The Lemont Village Board Committee of the Whole met Feb. 13 to propose boundary lines.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:
Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2017 – 7:00 PM
Lemont Village Hall - 418 Main St. - Lemont, IL 60439
I. Call to Order
Mayor Brian Reaves called the COW Meeting to Order at 7:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Present were Trustees, Blatzer, Chialdikas, Miklos, Stapleton. Sniegowski and Virgilio absent. Also
present, Chris Smith, Mark LaChappell, Marc Maton, Linda Molitor, Ralph Pukula, Jeff Stein and Heather
III. Discussion Items
A. St. Alphonsus Parking Lot Special Use and Variations
Village Planner, Heather Valone, provided a brief overview of the construction of a parking lot at St.
Al’s. The Planning & Zoning Commission and staff recommended approval with conditions on
January 18, 2017. Of the nine conditions, the applicant has met eight and will comply with the last.
Discussion took place regarding the concerns of vehicles exiting out of the lot and it was suggested
by the Village Board to make the West entrance an exit only with a right turn only and keep the East
entrance an exit and entrance with no left turn on Sunday. Staff was directed to work with the
church on finalizing the direction and the item will be up for approval at a future Village Board
B. Look Nu Carwash
Ms. Valone provided a brief overview of the Look Nu Carwash amendment to the existing PUD to
construct outdoor vacuuming units and gates with automated pay stations. The Village Board had
no issues with the request and the item will be up for approval at a future Village Board Meeting.
C. Small Cell Antenna
Adewale Adetunji, Community Development intern, provided background information on the
request for a special use to attach a small cell antenna to an existing ComEd utility pole at the
location of 111Main Street. The Village Board had no issues with the request and the item will be up
for approval at a future Village Board Meeting.
D. Notting Hill Extension and Related Extension
Ms. Valone provided an overview of the request for a time extension from a previous approved
ordinance, O-27-07, which contained a typical one-year deadline for a final plat of subdivision, and
O-25-07, approving an annexation agreement for development, which did not include a one-year
clause. The developer has requested four two-year extensions to the preliminary PUD approval.
With an improvement in the housing market, the expectation is the development should be able to
move forward in the next two years and the developer is requesting another extension. The Village
Board has no issues with the request and the item will be up for approval at a future Village Board
E. Downtown Business Association Meeting
Trustee Chialdikas referenced the minutes from the January 26, 2017, Downtown Business
Association Meeting in which he attended (minutes provided with the COW agenda packet).
Trustee Chialdikas reiterated to the Village Board that he did inform the group that they would
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have the full support of the Village. He provided an update that the group is selecting a Board,
working on by-laws and also a logo.
F. Intergovernmental Boundary Agreements
Mr. Stein reviewed the proposed boundary line map areas shown between Homer Glen,
Romeoville and Lockport. Discussion took place regarding the boundary lines and potential
stipulates to include in the agreement with these municipalities. Staff will continue to work with
the towns to obtain an agreement, and will further be discussed at an upcoming Committee of the
Whole Meeting.
IV. Unfinished Business
V. New Business
A. Seven Oaks – an update was provided on the Seven Oaks development. MWRD permits have been
VI. Audience Participation
VII. Executive Session Discussion Under Chapter 5 ILCS
VIII. Adjourn at 8:40 p.m.