Steger School District 194 Board of Education met 6 June 7.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Helsel. Members present: Helsel,
Geraci, Page, Edwards, Turner, Raymond, Butkus. Members absent: None.
Mrs. Helsel stated that this is a Special Board meeting being scheduled because the regular Board
meeting had to be cancelled.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Board and audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Participation
No public participation at this time.
Mrs. Helsel announced the retirement of Dale Jonas, Director of Buildings and Grounds. On
behalf of the Board, Mrs. Helsel wished Dale good luck.
A motion was made by Mr. Geraci and seconded by Mr. Butkus to approve the following items
under a consent agenda:
Action A. Approval of the minutes of May 18, 2017, Board meeting regular and
executive sessions.
Action B. The Superintendent recommends that the minutes of the December 16, 2016,
closed session be reviewed and that they be kept closed.
Upon roll call all members voting aye: Page, Geraci, Edwards, Turner, Helsel, Butkus, Raymond.
Members voting nay: None. Members absent: None. Motion carried.
2. Financial Accounts
A motion was made by Mrs. Edwards and seconded by Mrs. Turner to approve the following item
under Financial Accounts:
Action: F. Payment of June Bills
Upon roll call all members voting aye: Page, Geraci, Edwards, Raymond, Butkus, Turner, Helsel.
Members voting nay: None. Members absent: None. Motion carried.
3. Superintendent’s Report
• Dr. Hahto stated that the reactions regarding from the Realtor’s Breakfast was very
She mentioned especially the outstanding contributions from:
Monica Clark for the video presentation
Rachael Diehl and team for the breakfast
Michele Helsel for the decorations
Anne Luering for the concept and historical information she shared with
• Graduation was very well done with no unwanted yelling or outbursts from the
4. Board Matters
A motion was made by Mr. Geraci and seconded by Mrs. Raymond to approve the following
items under Board Matters:
Action A. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the Resolution for the
Prevailing Wage as mandated by the State of Illinois.
Action B. The Superintendent recommends that the Board adopt a resolution designating
interest in district funds to remain as interest under the ISBE regulation to
preserve the opportunity to transfer that interest at a later date.
Action C. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the revision to the
Young Authors sponsor job description as presented.
Action D. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the District Title I Plan
as presented.
Action E. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the Succession of
Authority chart as recommended per Board policy 3:70.
Action F. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the renewal of
Board Policy 2:125, Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursement limiting
allowable reimbursement for Board members and District staff to $1500.
Action G. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approves the K-8 Technology
Curriculum as presented.
Upon roll call all members voting aye: Page, Helsel, Geraci, Edwards, Turner Raymond, Butkus.
Members voting nay: None. Members absent: None. Motion carried.
5. Personnel
A motion was made by Mrs. Page and seconded by Mrs. Edwards to approve the following items
under a consent agenda:
Action A. The Superintendent recommends that the Board accept the resignation
retirement of Dale Jonas effective June 30, 2017.
Action B. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the renewal of one-
year contracts for Columbia Central assistant principals, Nicole Lindroth and
Bruce Nieminski for the 2017-2018 school year as presented.
Action C. Approval of a one-year contract renewal for Superintendent Hahto, effective
from July 1, 2017, until June 30, 2018, as presented.
Action D. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the termination of
employment for employee CO24985 effective May 25, 2017.
Action E. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the employment of
Geoffrey Page as night custodian for Steger Primary Center @ $10/hr.
effective June 5, 2017.
Action F. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the employment of
Michelle Perry as a 7th grade Math teacher to fill a one-year leave of absence,
at BA step 0, for the 2017-2018 school year.
Action G. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the employment of
Hailey Pickrum as English/Language Arts 7th grade teacher at Columbia
Central for the 2017-2018 school year.
Action H. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the employment of
Emily Beaulieu as Social Worker at Steger Intermediate Center, effective for
the 2017-2018 school year.
Action I. The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the appointment of
Anthony Graziani as Director of Buildings and Grounds, effective July 1,
Upon roll call all members voting aye to consent agenda items with one change under 5. Personnel,
with amendment to item 5A as indicated: Page, Helsel, Geraci, Edwards, Turner, Raymond
Butkus. Members voting nay: None. Members absent: None. Members abstaining: Mrs. Page
abstained from voting for item 5E. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports
Mr. Diehl stated the Food Service Department, under Rachael Diehl, collected over half of the
outstanding lunch money unpaid this year. To date Rachael and her department have collected
New Business
Mr. Geraci said thank you to all the administrators and staff for their hard work this year.
Old Business
No old business at this time.
Thank you card from Bill and Becky Moses
No PTA report at this time.
Closed Session
At 6:24 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Page and seconded by Mrs. Edwards to go into Closed
Session to discuss:
1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline performance, or dismissal of a
specific employee of the public body.
Upon roll call all members voting aye: Page, Helsel, Geraci, Turner, Raymond, Butkus, Edwards.
Members voting nay: None. Members absent: None. Motion carried.
At 9:16 p.m. a motion was made by Mr. Geraci and seconded by Mrs. Turner to return to Open
Session. Upon roll call all members voting aye: Page, Edwards, Geraci, Turner, Helsel, Butkus,
Raymond. Members voting nay: None. Members absent: None. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mrs. Turner and seconded by Mr. Geraci to approve the administrative
salary changes as amended.
Upon roll call all members voting aye: Turner, Geraci, Helsel, Page, Edwards, Raymond, Butkus.
Members voting nay: None. Members absent: None. Motion carried.
At 9:17 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Turner and seconded by Mr. Butkus to adjourn the
meeting. All members voting aye: Edwards, Turner, Butkus, Raymond, Helsel, Page, Geraci.
Members voting nay: None. Members absent: None. Motion carried.