
Will County Gazette

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Will County Capital Improvements Committee met February 20.

Meeting 02

Will County Capital Improvements Committee met February 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call To Order / Roll Call

Chair Ray Tuminello called the meeting to order at 9:30 am

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Ray Tuminello; Chair; Present;

Mike Fricilone; Vice Chair; Present;

Gloria Dollinger; Member; Present;

Gretchen Fritz; Member; Late;

Charles E. Maher; Member; Present;

Donald A. Moran; Member; Present;

Annette Parker; Member; Present;

Beth Rice; Member; Present;

Denise E. Winfrey Member Present

Also Present: J. Moustis, H. Brooks, R. Freitag and M. Johannsen.

Present from State's Attorney's Office: M. Tatroe.

II. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Mr. Moran led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

III. Approval Of Minutes

IV. Old Business

1. Update from Courthouse Delivery Teams (Wight, Gilbane & Farnsworth)


Ms. Fritz arrived at this juncture.

Mr. Lesniak reviewed the attached Project Status from Gilbane. Excavation is going slow in some areas, because we are drilling the elevator pit, which is from the grade down 20 feet. We are on track for Zenere to be done the first week of March.

Mr. Tuminello asked the footings for the foundation were scheduled to be put in on February 26th is that being pushed to March 5th?

Mr. Lesniak replied the excavation was supposed to be done on the 26th; their original date was the beginning of March. We are going to start that portion on March 5th.

Mr. Tuminello asked when are the bids due from Bid Package 4?

Mr. Lesniak responded they will be presented to the Committee on March 20th. The scopes will all be completed by then.

Mr. Jason Dwyer stated we are working on the shop drawings and submittals. With the new bids coming in, we will be joining in specific scope reviews to answer questions.

Mr. Aaron Quick stated we are reviewing submittals along with Wight's engineers and gearing up for the construction commissioning activities.

Mr. Brooks commented the safety numbers are very impressive.

Mr. Lesniak stated we began tracking the safety numbers on December 15th.

Handout from Gilbane at Capital Committee


2. New Construction Program Incentive for the Will County Public Safety Complex


Mr. Tuminello thanked the Committee for deciding to go above and beyond the requirements from the State of Illinois and the minimum energy requirements. It has worked to our benefit.

Ms. Samantha Bluemer stated there was a program under the State of Illinois called the New Construction Program, which provides monetary incentives for building components beyond the minimum standards of the Illinois Energy Conservation Code. Every time you go beyond that code, you are incentivized at a certain rate depending on the building component. We will be receiving a check for $63,053.00 for the beyond measures taken at the Public Safety Complex. A majority of the incentive came from gas savings $53,000; and $10,000 from electric savings. That is hard cash we received from the state and does not include the savings over the lifetime of the building. The insulation chosen for the exterior walls was incentivized at about $4,500. The windows and window framing at $17,000. Initially DLR incorrectly calculated the component and we would not have received any of that $17,000, but Mr. Bobby Larson worked with staff and the review team for incentives we were able to secure the additional $17,000. We received $5,100 for lighting power density; we put in enough lights to be a productive atmosphere for everyone to be comfortable, but we did not over light the space. We also received $13,000 for the 93% efficiency natural gas boiler. There are a couple of smaller incentives as well.

Mr. Tuminello stated a key component was the R value in the sealing. The largest loss of energy is through the building envelope. The savings is coming from sealing the envelope. Typically in commercial buildings they like an R value of 33; we are almost at 40 in the roofing portion.

Mr. Maher asked are we using LED lights throughout the building?

Ms. Bluemer responded yes, that is an incredible savings as is the number of fixtures reduced from the minimum code. Less watts for more output. The envelope was $48,000; the HVAC was $13,000 and lighting power density is $5,000.

Mr. Moustis asked when we designed the building were these items in the design? Did we upgrade it as it was being built? I am curious if we upgraded anything?

Mr. Tkac replied we did not upgrade anything; we did reassess a few buildings systems. One was the detail around the window openings to enhance heat retention in the building and save on natural gas. The design was driven by energy efficiency. The assistance we received from Ms. Bluemer and others helped.

Mr. Moustis stated Ms. Bluemer was involved in the design and engineering phase. We did not spend money to upgrade, it was part of our original design, which qualified us for the incentives. This is real money coming back to the county. We did not spend $100,000 to get back $60,000. This is a good return for us. Job well done.

Ms. Bluemer stated the new construction at the Health Department and Courthouse are both participating in new construction incentive programs. The incentives will look different in the future as the program is being run by ComEd; this building was built under the state incentives so we could get more money. We are being proactive and involving their energy efficiency team in the preliminary stages of the design phase. The sooner you involve them the greater the incentives.

Mr. Moustis stated this is not only money coming back to us; but also the cost of operation. We looked more at the cost of operation for the life of the building than we do on incentives. This is why we have to make sure the systems in these buildings are properly maintained going forward.

Mr. Moran stated the incentives will be dwarfed by the savings we will see over the life of the buildings.

Mrs. Rice asked are all new construction incentives across the state being managed by ComEd?

