Keith Ogle, Village of Frankfort Mayor | Village of Frankfort
Keith Ogle, Village of Frankfort Mayor | Village of Frankfort
Village of Frankfort Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals met Feb. 27.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes of February 13, 2025
4. Public Hearing: 200 Locust Street – Frankfort Park District Main Park Batting Cages (Ref#107)
Request: Major Change to the Frankfort Park District’s Main Park Planned Unit Development to amend the approved Final Development Plan to allow a change to the approved site plan, along with a Zoning Ordinance modifications to increase the allowable maximum height of a fence and type of fence allowed in the ER Estate Residential District, for proposed batting cages, located on the northern portion of the property commonly known as 200 Locust Street, (PIN: 19-09-28-104-083-0000).
5. Public Hearing: 323 Oregon Street – Lee Residence (Ref#106)
Request: Variation to increase the required maximum impervious coverage for the property located in the R-2, Single Family Residential District at 323 Oregon Street, Frankfort, Illinois 60423 (PIN: 19-09-28-209- 009-0000).
6. Workshop: Data Center Text Amendment
7. Public Comments
8. Village Board & Committee Updates
9. Other Business
a. 2024 Year End Review
10. Attendance Confirmation (March 13, 2025)
11. Adjournment