
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Romeoville Planning and Zoning Commission met June 13.

Webp meeting 02

Village of Romeoville Planning and Zoning Commission met June 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

Present 6 - Commissioner David Venn, Commissioner Paul Scieszka, Commissioner Petra Burgess, Commissioner Dan Repetowski, Associate Member Gary Hoffman, and Associate Member Dawn Sakalas

Absent 4 - Commissioner Jim McConachie, Commissioner Steve Pyle, Commissioner Rich Holloway, and Associate Member Rick Gougis

3. Approval of Agenda

A motion was made by Commissioner Scieszka, seconded by Commissioner Repetowski, that this Agenda be approved. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.

4. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Commissioner Burgess, seconded by Commissioner Repetowski, that the May 9, 2017 Minutes be Approved. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.

PZC Minutes 5/9/2017

5. Public Hearings

6. New Business

ORD17-1384 An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) - Final Development Plan for Village Place Apartments by Edward Rose & Sons and S.R. Jacobson

16-030 Normantown Rd Apartments FDP PCR

Chairman Venn thanked the Village and the Development Group for all the work and changes made from the original plans.

Assistant Planner Josh Potter added that the Development Group submitted a traffic study early on in the process and the requirements of the Village were met. The cross access to the west for future connection to the light and the installation of a de-exceleration lane with a dedicated right turn lane into the developemnt off of Normantown Road. All other items are in compliance.

Per the Village Board request the addition of a black decorative fence was added on the perimeter of the development. The monument signage at the entrance has been upgraded and the color scheme changed on the building per the request of staff.

Chairman Venn asked if the Village would be responsible for the interior lighting of the development.

Mr. Potter stated that it would be privately maintained by the professional property management that manages the site. The site lighting will include decorative lighting.

Commissioner Hoffman asked if the area marked emergeny exit only would ever be used as another access point.

Mr. Potter stated that it would not be used.

Commissioner Hoffman asked about the lighting on the rear of the units that will back up to Greenhaven, he is concerned about the adjacent neighbors.

Mr. Potter will check the building plans and make sure appropriate lighting is used.

This Ordinance was Recommend for Approval to the Village Board due back on 7/19/2017

7. Old Business


8. Citizens to be Heard


9. Chair's Report


10. Commissioner's Report

Happy Fathers Day

11. Village Board Liaison Report

Check the Village website for all the upcoming summer activities

12. Community Development Department Report

The June 27th Meeting will be for the new Comprehensive Plan

13. Adjournment

A motion was made by Commissioner Burgess, seconded by Commissioner Scieszka, that this Meeting be Adjourned. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.