Ms. Bluemer replied the legislation that inspired the solar industry, changed the incentives. FEGA actually changed the authority of those programs to ComEd. The funds received are rate payer funds. That has always been the case; ComEd would transfer dollars to the state to manage the program, now ComEd manages the program. Into the foreseeable future all of the energy efficiency programs will all be through ComEd and their associated contractors.

Mrs. Rice asked are the expectations and processes clear as it was when it was CDAK?

Ms. Bluemer answered yes, CDAK was a state partner when they were administering the program. They have been very proactive in getting prepared. They have never done this for the public sector, it was always the private sector. The incentives looks different because the public and private sector incentives are all streamlined into a program. There are special bonus periods for the public sector that we try to take advantage of to get extra dollars.

Mr. Moustis stated we have had discussions about us having solar and wind power as part of our system. We looked at having it on the courthouse roof, if there are incentives and if long term maintenance is not horrid on the system it should be considered, since the courthouse will have a large roof surface. The opportunity at the Health Department is the amount of acreage and we might be able to put solar panels or a wind tower on that property. That would be something that would go above and beyond. We would have to look at the possible return on investment. We also need to look at reducing our carbon footprint. If we wanted to do these initiatives we would need a separate budget. We could possibly use funds in other budgets for these type of initiatives.

Mr. Maher asked are these private dollars being given back for incentives?

Ms. Bluemer responded they are rate payer funds. The energy efficiency charge on your ComEd bill is funding the incentives.

Mr. Maher clarified there are no taxpayer dollars involved. That is important to note.

Mr. Tuminello asked Mrs. Johannsen which account the dollars could come from?

Mrs. Johannsen answered we could look at the solid waste fund. We have recycling initiatives. We would be looking at the 2021 budget.

Mr. Moustis stated this incentives of $63,000 was a perfect way of saying we are going roll this into additional capital projects for this purpose. This would be good seed money plus any additional money to roll into our next project for these purposes.

Ms. Bluemer stated in 2016 you made a decision to use these funds for the capital replacement fund and that is where these checks have been going.

Mr. Moustis stated since we are getting this type of return, we should earmark it for these purposes.

Mr. Tuminello stated when we were looking at the original DLR presentation the Public Safety Complex was too big and too expensive. We continued to pare it down and we could have pared it down to regular standards. Instead, we stayed with those energy savings in the building. If we get to the same situation at the Health Department, we could use those funds to make sure we stay on the energy conservation schedule. Every dollar we invest will end up saving taxpayer dollars in the end.

Ms. Bluemer stated the Illinois Energy Conservation Code is stringent compared to other states. So going beyond code does really mean something.

V. Other Old Business

VI. New Business

1. Presentation for Energy and Conservation Plan (5 year review)

(Samantha Bluemer) Mr. Tuminello stated Ms. Bluemer has been putting together an extensive review and the presentation is not complete. We are going to table this until March 20th.

Mr. Moustis suggesting have the presentation at a Committee of the Whole or at Executive. This is a program the entire Board should hear.

Result: Tabled [Unanimous] Next: 3/20/2018 9:30 Am

To: Will County Board

Mover: Gloria Dollinger, Member

Seconder: Annette Parker, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

2. Authorizing Payment to Leopardo Companies Inc., for the Will County Public Safety Complex


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

3. Authorizing Payment to HR Green for the Will County Public Safety Complex


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Gretchen Fritz, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

4. Authorizing Payment to DLR Group for the Will County Public Safety Complex


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Gretchen Fritz, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

5. Authorizing Payment to Burris West Building, LLC for the Will County Public Safety Complex


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

6. Authorizing Payment to Farnsworth Group for the Will County Public Safety Complex ()

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Gloria Dollinger, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

7. Authorizing Payment to Geocon Professional Services for the Will County Public Safety Complex 


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

8. Authorizing Payment to Homewood Disposal Service for the Will County Public Safety Complex 


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

9. Authorizing Payment to Midwest Environmental Consulting Services Inc., for the Will County Courthouse 


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Charles E. Maher, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

10. Authorizing Payment to Midway Contracting Group, LLC for the Will County Courthouse ()

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

11. Authorizing Payment to Wight & Company for the Will County Courthouse


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Seconder: Gretchen Fritz, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

12. Authorizing Payment to Farnsworth Group for the Will County Courthouse


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

13. Authorizing Payment to Gilbane Building Company for the Will County Courthouse


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

14. Authorizing Payment to Seeco Environmental Services Inc., for the Will County Courthouse


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

15. Authorizing Payment to Associated Technical Services, Ltd., for the Will County Courthouse


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

16. Authorizing Payment to Joliet Tent for the Will County Courthouse


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Gloria Dollinger, Member

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey

VII. Other New Business

Mr. Maher asked are the subs being paid in a timely manner?

Mr. Tom Leonard responded we adhere to the Illinois Prompt Payment Act, which gives us 7 days from the time we get payment from the County. We make sure we release payment to all the subs within the timeframe.

Mr. Moustis clarified it is 7 days after they get payment from us.

VIII. Public Comment

IX. Chairman's Report / Announcements

X. Executive Session

XI. Adjournment

1. Motion to Adjourn at 10:00 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, Member

Seconder: Denise E. Winfrey, Member

Ayes: Tuminello, Fricilone, Dollinger, Fritz, Maher, Moran, Parker, Rice, Winfrey




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