
Will County Gazette

Monday, March 3, 2025

Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees met Jan. 27

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Mayor Tim Baldermann | Village of New Lenox Website

Mayor Tim Baldermann | Village of New Lenox Website

Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees met Jan. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Regular Meeting of the New Lenox Village Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. by Mayor Baldermann in the Council Chambers of the New Lenox Village Hall.



Upon Roll Call by the Clerk, the following members of the corporate authorities answered “Here” or “Present”:

Trustees Christopherson, Scalise, Madsen, Reiser, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann

Absent - Trustee Wilson


There being a sufficient number of members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, the meeting was declared in order.


Also, in attendance were, the Village Administrator Kurt Carroll, Village Clerk Laura Zilinskas, Community Development Director/Assistant Village Administrator Robin Ellis, Finance Director Kim Auchstetter, Public Works Director Mark Brow, Civil Engineer Will Nash and Attorney Chris Spesia


Motion to approve the 8 items of the #25-03 Consent Agenda was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Scalise

A - Minutes of the Regular Meeting – January 13, 2025

B - Ordinance #3165 Amending Chapter 106 of the Village Code – Massage Establishments – 2nd Read

C - Ordinance #3166 Amending Chapter 22 of the Village Code – Massage Establishments – 2nd Read

D - Setting of Surety – Teerling Lakes – Cedar Road/Summerfield Road Off-Site Utility Improvements

E - Setting of Surety – Teerling Lakes Unit 1

F - Annual Zoning Map Adoption

G - Raffle License for 2025 – Lincoln Way West Music Boosters 

H - Raffle License for 2025 – Providence Catholic High School

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.


Consideration of a County Special Use – New Lenox Gougar Solar 1 & 2 Ms. Ellis reported this request concerns approximately 75-acres of an overall 142- acre site located along the east side of Gougar Road, south of Haven Avenue. They are proposing two ground-mounted commercial solar energy facilities on the subject property, overall, they would have over 22 thousand solar panels. The developer is proposing a PVC fence around the entire facility with landscaping along the outside of the fence. Staff and the Plan Commission recommend the Village Board object to this county special use for reasons that follow - it’s not consistent with the Village’s Comprehensive Plan which recommends Single Family Residential and Medium-Density Residential uses for the property. Our Comprehensive Plan also calls for the extension of Joliet Highway through this property to align with Berens Road. Ms. Ellis noted over the years there have been inquiries from parties interested in doing industrial development on this parcel and the Village has objected to that. Our concern is with this large solar facility would be used as a reason to deviate further from our Comprehensive Plan. They are also requesting variances from the counties recently adopted ordinance – no height limitation for the pollinator which they will only have to mow once a year which we feel will make it more noxious to future residential in the area.

Mayor Baldermann asked if the petitioner would like to speak.

Stephanie Sankowski, representing Soltage, LLC. addressed the Village Board regarding solar panels and the special use.

Mayor Baldermann thanked the petitioner for her presentation. He went on to say he understands the advantages of solar panels but the Village has been very deliberate in how we have planned out community.

Trustee Madsen and where their other solar farms are located.

Ms. Sankowski stated there are few in Will County and others spread out in other counties.

No other comments or questions from the Village Board.

Motion to file an objection to the county Special Use was made by Trustee Scalise and seconded by Trustee Madsen

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration for the Approval of a Bid Award for the Route 30 Development Demolition 

Mayor Baldermann reported on December 27th Staff opened 14 bids for the demolition of structures for the Rt.30 Development Demolition Project. The first two lowest bidders failed to satisfy the requirements in the Bid Proposal, therefore Staff is recommending the 3rd lowest bidder, ADM Demolition, to perform the work with a total bid amount of $114,950.00. This project is a budgeted, however the bid amount is higher than what was budgeted.

Motion to approve the bid award was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Gugliuzza

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Proposal – Engineering Services – CN Quiet Zone 

Mayor Baldermann reported this proposal from Christopher B. Burke Engineering to provide engineering services to update the quiet zone on the CN line. This process must be completed every 5 years in order to re-certify and therefore retain the quiet zone status. This project will consist of data collection, coordination with railroads, updating the service list and the crossing inventory, coordination with the Federal Railroad Administration and submittal of the affirmation documents to re-certify the quiet zone. The CN quiet zone will consist of six at-grade crossings. The cost of Burkes’ proposal is not to exceed $18,500.

