: Mark Ferry, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

8.Authorizing an Agreement Between the County of Will and BP Pipeline (North America) Inc. for Reimbursement for Relocating Facilities Along 135th Street (CH 35) from Smith Road to Emily Lane, County Board District #7

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Tabled [Unanimous]

To: Will County Public Works & Transportation Committee

Mover: Mark Ferry, Member

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

9.Rescinding Resolution #16-206 and Authorizing Approval of an IDOT - County Joint Agreement for Improvements on Weber Road (CH 88) from 135th Street to Normantown Road, County Board Districts #3 and #13

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Suzanne Hart, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

10. Authorizing Approval of the Expenditure of County Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($18,000,000.00) for the Improvements on Weber Road (CH 88) from 135th Street to Normantown Road, County Board Districts #3 and #13

(Jeff Ronaldson)

Result: Moved Forward [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Mark Ferry, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

IX. Director Of Transportation Discussion

1. Interstate 80 – Ridge Road to US Route 30 Public Meeting January 31 – www.I-

80Will.com (Jeff Ronaldson) Mr. Ronaldson recapped the I-80 public meeting held on January 31, 2018. The comment period is open until February 15th. There are a lot of improvements projected and a lot of dollars needed. They have proposed some near term improvements until they figure out how to fund the bridge. It all comes down to money.

Mr. Moran stated I attended the RUSH Meeting regarding I-80; a woman presented a traffic study indicating how many people have been killed along I-80 in the corridor. She indicated the number is high through the Joliet area, but has declined over the last 10 years. I asked for specifics on how many of those traffic deaths were truck related. She does not have that data in her study.

Mr. Moustis asked for an update on the agreement approved with Oneok to move the pipelines on Weber Road.

Mr. Ronaldson replied the pipelines are keeping their schedule. Oneok has started the new line and I don't anticipate them holding up the near term.

Mr. Moustis stated it seems to be taking longer to get to an agreement than we originally anticipated.

Mr. Ronaldson stated Oneok was a unique situation.

Mr. Moustis asked for an update on the utility work on Weber Road.

Mr. Ronaldson replied they are not where they need to be.

Mr. Moran stated I have spoken with the Romeoville Village Manager; ComEd is way behind on this project. I talked to IDOT and confirmed the bid date is cast in stone. The contractors will then be mobilized within 45 days following. ComEd is not responding in a timely manner.

Mr. Ronaldson added the letting date is March 9th and will then go through the awarding process. Given the work that needs to take place by ComEd before we put in the temporary pavement, it is not going to happen. We don't have a clear schedule at this time.

Mr. Moran asked are the utility coordination meetings still on-going?

Mr. Ronaldson answered the meetings with the main utilities are happening every two months. Every two months we tell them our schedule; we go over the design and answer questions. Our staff continues to work on ways to facilitate communications with the utilities.

Mr. Moran stated ComEd is having difficulty trying to move the cables through the swamp area, without buying ROW.

Mrs. Traynere asked what is in the Oneok pipeline? Why doesn't ComEd bury the lines?

Mr. Ronaldson answered the pipeline is liquid petroleum. There is a line that runs to a distribution center in Cary, Illinois. It is very expensive to bury ComEd lines and that is what is causing the trouble. You need bigger equipment when you bury underground which means more easements.

Ms. Killinger added ComEd needs 10 easements for the overhead, underground and switch gear so they are far enough off center line.

Mr. Ronaldson stated the next public meeting for 143rd Street is March 7, 2018 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Hadley School. We are continuing with the Phase I.

X. State's Attorney Discussion

XI. Monthly Work Reports & Build Will Reports

1. Construction Work Report

(Jeff Ronaldson)

2. Maintenance Work Report

(Jeff Ronaldson)

3. Phase II Construction Status Report

(Jeff Ronaldson)

4. Phase II Summary Report

(Jeff Ronaldson)

XII. Reports By Committee Members

Mrs. Hart stated the intersection of 95th and Naperville-Plainfield is beautiful and feels safer.

XIII. Public Comment

XIV. Chairman's Report / Announcements

XV. Executive Session

1. Motion to go into Executive Session for Land Acquisition at 9:55 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Steve Balich, Member

Seconder: Annette Parker, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

2. Motion to Come Out of Executive Session at 10:00 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Suzanne Hart, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

3. Motion to Concur with the Recommendation of the County Engineer

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Suzanne Hart, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

XVI. Adjournment

1. Motion to Adjourn at 10:01 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Jacqueline Traynere, Member

Seconder: Annette Parker, Member

Ayes: Gould, Weigel, Balich, Ferry, Hart, Moran, Parker, Traynere

Absent: Singer

Next Meeting - March 6, 2018
