
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lemont Village Board welcomes new employees

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The Lemont Village Board met Feb. 13 to welcome new employees.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:



Village Hall – 418 Main Street

February 13, 2017

6:30 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Lemont Village Board was held on Monday, January 23, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor ProTem

Paul Chialdikas presiding.


II. ROLL CALL: Chialdikas, Miklos, Stapleton, Blatzer; present. Sniegowski, Virgilio, absent.


Motion by Blatzer, seconded by Chialdikas, to approve the following items on the consent agenda by

omnibus vote:

A. Approval of Minutes

1. January 23, 2017 Village Board Meeting Minutes

B. Approval of Disbursements

C. Ordinance O-10-17 Approving the Village of Lemont’s No Cash Bid Offer for 13 West New


D. Ordinance O-11-17 Approving the Village of Lemont’s No Cash Bid Offer for 202 Stephen St.

E. Resolution R-8-17 for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the

Illinois Highway Code-2017 Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Program.

Roll Call: Chialdikas, Miklos, Stapleton, Blatzer; 4 ayes. Motion passed. Sniegowski, Virgilio



A. Mayor Reaves wanted to congratulate the Lemont High School Cheerleading Team who

captured their 5th IHSA Medium Division State Championship on February 4th.

B. Mayor Reaves announced that Polish Heritage Days will be held on February 19. The Polish

flag will be flown prior to the event.

C. Mayor Reaves announced that Lithuanian Independence Day will be held on February 19.

The Lithuanian flag will be flown the week prior to the event.

D. Mayor Reaves announced that the State of the Village Address will be held on Thursday

March 2nd. Anyone who wishes to attend can register through the Chamber of Commerce.

E. Mayor Reaves announced that the St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be on Saturday March 4th.

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F. Mayor Reaves welcomed two new employees to the Village of Lemont: Carol Rumbaugh

has begun with her position of Building Permit Tech in the Building Department, and

Georgene Karountzos will begin next Monday as Front Desk Clerk in the Finance


G. Mayor Reaves reminded all that there will not be a Committee of the Whole Meeting on

February 20th due to the President’s Day Holiday. The Vistancia Subdivision will be

discussed at the next Planning and Zoning Committee meeting in February.

H. Mayor Reaves gave an update on the State Budget. He stated that with an unapproved

budget, and the unknown cuts to municipalities and others, we don’t know what kind of

revenues we we’ll receive.

I. Audience Participation – None

V. Clerk’s Report

A. Correspondence

B. Ordinances

1. Ordinance O-12-17 Amending Ordinance O-36-04, an Ordinance Granting a Special Use

for a Planned Unite Development (PUD) on a 1.68 Acre Parcel, Located North of Talcott

Avenue, West of Holmes Street & Rezoning from Lemont B-2 & M-1 (Historic Central

Business District & Manufacturing District) to B-2 PUD (Historical Central Business

District Mixed Use Planned Unit Development) in Lemont, Illinois at 429 Avenue Known

at Talcott Street Development (Old Town Square) ED) (Stapleton)(Stein/Valone)

Motion by Stapleton, seconded by Blatzer, to adopt said Ordinance. Roll Call:

Chialdikas, Miklos, Stapleton, Blatzer; 4 ayes. Motion passed. Sniegowski, Virgilio;


C. Resolutions

1. Resolution R-9-17 Approving a Final Plat of Subdivision for a Property Located at

Talcott Avenue and Holmes Street, in Lemont, IL (Old Town Square) (ED) (Stapleton)

(Stein/Valone) Motion by Miklos, seconded by Blatzer, to adopt said ordinance. Roll

Call: Chialdikas, Miklos, Stapleton, Blatzer; 4 ayes. Motion passed. Sniegowski,

Virgilio; absent.

2. Resolution R-10-17 Authorizing Award of Contract for 2017 Water Main Replacement

Program State Street: Wend Street to Freehauf Street Timberline Drive Revalving:

Timberline Court to Evergreen Place. (Public Works) (Blatzer) (Pukula) Motion by

Blatzer, seconded by Miklos, to adopt said ordinance. Roll Call: Chialdikas, Miklos,

Stapleton, Blatzer; 4 ayes. Motion passed. Sniegowski, Virgilio; absent.

VI. Village Corporation Counsel/Deputy Village Administrator Report- None

VII. Village Administrator Report- None

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VIII. Board Reports

IX. Staff Reports

A. Police Department

1. Related to Crime Prevention, Chief Maton notified that there has been an increase in

burglary during working hours, repeatedly to business cash boxes. The Lemont Police

Department encouraged businesses to obtain a depositary safe for valuables and cash

to be stored securely.

X. Unfinished Business

XI. New Business

XII. Motion for Executive Session- Motion by Blatzer, seconded by Chialdikas, to move into Executive

Session to discuss Pending Litigation under 5ILCS 2 (C) 11 of the Open Meetings Act.

XIII. Motion to Adjourn

There being no further business, a motion was made by Stapleton, seconded by Miklos, to adjourn

the meeting at 7:06 p.m. VV 4 ayes. Motion passed. Sniegowski, Virgilio; absent.