
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

White Oak Library District Board met December 19.

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White Oak Library District Board met December 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order:

President Deanna Amann called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present: Deanna Amann, Gayle Crompton, Nancy Hackett, Ann Lopez-Caneva, Christine Siegel, Adam Woodworth, and Victor Zack.

Board member absent: None.

Staff present: Scott Pointon and Beverly Krakovec.

Public Comments—none.


Nancy Hackett moved to approve the November 28, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Minutes, with a noted spelling correction. Victor Zack seconded the motion. All voted ayes. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Victor Zack read the Treasurer’s Report for November 2017. Cash on hand as of November 1, 2017 was $4,648,975.13. Income as of November 30, 2017 was $89,732.43. Disbursements as of November 30, 2017 were $428,476.76. Transfers and adjustments –none. Cash on hand as of November 30, 2017 was $4,310,230.80.

Victor Zack moved the Board approve the November 2017 Treasurer’s Report as presented with payment of the December 15, 2017 bills for $104,164.65, and the December 13, 2017 payroll for $105,602.21. Adam Woodworth seconded the motion. Roll call indicated: Ayes— Deanna Amann, Gayle Crompton, Nancy Hackett, Ann Lopez-Caneva, Christine Siegel, Adam Woodworth, and Victor Zack. Nays—none. Motion carried.

Personal Property Replacement Tax received to date totaled $80,020.46. The Lockport Township estimate for FY 2017-2018 is $203,080.74.

2016 Levy Real Estate Distributions and Interest received to date was $5,698,856.76. Percent received to date is 99.85%.

Current interest rates for money market accounts as of December 19, 2017 are as follows: Harris Bank— 1.089%, Illinois Funds—1.222% and MB Financial Bank—0.450%.

Director’s Report:

In addition to his written report, Scott Pointon reviewed the tax objection that has been filed against the District with the Will County Clerk’s office. The objection states the District over taxed the public with its Operations & Building Maintenance Fund. This is the fund the District would use to finance a new roof at the Romeoville Branch, which will probably be needed in a few years. The District has a solid justification for allowing this fund to grow due to that anticipated need.

We received communication from George K. Baum, the firm that initially sold the District’s building bonds, that refinancing our 2010 building bonds to save the taxpayers some money may not be feasible. The new Federal budget/tax plan does not allow advanced bond refunding on a tax-exempt basis after January1, 2018, so refinancing would not be a benefit to the public. Scott Pointon stated he will continue to monitor this situation.

Nancy Hackett requested that future board statistical reports reflect the number of passports accepted at each library branch.

Old Business

Building Updates:

The Lockport Branch’s elevator had two seal failures that resulted in a hydraulic fluid leak. All necessary repairs have been accomplished.

The Romeoville Branch’s elevator emergency phone has stopped working and is being replaced.

Proposal For National Wireless Tower Project:

Scott Pointon presented photos of possible views of the proposed wireless tower at the Crest Hill Branch. The Board reviewed the photos and asked Scott Pointon to continue working with the company on this venture.

Discussion Regarding Foundation Board:

Board members presented Scott Pointon with suggestions for potential foundation board members. It is hopeful the foundation board would incorporate interested individuals from all three communities in our District. Board members will continue to provide suggestions.

Executive Session – Real Property – none needed.

Executive Session – Personnel—none needed.

New Business

Sexual Harassment Ordinance /Policy No. 2017/177:

The Board reviewed the ordinance and policy before them.

Ann Lopez-Caneva moved the Board adopt Ordinance No. 2017/177 – An Ordinance Adopting a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment for the White Oak Library District, Will County, Illinois. Nancy Hackett seconded the motion. All voted ayes. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed the document. The Board also discussed how floating holidays should be handled. This would mean when a floating holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, full time staff would receive (8) hours of holiday time to be used at the convenience of the District within two pay periods following the holiday. The Board tabled this discussion for a future date.

Adam Woodworth moved the Board adopt the 2018 Holiday Calendar as presented. Christine Siegel seconded the motion. All voted ayes. Motion carried.

Serving Our Public 3.0 – Chapter 6 – Access:

The Board reviewed the standards in question and determined the District is in compliance.


Victor Zack moved for adjournment at 8:46 p.m. Ann Lopez-Caneva seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