Motion to approve the proposal was made by Trustee Reiser and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Bid Extension for Demolition – 250 E. Maple Street 

Mayor Baldermann reported the bid for the 250 E. Maple Street demolition project was opened on December 27, 2025. It has been determined that Donegal Services LLC is the lowest responsive bidder. The bid documents state that the bid will be awarded within 30 days, however, there is current interest for a third party to purchase the subject property. Due to this potential sale the Village has asked Donegal to extend their bid an additional 45 days which will expire on March 13, 2025. Donegal has agreed to extend their bid with the understanding that should the property be sold; their services would not be needed for the demolition.

Motion to approve the bid extension was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Resolution #25-05 Authorizing the  Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois  Department of Transportation - Waive Tap-On Fee for 1400 West Maple Street 

Mayor Baldermann reported this resolution authorizing execution of an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with IDOT to waive the tap-on fees and allow them to connect a new maintenance facility being built at their New Lenox Maintenance Yard located at 1400 W. Maple Street, in exchange they will plow streets on the Village’s behalf.

Mr. Carroll added they will plow the area from their maintenance yard and Frontage Road through DeGroate Road.

Mayor Baldermann stated he wants to make sure they do a good job with the plowing in that area.

Mr. Brow said that we will monitor that area.

No questions from the Village Board.

Motion to approve the resolution was made by Trustee Guliuzza and seconded by Trustee Christopherson

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Resolution #25-06 for a Lease  Agreement with Perry Weather – Crossroads Sports Complex Mr. Carroll reported this is a resolution approving a three-year lease agreement with Perry Weather for software and their outdoor warning system and stations to be utilized at the Crossroads Sports Complex. The Staff recommends the Village Board approve the three-year lease agreement with Perry Weather for a weather warning system for the Crossroads Sports complex for an annual cost of $4,600 per year.

No comments or questions from the Village Board.

Motion to approve the resolution was made by Trustee Scalise and seconded by Trustee Christopherson

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann



ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Purchase – Line Scrubber – Crossroads Sports Complex 

Mr. Brow reported this is for the purchase of a line scrubber for the sports complex, recommended by our consultants Sports Facilities. Staff followed our consultant’s recommendation to purchase this particular piece of equipment and is asking the Village Board to waive formal bidding. The cost of the machine is $40,715,75.

No comments or questions from the Village Board.

Motion to waive the formal bidding process was made by Trustee Scalise and seconded by Trustee Madsen

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Motion to approve the purchase was made by Trustee Scalise and seconded by Trustee Christopherson

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann



ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Contract Extension – Village Hall Janitorial Services 

Mr. Brow reported this contract with Emeric Facility Services for janitorial services at the Village Hall is due to expire on April 30, 2025. Staff has been very pleased with the work that Emeric has performed at the Village Hall for the last several years, and more recently at the KidsWork Museum. Monday night Board approval will be request to extend their contract for another (3) years. Emeric has proposed raising their fee from $1,581.66 to $1,928.00 per month which will be a set rate for the (3) years.

No comments or questions.

Motion to waive the formal bidding process was made by Trustee Reiser and seconded by Trustee Christopherson

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Motion to approve the contract extension was made by Trustee Reiser and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Proposal for a Topographic Survey – Forest Street Drainage 

Mr. Brow reported this proposal from Christopher Burke Engineering is to perform a topographic survey in an amount not to exceed $34,890. The survey will cover an area from Forest Street to Elm Drive that will gather the necessary data to create the design to continue the Village’s drainage improvements in this area.

No comments or questions from the Village Board.

Motion to approve the proposal was made by Trustee Guliuzza and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Resolution #25-07 Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Will County – Gougar Road and Haven Avenue 

Mayor Baldermann reported Will County Division of Transportation has requested a change to an existing Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for the intersection of Gougar Road and Haven Avenue from 2008. The original agreement has the Village as the lead agency responsible for the traffic signal. The revised agreement specifies Will County as the lead agency. The County is requesting this change as they are working on preliminary plans to improve Gougar Road from Laraway Road to Francis Road, and this new agreement would allow them to coordinate the traffic signals along Gougar Road. This new agreement will not increase the cost to the Village.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to approve the resolution was made by Trustee Scalise and seconded by Trustee Christopherson

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

Consideration of an Ordinance Authorizing the Installation of a Stop Sign – Prairie Ridge Way and Primrose Street – 1st Read Mr. Nash reported the residents of the Prairie Ridge subdivision requested an all way stop at the intersection of Prairie Ridge Way and Primrose Street. The members of the Parking and Traffic Advisory Board (PTAB) reviewed the request and acknowledged the intersection would justify a stop sign.

