Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157c Board
School Districts: Elected Officials | Public School District Boards
Recent News About Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157c Board
After Pritzker school lockdowns, Will County student test scores plummet
More students at Manhattan School District 114 failing math and English proficiency exams after missing school during pandemic.
Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C in Will County opts out of controversial new sex education studies
Across Illinois, 520 school districts have decided not to teach the updated and “obscene” sex ed curriculum.
Students at Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C suspended or expelled five times in a single school year
There were five students suspended in Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C in a single school year according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Analysis: 88.8% of black Will County third graders failed state math exam in 2021
The 2021 state math exam was taken by 513 black third grade students in Will County.
Analysis: Frankfort administrators rank 594th in state for average pay
Administrators in Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C earn an average of $92,448 per year, ranking 594th out of 864 districts in Illinois.
Cost of education: Average 2020 salary in Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C
How much do Illinois teachers in Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C make on average, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
What did Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher Mary A. Woltkamp earn before leaving school?
How much did Illinois teacher Mary A. Woltkamp make with Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Retired Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher earned $67,821 by the end of their career
How much did Illinois teacher Mary L. Herman make with Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
What retired Illinois teacher Mary A. Woltkamp contributed to their retirement with Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C?
How much did retired Illinois teacher Mary A. Woltkamp contribute to retirement savings by the end of their career, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Report: Frankfort School District spent $11,236 per student in 2019-20
Spending per pupil at Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C was up 7.9 percent from five years ago, according to the Will County Gazette analysis of the latest Illinois schools report card district finances.
Open book: Salary of Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher Eileen E. Nelson
How much did Illinois teacher Eileen E. Nelson make with Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Illinois teacher Rebecca J. Cleveland make with Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C before retiring?
How much did Illinois teacher Rebecca J. Cleveland make with Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Illinois teacher Connie S. Schultz make with Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C before retiring?
How much did Illinois teacher Connie S. Schultz make with Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
What did Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher Mary L. Herman contribute to retirement before leaving school?
How much did retired Illinois teacher Mary L. Herman contribute to retirement savings by the end of their career, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did retired Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher Eileen E. Nelson contribute to retirement savings?
How much did retired Illinois teacher Eileen E. Nelson contribute to retirement savings by the end of their career, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
What did Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher Carolyn M. Martin earn before leaving school?
How much did Illinois teacher Carolyn M. Martin make with Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Retired Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C educator contributes $88,076 to retirement savings
How much did retired Illinois teacher Rebecca J. Cleveland contribute to retirement savings by the end of their career, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Retired Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C educator contributes $111,276 to retirement savings
How much did retired Illinois teacher Connie S. Schultz contribute to retirement savings by the end of their career, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Open book: Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher Leonard Cooper’s salary
How much did Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher Leonard Cooper make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher Lisa L. Yusko make?
How much did Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C teacher Lisa L. Yusko make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?