No comments from the Village Board.

Consideration of an Ordinance Authorizing the Installation of a Stop  Sign – Otto Drive and Hancock Drive / Liberty Lane – 1st Read Mr. Nash stated the residents of the Liberty Square subdivision requested an all way stop at the intersection of Otto Drive and Hancock Drive/Liberty Lane. The members of the Parking and Traffic Advisory Board (PTAB) reviewed the request and acknowledged the intersection would justify a stop sign.

No comments from the Village Board.

Consideration of an Ordinance Authorizing the Installation of a Stop  Sign – Otto Drive and Ogden Road – 1st Read 

Once again, Mr. Nash stated the residents of the Liberty Square subdivision requested an all way stop at the intersection of Otto Drive and Ogden Road. The members of the Parking and Traffic Advisory Board (PTAB) reviewed the request and acknowledged the intersection would justify a stop sign.

No comments or questions from the Village Board.

Consideration for Approval of a Proposal for Building Code Update – HR Green 

Mayor Baldermann reported this proposal from HR Green is to review our current adopted 2018 International Codes and amendments, to compare them to the 2024 International Codes. After their review and comparison, staff will make a recommendation to the Village Board for approval and adoption of the 2024 International Codes. The cost is not to exceed $30,000.00.

Ms. Ellis reported historically the Village has looked to adopt the new building code every 6-years. The consultant would look at the 2024 building code and compare it to the 2018 and advise staff on the major changes. They will also be looking at all of our local amendments to see which ones are still relevant or whether they are in compliance with the 2024 code. Ms. Ellis stated she looked at what other communities around us are operating under and it is all over the place. The Village of Frankfort is still working under the 2012 building code Lockport and Homer Glen are on the 2015, Mokena is 2018 and Manhattan adopted the 2021 last year. Ms. Ellis stated the Village of New Lenox would be the first in our area to go with the 2024. This was a recommendation coming out of our ISO rating that the Village does with the New Lenox Fire Protection District. The fact that we were outdated on the overall codes counted against us so once we go through this process it will help us.

Trustee Reiser stated that he also took a look at some of the surrounding communities and they are all over the place. He said in his experience there is always a gap between the latest code compared to the adopted code in most municipalities and he could not find town with the latest code. Trustee Reiser added he has concerns that the codes are associated with extra costs because there are additional requirements that are put into the codes which equal greater costs.

Mayor Baldermann stated we have a lot of growth left in New Lenox. We pride ourselves on making sure that quality is being built and that we are doing the right thing. Also, our Staff does a great job working with developers.

The Village Board concurred that no action will be taken on this agenda item and that there will be more conversation regarding the Building Code update.


Mayor Baldermann thanked the New Lenox Police Department for doing a great job with the recent gas station robbery. He went on to thank all of Staff for always doing a great job.

Mayor Baldermann discussed Illinois politics at it’s worse.


No report.


Mr. Carroll thanked the Mayor and Village Board for working so great with Staff and value the opinions of the Staff.


Trustee Madsen made the motion to approve our bi-monthly disbursements in the amount of $4,225,671.98. In addition to these disbursements, approval is needed for a payroll in the amount of $514,467.24 paid on January 24, 2025.

Trustee Scalise seconded the motion.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 6 Trustees Reiser, Scalise, Madsen, Christopherson, Gugliuzza and Mayor Baldermann


NAYS: 0 

ABSENT: 1 Trustee Wilson

The motion carried.

QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR  A resident that lives in Grand Prairie, President of HOA, addressed the Village Board saying the last snow fall there were (7) mailboxes that were damaged. He asked if the fee that the Village reimburses for the damaged mailboxes could be increased.

Mayor Baldermann and the Village Board concurred that this will be looked at.


Trustee Reizer 

Trustee Reizer thanked Staff and their hard work.

Trustee Reizer thanked the New Lenox Police Department for doing such a great job.

Trustee Madsen 

Trustee Madsen had no comments.

Trustee Christopherson 

Trustee Christopherson thanked the New Lenox Police Department and New Lenox Fire Protection District.

Trustee Gugliuzza 

Trustee Gugliuzza had no comments.

Trustee Wilson 


Trustee Scalise 

Trustee Scalise commented on the cost of the mailbox




Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Scalise. Upon voice vote, the motion carried. The Regular Meeting of the Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees held on January 27, 2025 adjourned at 8:10pm.
